Moving In

Perform an Incoming Inspection on your House

  • At the start of the lease, even if you don’t plan on living in the unit for a few months, a renter needs to generate a report for their landlord documenting the move-in condition of the property.​​
  • ​Some landlords accompany their tenants on a walk-through and have their own incoming inspection form. This Incoming-Outgoing Inspection Comparison Chart (PDF, 276KB) is intended to either supplement the landlord’s efforts or guide tenants whose landlord does not provide a form. 
  • If your property has not been fully vacated and has furniture, personal belongings or garbage in it, call your landlord immediately, give a verbal report of your findings and ask that the mess be dealt with immediately.  Follow up all phone calls or in-person conversations with written documentation stating your understanding of what will be done by when. Keep a copy of all correspondence.​
  • Remember, every tenant has the right to a premise that is fit for immediate occupancy!

Secure Liability and Property Insurance

  • Insurance is essential in rental situations.​
  • ​Tenants must obtain their own liability insurance and property insurance for the contents of the space in which they live.​
  • The Landlord will insure the building with respect to liability and property damage but, while the Landlord and Tenant's liability coverage may overlap, the property insurance covered by the Landlord does not cover the interior contents of the Tenant's space.

Make Sure Your House is Up to Code

  • The Student Community Relations Office has prepared an abbreviated Property Code Guide.
  • If your dwelling doesn't comply, put your request for repairs in writing to your landlord. Keep a copy of all correspondence for your records.
  • If the problem isn't addressed within a reasonable time, Student Community Relations can provide advice and link you with the appropriate agency.

Know Your Tenant's Rights

  • In Ontario the relationship between a landlord and tenant is legislated by the . This website contains details on tenant's rights and responsibilities.
  • You can also call the toll-free line of the at 1-888-332-3234 for more information.