SOP 602 - Communication - Research Participants

Research Ethics at ³ÉÈË´óƬ Standard Operating Procedure

Title: Communication - Research Participants

SOP Code: 602.004

Effective Date: 05/15/2023

Site Approvals:

Meera Sidhu Research Ethics Manager 12/01/2023
Steven Smith Deputy Vice-Principal Research 12/04/2023
Dean Tripp Chair HSREB 05/07/2024
Jacob Brower Chair GREB 05/08/2024



This standard operating procedure (SOP) describes the Research Ethics Board’s (REB) communication with research participants.


This SOP pertains to REBs that review human participant research in compliance with applicable regulations and guidelines.


All REB members and REB Office Personnel are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this SOP are met.


See Glossary of Terms.


Research participants should be able to confidently voice their concerns and questions, and request information regarding their participation or potential participation in research to an informed individual on the REB or in the REB office.

5.1    Communication with Research Participants

5.1.1    Research participants are encouraged to contact (by telephone or, in writing electronically) the REB Office with questions and concerns using the contact information provided in the informed consent document(s). The identity of the participant will be shared with the REB Chair and with the organization’s appropriate representative, if applicable, and if the participant provides their consent.

5.1.2    The REB Office Personnel must document all communication with the research participant.

5.1.3    The REB Office Personnel will communicate participant concerns to the REB Chair or designee.

5.1.4    The REB Chair or designee works to resolve participant issues, which may include a follow-up with the Researcher or the Researcher’s supervisor or other organizational representative and with appropriate federal agencies, as applicable.

5.1.5    The REB Chair or designee documents all communication with the research participant, and a de-identified record of this communication is maintained securely and in the relevant research file.


See References.

SOP Code Effective Date Summary of Changes
SOP602.001 09/15/2014 Original version
SOP602.002 03/08/2016 No revisions needed
SOP602.003 10/08/2019 5.1.1: revision of last sentence including deletion of, ‘if requested’ and ‘will not be recorded: The identity of the participant will be shared with the REB chair and with the organization’s appropriate representative if applicable, and if the
participant provides their consent’.
SOP602.004 05/15/2023 No revisions needed
SOP602.004 12/01/2023 Queen’s Specific Revisions/Clarifications added to the N2 SOPs with modifications in bolded text