Search Committees

Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) 

Principal Patrick Deane has determined the membership of a committee to advise him on the appointment of a permanent replacement to fill the position of Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic). The search for the new Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) is already underway. The Committee will begin its work immediately.

Principal鈥檚 Advisory Selection Committee for the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic):

Patrick Deane Principal and Vice-Chancellor (Chair)

Heather Cole Chief of Staff and Legal Advisor Office of the Principal (Secretary)

Nancy Ross Vice-Principal (Research)

Donna Janiec Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration) Ann Tierney Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs Fahimul Quadir Vice-Provost and Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs

Eric Sikich AMS President Beth Langdon President, SGPS

Kanonhsyonne Janice Hill Associate Vice-Principal (Office of Indigenous Initiatives)

David Court Board of Trustees Representative

Jane Philpott Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences

Kevin Deluzio Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Sharon Regan Professor, Department of Biology 

Sandra den Otter Vice-Provost (International)

David Detomasi Adjunct Associate Professor, Smith School of Business

Stephanie Simpson Associate Vice-Principal (Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion)

Nicolas Lamp Associate Professor, Faculty of Law

Dean, Faculty of Law

In accordance with the Appointment of Deans procedure established by Senate, Principal and Vice-Chancellor Patrick Deane is calling upon the Queen鈥檚 community for submissions of opinion on the direction and leadership of the Faculty of Law. Submissions should be directed to the email: Those submitting their views in writing are to state whether they wish to have their letters shown, in confidence, to members of the Advisory Committee. 

Principal Deane would like to thank the following individuals who have agreed to serve on the Advisory Committee:

Teri Shearer, Interim Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) (Chair)

Lori Stewart, Executive Director, Provost鈥檚 Office (Secretary)

Colin Grey, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law

Stacia Loft, Director of Indigenous Initiatives and EDII Programs, Faculty of Law

Stephanie Simpson, Associate Vice-Principal (Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion)

Karla McGrath, Executive Director, Queen鈥檚 Law Clinics and Director, Family Law Clinic, Faculty of Law

Deanna Morash, Executive Director, Administration and Finance, Faculty of Law

Erik Knutsen, Professor, Faculty of Law

Ashwini Vasanthakumar, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law

Lisa Kelly, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law

Wanda Costen, Dean, Smith School of Business

Olivia Moon, President, Law Student Society

Kelley McKinnon, Chair, Dean鈥檚 Advisory Council

As stipulated by the Senate procedures, Principal Deane will also be writing directly to members of the Faculty of Law鈥檚 Faculty Board to invite them to submit their views on the question of potential candidates and matters pertaining to present administration and future development.

All community members are encouraged to fully engage in this process. Principal Deane thanks all for their time and consideration.