Toronto / en Advanced Labour Relations Certificate /node/357 Advanced Labour Relations Certificate Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 02/12/2024 - 19:30

Are you a seasoned labour relations professional or working to build your knowledge in the field of labour relations? A Queen’s IRC certificate in Advanced Labour Relations is right for you! This second-level certificate can only be obtained after completing the certificate in Labour Relations.

The certificate in Advanced Labour Relations offers maximum flexibility to customize your individual training needs and provides recognition from a strong, national institution that is acknowledged across the country to be the best in its field.

Required Programs
Must complete a minimum of 24 credits, including the 12 credits earned towards the Labour Relations Certificate

Elective Programs
Labour Relations Certificate plus 12 electives from any other IRC courses (totalling 24 credits)

Image Program Links Themes business interdisciplinary education Degrees executive education / professional development Delivery Modes Kingston Toronto other online Departments Industrial Relations Centre Faculty Arts and Science ]]>
Mon, 12 Feb 2024 19:30:47 +0000 Anonymous 357 at /ur/homesitewww
Organization Development Fundamentals Certificate /node/328 Organization Development Fundamentals Certificate Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 02/17/2023 - 00:27

This Queen's IRC Professional Development Certificate is designed to propel working practitioners to new heights. Grounded in adult learning principles and the latest practitioner-focused research, Organization Development Fundamentals provides crucial training in an array of topics in the field. We highly recommend this certificate to professionals in mid to upper management roles who wish to accelerate their career and gain practical tool kits and frameworks to improve their workplace. 

Certificates require a minimum of 12 credits, including a core program that differs for each Certificate. The design of our Certificates is based on our extensive knowledge of the field and tested through ongoing consultation with seasoned practitioners in both the private and public sectors. The curriculum reflects the range of skills HR, LR & OD practitioners require to thrive, whether from management or among the union ranks.

Organization Development Fundamentals Certificate Core Course Requirement 

- Organization Development Foundations (3 credits)

Program Links Themes business interdisciplinary education Degrees executive education / professional development Delivery Modes Kingston Toronto other online Departments Industrial Relations Centre Faculty Arts and Science ]]>
Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:27:57 +0000 Anonymous 328 at /ur/homesitewww
Labour Relations Certificate /node/327 Labour Relations Certificate Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 02/17/2023 - 00:27

Whether you are from management or among the union ranks, a Queen’s IRC certificate in Labour Relations tells your colleagues you have received a leading skill-building education and are committed to lifelong learning. The curriculum reflects the range of skills labour relations practitioners require to thrive in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing environment.

We offer Labour Relations Foundations as the core required program for the certificate, which allows learners to build foundational competencies and basic skills in a variety of areas, such as negotiation, labour arbitration, fact-finding, and grievance handling. We also offer more in-depth programs to develop more specialized competencies in these areas. The electives can be chosen based on your current training needs and interests.

Required Programs 
(5 credits)

Elective Programs 
Any other IRC programs (totalling 7 credits)

Image Program Links Themes business interdisciplinary education Degrees executive education / professional development Delivery Modes Kingston Toronto other online Departments Industrial Relations Centre Faculty Arts and Science ]]>
Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:27:57 +0000 Anonymous 327 at /ur/homesitewww
Advanced Human Resources Certificate /node/326 Advanced Human Resources Certificate Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 02/17/2023 - 00:27

Human Resources has never played as critical and impactful a role as it currently does. With this heightened importance, now is the time to deepen your theoretical knowledge, enhance your leadership confidence, and establish a deeper and more strategic approach to your practice with the Queen’s IRC certificate in Advanced Human Resources.

We offer the choice of the or programs as the core required program for this Certificate. The remainder of the credits required for the certificate can be made up from any combination of the other programs that Queen’s IRC offers, which gives you maximum flexibility to customize your individual training needs while obtaining a Certificate from a world-renowned University.

Required Programs 
(3 credits) or 
(3 credits)

Elective Programs 
Any other IRC courses (totalling 9 credits)

Image Program Links Themes business interdisciplinary education Degrees executive education / professional development Delivery Modes Kingston Toronto other online Departments Industrial Relations Centre Faculty Arts and Science ]]>
Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:27:57 +0000 Anonymous 326 at /ur/homesitewww
Advanced Design & Manufacturing Institute /node/184 Advanced Design & Manufacturing Institute sl158 Tue, 11/29/2022 - 15:37

The Advanced Design and Manufacturing Institute (ADMI) offers an exciting graduate program (MEng) for practicing engineers seeking to further their technical knowledge in addition to learning the business and management skills necessary for advancement to the forefront of their profession.

The ADMI MEng program is designed to provide engineers with enhanced skills in engineering design, manufacturing processes, and business management. A partnership of the engineering and business schools of Queen’s University and the University of Western Ontario, this part-time, in-class program is delivered in the Greater Toronto Area.

Program Links Themes business engineering and applied science Degrees master's program Delivery Modes Toronto Departments Smith Engineering Faculty Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs Smith Engineering ]]>
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 15:37:37 +0000 sl158 184 at /ur/homesitewww
Analytics /node/125 Analytics sl158 Tue, 11/29/2022 - 15:36

The Master of Management Analytics from Smith School of Business is the essential degree for the world of data. Realizing the promise of data analytics requires businesspeople who can find the opportunity in the numbers. Learn to master the essential strategies for applying analytics to business needs and harness the incredible power of data. Understand not only how to use data for business needs, but how to structure and manage complex projects and lead high-performance teams.

Smart use of data can unleash potential, generate competitive advantage, improve customer experience, identify risk, and much more. The Master of Management Analytics is the essential training for these careers. Available in person (downtown Toronto) or via blended learning.

Image Program Links Themes analytics / artificial intelligence (AI) business Degrees master's program Delivery Modes Toronto hybrid / blended online Faculty Smith Business ]]>
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 15:36:39 +0000 sl158 125 at /ur/homesitewww
Artificial Intelligence (Management) /node/96 Artificial Intelligence (Management) sl158 Tue, 11/29/2022 - 15:35

The potential of artificial intelligence is extraordinary. The power to transform operations, customer experiences, and product and service design is exponential. These opportunities cut across every sector. Harnessing AI’s potential for competitive performance requires a new type of professional -- one who not only understands the capacity of the science but has the expertise to apply it to organizational needs and strategies, and who can navigate ethical, economic, and societal implications. 

Beginning each year in August, the Smith School of Business's Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence allows you to earn a world-class degree in just 12 months without leaving your current job.

The Program Will Provide:

  • A strong understanding of the technical principles of AI and modern methods for data search and retrieval and how to practically apply them to real world problems;
  • Command of best practices in identifying opportunities for and applying AI;
  • Expertise in the business practices required to effectively use AI and machine learning;
  • Awareness and engagement in the ethical, economic, and societal impacts of computers exhibiting intelligent behavior;
  • Enhancement of skills for communicating complex problems and AI solutions to wide audiences in an organization; and
  • Training in creating and maintaining high performance work teams.
Image Program Links Themes analytics / artificial intelligence (AI) business Degrees master's program Delivery Modes Toronto Departments Smith School of Business Faculty Smith Business ]]>
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 15:35:45 +0000 sl158 96 at /ur/homesitewww
Advanced Executive /node/91 Advanced Executive sl158 Tue, 11/29/2022 - 15:35

Queen's Advanced Executive Certificate is Canada's most popular general management program to take the next step in your career.

Equip yourself with the knowledge and capabilities needed to play a part in the future of your organization. Completing your Queen’s Advanced Executive Certificate showcases your knowledge of the core concepts required to succeed in senior roles: leadership, strategy and execution.

Customize your learning pathway to match your goals with options curated by our team of learning experts, top faculty, and industry professionals to ensure relevance in today’s market. Learn at your own pace with content tailored to your needs. You will earn Queen’s Advanced Executive Certificate by completing the program requirements in your choice of virtual classroom or in-person formats. You choose the order. You choose the timeline.

Image Program Links Themes business Degrees executive education / professional development certificate Delivery Modes Kingston Toronto online Faculty Smith Business ]]>
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 15:35:37 +0000 sl158 91 at /ur/homesitewww
Public Executive /node/31 Public Executive sl158 Tue, 11/29/2022 - 15:33

The Public Executive Program has been developed to address the key leader-manager competencies identified by the Treasury Board of Canada and provincial and municipal public service counterparts. The program provides a unique overview of the frameworks and processes to address policy development, program planning and leadership challenges facing today’s public-sector executives. No other program in Canada provides the same kind of exciting and intensive opportunity to interact with public-sector leaders from a wide variety of jurisdictions across Canada.

In this program you will learn to:

  • Determine the proper scope and limits to government
  • Manage your portfolio ethically, creating a culture of accountability
  • Develop an understanding of the roles of public servants and elected officials in the strategic planning and execution process
  • Demonstrate the importance of ensuring comprehension of the impact of government decisions
  • Understand the power of the media and learn how to manage the message

This program is designed for public-sector managers, directors, and leaders who are looking for fresh perspectives and approaches to policy issues and leadership, in all areas of government, government agencies, and the public service. This program is designated an approved recertification program by the HRPA.

Image Program Links Themes business Degrees executive education / professional development certificate Delivery Modes Kingston Toronto online Faculty Smith Business ]]>
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 15:33:37 +0000 sl158 31 at /ur/homesitewww
Executive Education /node/30 Executive Education sl158 Tue, 11/29/2022 - 15:33

Queen's Executive Education offers customized development programs, digital learning, and open enrollment courses for a new generation of global leaders. Our unique style of professional development helps organizations, management and leadership to develop their potential, embrace change and improve the lives of us all.

Image Program Links Themes finance creative arts business interdisciplinary innovation Degrees executive education / professional development certificate Delivery Modes Kingston Toronto hybrid / blended online Faculty Smith Business ]]>
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 15:33:35 +0000 sl158 30 at /ur/homesitewww