Following the release of the Queen’s University Indigenous Identity Project Final Report: â€˜Gii-Ikidonaaniwan’ • ‘It has been said’, from First Peoples Group on July 8th, questions and concerns regarding the report have been expressed by members of the Queen’s University community and by external stakeholders. Queen’s University has accepted the findings of the report in principle and in response has begun the work of creating an Indigenous Oversight Council. This council will provide advice and direction on any decisions the university will make regarding questions of Indigenous identity and citizenship as well as on review and consideration of the recommendations. 

All further decisions regarding the various elements of the report will be forthcoming over the next year as the oversight council is established. 

In the interim, multiple meetings and working groups are being developed to ensure all voices are heard and all concerns are taken into consideration. A debrief meeting has already taken place with the Indigenous Caucus to discuss details around the report as well as for individual concerns and questions to be voiced. A meeting is currently being planned for the Elders Advisory Circle regarding the report, to ensure all Indigenous advisory bodies for Queen’s University are given the opportunity to offer their thoughts and feedback on the path forward.

In addition to these meetings, a steering committee will be established ahead of the Oversight Council to develop interim strategies and processes for the university to undertake while the council is established and to address immediate issues and concerns. Further details regarding the interim steering committee and developments regarding the oversight council will be announced when they become available.

The Office of Indigenous Initiatives would like to provide an opportunity for each member of our Indigenous network to provide their personal thoughts, concerns, and questions regarding the report. If you are interested in providing feedback, please fill out. 

If you have any other questions or concerns regarding the report or plans moving forward, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Miigwetch, Nyá:wen, Thank you.