City Services


Full-time Queen's students are provided with unlimited access to Kingston Transit bus services for a full twelve months, from September to the following summer. Just show your student card to the driver. See the Kingston Transit website for more information.

Utilities Kingston

  • Utilities are the essential necessities that you need in your home.
  • These necessities: Water, Sewer, Electric, and Gas
  • Utilities Kingston provides water, sewer, gas and electricity services for all Kingston residents
  • See the Utilities Kingston website for more information on how to set up, monitor, or close an account

Garbage and Recycling

  • Garbage and recycling is collected on a weekly basis in Kingston. 
  • There is a one-bag limit on household waste. Each bag in excess of the limit must be tagged. Bag tags are available for purchase on campus at the Pharmacy in the ARC
  • Kingston also utilizes a two-box recycling system using grey and blue recycling bins that alternate every week. Grey boxes are to be filled with fibre material containing paper, cardboard, and plastic bags. Blue boxes are to be filled with plastic and glass containers, bottles and cans. 
  • For more information on garbage and recycling collection schedules, please visit the City of Kingston Waste website

Parking Regulations

  • Parking regulations are monitored and enforced on an ongoing basis to achieve compliance with City of Kingston Parking Bylaws. Please follow all street parking signage and regulations. 
  • Winter Parking Regulations​ - The City of Kingston prohibits parking on any city street from December 1st to March 31st, between the hours of 1:00am - 7:00am to allow for snow removal. (some exceptions apply)
  • Please see the City of Kingston Parking Regulations website for more information.


  • Bylaws are city regulations governing everything from parking infractions to property standards. For more information, please see the City of Kingston Bylaws website.
  • Some bylaws of interest to students relate to the use of indoor furniture outdoors and noise.
    • Noise Prohibitions by Time and Place - There is a 24-hour prohibition on "the operation of any electronic device or group of connected electronic devices incorporating one or more loudspeakers or other electro-mechanical transducers, and intended for the production, reproduction or amplification of sound" (Bylaw 9309 0 1979; 80-191 - 1981). In short, if noise from your stereo/band/TV is disturbing your neighbours - at any hour of the day or night - you may face a penalty of up to $5,000
    • Use of Indoor Furniture Outdoors - Yards 2.5a) All furniture for exterior use shall be of a material that readily repels water. Furniture that becomes dilapidated shall be disposed of. (Bylaw 83-56 - 1975). 
  • To report a bylaw infraction, contact 613-546-4291 ext. 3135