Industrial Relations

Our Master of Industrial Relations (MIR) program will prepare you to embark on an exciting career in the broad and dynamic field of Employment Relations. Whether you work in labour relations or human resource management, you will have a direct and positive impact on the productivity and quality of life in contemporary workplaces. Our reputation for an exceptional educational experience and unparalleled alumni network attracts new graduates as well as individuals with extensive work experience.


What determines the prices of goods and services? How do individuals decide how much to spend and save? How can government policies help reduce environmental pollution? These are questions we all face every day. Economics is our attempt to analyze and understand them. Often seen as being all about money, at its more basic level, economics is concerned with the material well-being of human societies. Economics at Queen鈥檚 is widely recognized as one of the leading Economics departments in Canada. The programs are challenging, rigorous, and of small to medium size.

MBA + Law

This four-year combined program capitalizes on the strength of the internationally acclaimed, intensive 12-month Master of Business Administration (MBA) offered by Smith School of Business and the rich program in business law offered by Queen鈥檚 Law. Queen鈥檚 J.D. and MBA degrees will be conferred at the completion of the Combined Program after all requirements for both degrees have been completed.

Civil Law / Common Law

Queen鈥檚 Law admits civil law graduates from the University of Sherbrooke pursuant to an agreement that enables completion of a common law degree in one academic year. Applications from University of Sherbrooke applicants are due on March 1 for admission the following September. If there is sufficient space, civil law graduates from other Quebec law schools may apply for admission by May 1. Applications must be supported by a personal statement, at least one academic letter of reference and some documentation establishing fluency in written and spoken English.


Certificate in Law

The Certificate in Law (CiL) program is your entry point into the fascinating world of Canadian law. Whether you are discovering if a JD or LLM is right for you, or building your skills and competencies to supplement your degree or professional field, the CiL will provide you with a foundational understanding of Canada鈥檚 legal system and critical knowledge that can be applied to any discipline.

Public Administration

The Public Administration graduate program is a bridge between the academic world and the world of public affairs. Our multi-disciplinary MPA programs are focused on policy analysis, development and implementation, preparing new and experienced professionals for rewarding careers in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Our graduates have gone on to hold positions as ministers and senior officials in municipal, provincial and federal governments. They also provide leadership in hospitals, community organizations and national associations across Canada.