
Be aware of intellectual property and copyright issues and how they apply to materials used on the web. Intellectual property rights ensure that people can earn recognition or benefit financially from their inventions or creations. Copyright laws protect original works of creative expression.

If you want to use a copyrighted work (photos, graphics, video, music and other audio), you either need permission or your use must fall under an exception or limitation in the Copyright Act. There are a variety of exceptions for specific circumstances, but they are generally not applicable when using works on the open web.

To avoid infringing on a creator's copyright, use images that are licensed for use. Failing to do so creates an unnecessary risk to the university. Licensed images may be sourced:

  • through Queen鈥檚 (such as images that are shared in Queen's Image Bank)
  • by paying fees for usage (such as for stock images)
  • by embedding and streaming content from a platform where royalties are paid
  • by using Creative Commons licensed content.

The is a non-profit corporation. It provides free licenses for individuals who want to license their work in a way that allows for the work to be shared, remixed, or used by others for both commercial or non-commercial purposes.