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    School of Computing

    Art of Research Photo: Immunofluorescence Stain by Shakeel Virk and Lee Boudreau, CCTG Tissue Bank
    February 4, 2022
    August 25, 2020

    Leveraging state-of-the-art machine learning technologies for biomedical data integration and exploration: this research will help to transform how clinicians treat patients with cancer using a data-driven, precision medicine approach.

    [Child playing video games]
    May 4, 2020

    Queen’s University researcher Mohammad Zulkernine says education is the key to internet security.

    July 22, 2019

    Molecular mechanisms of cancer: this research will identify genetic and epigenetic drivers of cancer, the basis of mutagenesis and DNA repair, and their contribution to cancer etiology.

    [Gabor Fichtinger and Caitlin Yeo]
    October 4, 2018

    How could GPS technology revolutionize surgery? Dr. Gabor Fichtinger and Dr. Caitlin Yeo discuss how NaviKnife provides a more precise 3D image for removing cancerous tissues.

    July 10, 2018

    Developing methods and tools to build and monitor dependable, secure software systems: this research will lead to techniques for detecting software failures and security violations while programs are running.

    July 9, 2018

    Providing techniques and tools to improve the quality of service oriented architecture applications for the Internet: this research will ensure the reliable and cost-effective delivery of web services for large numbers of users with rapidly changing requirements.


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