DRAM 237 Introduction to Acting Units: 3.00
A practical introduction to the skills and techniques of acting focusing on the interdependence of movement, voice, intellect, feeling, and cultural context.
NOTE Transportation/Live Performance: estimated cost $55.
NOTE Transportation/Live Performance: estimated cost $55.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Laboratory, 84 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite (Level 2 or above and [6.0 units from BADR 100/3.0; BADR 101/3.0; DRAM 100/6.0] or permission of the School) or registration in the MUTH Plan.
One-Way Exclusion May not be taken with or after DRAM 238/3.0.
Exclusion Maximum of 6.0 units from: DRAM 237/3.0; DRAM 238/3.0; DRAM 239/3.0.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Explore creativity and performance in a way that contributes to one’s own quality of life and personal situation and context.
- Sensitively observe and respond to course exercises and activities through peer feedback and individual reflection.
- Build capacity for public presentation of one's self through acting and performance exercises.
- Develop an understanding of the basic components that make up the art of acting.
- Build collaboration, communication, and team-building skills through engaged participation.