Student Well-Being and Reaching your Potential

This is an online for-credit course offered as an elective for all Queen鈥檚 undergraduate students. The course aims to improve understanding of the determinants of well-being and the importance for success at university.  The course has an optional research component so that we can evaluate if it is effective in imparting mental health literacy and positive mental-health related choices in students who take the course. Students who opt-in to participate in the research aspect will be credited with an additional 5% to their course grade.


You can choose to enrol in this elective course as you would for any other course during a valid course enrolment period. There is a voluntary research component of this course that will evaluate how well taking the course improves knowledge about well-being and mental health and if this knowledge translates into healthy choices in terms of supporting a healthy lifestyle.. You will be providing specific instructions by the course instructor on how to participate in this research, which will take the form of a pre- and post-course survey, and redeem the 5% bonus to your course grade for doing so.

This course integrates evidence from clinical neurosciences, psychology, and psychiatry and has been designed to improve mental health literacy and promote positive change. In addition, this course will contribute elective units towards the completion of a Queen鈥檚 University undergraduate degree. We hope that the findings from this research will help develop and improve resources and services available to students to support them during their studies.

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