Seamus Burnham

Seamus Burnham

Graduate Student

Mechanical and Materials Engineering

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Seamus Burnham is a first year Master of Applied Science Candidate at Queen鈥檚 University specializing in collaborative biomedical engineering. He recently graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science in biomechanical engineering from Queen鈥檚 University in May 2021. Seamus is currently working as the lead author on a scoping review centered on conceptual models and frameworks used to guide clinical decision-making for aided Augmentative and Alternative communication (AAC) systems. Seamus has presented results related to this research at the Queen鈥檚-McGill Rehabilitation Colloquium and the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) Connect conference. Although Seamus does not have a defined thesis project at this time, it will be in the field of AAC and likely revolve around eye-tracking input methods.