%PDF-1.3 % 1 0 obj << /OPM 1 /Type/ExtGState >> endobj 2 0 obj << /FL 1 /SM 0.01 /Type/ExtGState >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Length 9250 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 96.866 413.858 500.063 re f 72.52 61.657 413.858 13.0081 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 73.5197 68.1942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(SEPTEMBRE-NOVEMBRE 2007)-250(\320 V)30(OL.)-250(25 \320 N\241)-250(5-6)]TJ ET 1 g 72.52 667.795 413.858 17.0079 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 73.5197 672.2113 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (Article original )Tj ET Q q BT /F1 1 Tf 14 0 0 16.1 163.7267 672.2113 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (/)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 169.5598 672.2113 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.018 Tw [(Original Ar)-1(ticle)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 297.3389 672.2113 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(Journal d\325\203conomie M\216dicale 2007, V)111(ol. 25, n\241)-250(5-6, 00-00)]TJ ET 1 g 72.52 387.388 413.858 207.537 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 22 0 0 22 72.5197 579.8802 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.014 Tc 0 Tw (Le r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.001 Tc [(au Qu\216bec)-124(: un par)1(tenariat public/priv\216)]TJ T* [(confr)19(ont\216 \210 des d\216fis)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 152.6851 487.0559 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(M.-P)111(. P)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 8.25 0 0 8.25 185.3843 487.0559 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (OMEY)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 7.7 0 0 7.7 209.669 489.2872 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (1)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 213.519 487.0559 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (,)Tj 0.49991 0 Td 0 Tw [(P)111(.-G. F)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 8.25 0 0 8.25 249.8813 487.0559 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (OREST)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 7.7 0 0 7.7 276.005 489.2872 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (2)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 279.855 487.0559 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (,)Tj 0.49989 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw [(E.)-250(M)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 8.25 0 0 8.25 307.3523 487.0559 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(AR)60(TIN)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 7.7 0 0 7.7 332.058 489.2872 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (3)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 335.908 487.0559 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (,)Tj 0.44506 0 Td 0 Tw (A. B)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 8.25 0 0 8.25 361.5818 487.0559 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (ERESNIAK)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 7.7 0 0 7.7 402.3625 489.2872 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (4)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.3 0 0 6.3 76.5999 461.2345 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (1)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 79.7499 459.4157 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (Professeure adjointe, D\216partement d\325administration de la sant\216, Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en sant\216,)Tj 1.20353 -1.11111 TD [(Facult\216 de M\216decine, Universit\216 de Montr\216al, 1420, boul. du Mt Royal, Montr\216al, QC H2V)-232(4P3, Canada)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.3 0 0 6.3 101.5597 438.3999 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (2)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 104.7097 436.5811 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (Pr\216sident, Fondation Pierre-Eliott )Tj 13.70044 0 TD [(T)35(rudeau, Professeur titulaire, D\216partement de science politique, )]TJ -5.41829 -1.11112 TD (Facult\216 des sciences sociales, Universit\216 Laval, Qu\216bec)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.3 0 0 6.3 115.3278 415.5652 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (3)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 118.4778 413.7466 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (D\216partement de science politique, Facult\216 des sciences sociales, Universit\216 Laval, Qu\216bec)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.3 0 0 6.3 83.0961 402.7307 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (4)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 86.2461 400.9118 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche )55(Appliqu\216e en \203conomie de la Sant\216, Universit\216 Paris-Descartes,)]TJ 11.25579 -1.12722 TD [(France)-125(; Data Mining International, Gen\217ve, Suisse)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 72.5197 356.2849 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (R\203SUM\203)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 330.1118 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.023 Tc 0 Tw (Objectif)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 124.1543 330.1118 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0242 Tc (:)Tj 0.4662 0 Td -0.024 Tc -0.013 Tw (\203tudier les raisons pour lesquelles le Qu\216bec a mis en place un partenariat public/priv\216)Tj -5.16025 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0.022 Tw [(unique en )55(Am\216rique du Nord pour couvrir l\325ensemble de sa population contre le risque m\216di-)]TJ T* 0 Tw (cament et analyser les d\216fis auxquels le r\216gime a d\236 faire face depuis sa cr\216ation.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 288.4424 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (M\216thodes)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 133.8833 288.4424 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (:)Tj 0.51753 0 Td 0 Tc -0.01 Tw (Enqu\220te et analyse de 19 entretiens avec un \216chantillon de d\216cideurs ayant par-)Tj -6.09604 -1.0909 TD 0 Tw [(ticip\216 \210 la cr\216ation du r\216gime et de responsables du r\216gime en vigueur)55(.)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 258.7731 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.002 Tc 0 Tw (R\216sultats)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 131.5755 258.7731 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0011 Tc (:)Tj 0.56654 0 Td 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw [(Le Qu\216bec se dif)18(f\216rencie par son r\216gime obligatoire d\325assurance m\216dicaments)]TJ -5.93525 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc -0.026 Tw (instaur\216 en 1997, bas\216 sur un partenariat public/priv\216. Ce r\216gime est n\216 d\325un compromis m\216na-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.008 Tw (geant les assureurs priv\216s, tout en \216vitant une augmentation des imp\231ts au cours d\325une p\216riode)Tj T* 0.005 Tc 0.033 Tw [(o\235 le gouvernement cherchait \210 atteindre un d\216ficit budg\216taire z\216ro. )55(Au cours de ces 10 der-)]TJ T* -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw [(ni\217res ann\216es, le r\216gime a eu \210 faire face \210 trois grands d\216fis)-125(: sa complexit\216, ses barri\217res finan-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (ci\217res \210 l\325accessibilit\216 et, enfin, son absence de politique du m\216dicament.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 181.1039 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (Conclusion)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 140.6268 181.1039 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (:)Tj 0.54644 0 Td 0 Tc 0.019 Tw (Malgr\216 quelques accomplissements et ajustements, le r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assu)Tj 30.55277 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -37.29076 -1.09091 TD 0.01 Tc 0.027 Tw (rance m\216dicaments du Qu\216bec a encore des d\216fis importants \210 relever afin de rem\216dier aux)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (sources d\325iniquit\216 entre le r\216gime public et le r\216gime priv\216.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 72.5197 134.7652 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.024 Tc 0 Tw (Mots-cl\216s)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 116.5515 134.7652 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0224 Tc (:)Tj 0.58782 0 Td 0.022 Tc 0.015 Tw (R\216gime d\325assurance m\216dicaments, Partenariat public/priv\216, Industrie pharmaceutique, )Tj -4.991 -1.1 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (Qu\216bec, Canada.)Tj ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 185.6 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 1)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 4 0 obj << /Length 6592 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 673.4641 413.858 31.181 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (2)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 262.7315 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.61089 0.00001 TD (e)Tj 0.69379 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments au Qu\216bec)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.157 413.858 13.008 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 357.5615 67.6942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(JOURNAL)-232(D\325\203CONOMIE M\203DICALE)]TJ ET 1 g 72.52 322.0891 413.858 345.706 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 72.5197 659.5888 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw [(SUMMAR)36(Y)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 630.5809 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.026 Tc 0.013 Tw [(Quebec\325)38(s Drug Insurance Pr)19(ogram: )19(The Challenges of a Model for)-269(a Public/Private )]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD 0.001 Tc 0 Tw [(Par)1(tnership)]TJ 1.28847 -1.60629 TD 0.002 Tc (Objectives)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 136.2845 600.9116 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0009 Tc (:)Tj 0.54858 0 Td 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw [(T)70(o disclose why Quebec chose to implement a universal, private-public pres-)]TJ -6.34538 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc 0.002 Tw [(cription drug insurance program that is unique in North )55(America and to discuss the challenges)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tw (that have faced the program since its creation ten years ago.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 559.2423 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.003 Tc 0 Tw (Methods)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 127.3252 559.2423 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.004 Tc (:)Tj 0.644 0 Td -0.034 Tw (Analysis of interviews with 19 decision-makers who had helped to create the pro-)Tj -5.62632 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (gram or who presently manage it.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 529.5731 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.006 Tc 0 Tw (Results)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 121.3254 529.5731 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0054 Tc (:)Tj 0.57074 0 Td 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw [(Quebec\325)55(s prescription drug insurance program, implemented in 1997, is distinct)]TJ -5.00762 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc -0.03 Tw (from programs elsewhere in that participation is obligatory for all residents of the province and)Tj T* -0.037 Tw [(coverage is provided by both Quebec\325)55(s public insurer and private providers. )18(The program is the)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD -0.014 Tc -0.023 Tw (result of a compromise that protected the interests of private insurers while avoiding a tax increase)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.022 Tw (during a time when the government was pursuing a zero-deficit policy)Tj 27.81951 0.00001 TD -0.0001 Tc (.)Tj 0.47826 0 Td 0 Tc (Over the past ten years,)Tj -28.29777 -1.09091 TD 0.037 Tw (the program has faced three major challenges: its complexity)Tj 24.61152 0.00001 TD -0.0001 Tc (,)Tj 0.5371 0 Td 0 Tc (financial barriers to access and)Tj -25.14862 -1.09091 TD 0 Tw [(the lack of a pharmaceutical policy)65(.)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 439.9038 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (Conclusion)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 139.2518 439.9038 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (:)Tj 0.50414 0 Td 0 Tc -0.024 Tw [(Despite its accomplishments and a number of adjustments, Quebec\325)55(s prescrip-)]TJ -6.57069 -1.09091 TD -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw (tion drug insurance program must still overcome significant hurdles before it can hope to address)Tj T* 0.001 Tc 0.037 Tw (inequities between the private and public components of the program and indeed ensure pro-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (gram viability for future years.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 72.5197 381.5652 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (Key-words)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 119.1975 381.5652 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0002 Tc (:)Tj 0.56559 0 Td 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(Prescription drug insurance program, Public/private partnership, Pharmaceutical industry)64(,)]TJ -5.23337 -1.1 TD 0 Tw (Quebec, Canada.)Tj ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 185.6 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 2)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 5 0 obj << /Length 10406 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 145.49 413.858 522.3051 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 72.5197 659.8496 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (INTRODUCTION)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 627.3883 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.014 Tc -0.018 Tw (La province de Qu\216bec, au Canada, est par-)Tj -1.28847 -1.14716 TD 0.011 Tc 0.031 Tw [(ticuli\217re en )55(Am\216rique du Nord tout d\325abord)]TJ 0 -1.14715 TD 0.005 Tc -0.03 Tw (par sa langue, son histoire, mais aussi par ses)Tj 0 -1.14716 TD 0.002 Tc -0.035 Tw (politiques sociales [1]. Elle se distingue aussi)Tj T* 0.005 Tc 0.025 Tw (par son r\216gime m\216dicaments. Le Qu\216bec est)Tj 0 -1.14715 TD 0.018 Tc 0.024 Tw (la seule province au Canada \210 avoir mis en)Tj 0 -1.14716 TD 0.029 Tc 0.013 Tw (place un r\216gime d\325assurance m\216dicaments)Tj 0 -1.14715 TD 0.018 Tc 0.024 Tw (obligatoire pour tous les r\216sidents reposant)Tj T* -0.005 Tc -0.027 Tw (sur une collaboration public/priv\216. Ce r\216gime,)Tj 0 -1.14716 TD 0.011 Tc 0.032 Tw (mis en place en 1997, est n\216 \210 la suite d\325in-)Tj 0 -1.14714 TD -0.003 Tc -0.03 Tw (tenses discussions et de forts tiraillements. En)Tj 0 -1.14716 TD -0.009 Tc 0 Tw (ef)Tj 0.74065 0.00001 TD -0.023 Tw (fet, les lois f\216d\216rales de 1957 sur l\325assurance)Tj -0.74065 -1.14716 TD 0.005 Tc -0.008 Tw (hospitalisation, puis celle sur les soins m\216di-)Tj T* 0.019 Tw (caux, en 1966, ont incit\216 les provinces et les)Tj T* 0.03 Tc 0.018 Tw (territoires du Canada \210 mettre en place un)Tj 0 -1.14715 TD 0.014 Tc 0.029 Tw (r\216gime public d\325assurance maladie, financ\216)Tj 0 -1.14716 TD -0.014 Tc -0.019 Tw (par l\325interm\216diaire de transferts f\216d\216raux, mais)Tj 0 -1.14715 TD -0.012 Tc -0.021 Tw (se cantonnant aux soins hospitaliers et aux ser-)Tj 0 -1.14716 TD 0.01 Tc 0.032 Tw [(vices of)18(ferts par les m\216decins. Dans ce sys-)]TJ T* 0.012 Tc 0.03 Tw (t\217me d\216centralis\216, les provinces et les terri-)Tj 0 -1.14715 TD 0.011 Tc 0.032 Tw (toires ont donc eu la possibilit\216 d\325of)Tj 14.9623 0 TD 0.01 Tc (frir une)Tj -14.9623 -1.14717 TD -0.01 Tc -0.023 Tw (couverture suppl\216mentaire pour d\325autres biens)Tj 0 -1.14716 TD 0.03 Tc 0.187 Tw (et services comme les m\216dicaments non)Tj T* 0.009 Tc 0.033 Tw (consomm\216s dans un \216tablissement de sant\216.)Tj T* 0.01 Tc (Cette fa\215on de concevoir le m\216dicament est)Tj T* -0.005 Tc -0.027 Tw [(dif)18(f\216rente de celle partag\216e en Europe, en par-)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw (ticulier en France, o\235 les m\216dicaments pres)Tj 17.70593 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.14716 TD 0.022 Tc 0.021 Tw (crits en dehors des \216tablissements de sant\216)Tj T* -0.012 Tc -0.021 Tw (ont, d\217s le d\216part, \216t\216 introduits parmi les pres-)Tj 0 -1.14715 TD 0.016 Tc 0.027 Tw (tations couvertes par le r\216gime d\325assurance)Tj 0 -1.14716 TD 0.005 Tc 0.036 Tw (maladie [2]. Dans cet article, nous pr\216sente)Tj 17.70593 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.14716 TD -0.005 Tc -0.027 Tw (rons tout d\325abord en quoi le cas du Qu\216bec est)Tj T* 0.005 Tc 0.037 Tw [(dif)18(f\216rent de celui des autres provinces cana-)]TJ T* -0.02 Tc -0.013 Tw (diennes et des \203tats-Unis. Nous verrons ensuite)Tj T* -0.019 Tc -0.014 Tw (pourquoi le Qu\216bec a d\216cid\216 de mettre en place)Tj T* 0.022 Tc 0.021 Tw (ce r\216gime. Enfin, nous \216tudierons les d\216fis)Tj T* 0.001 Tc -0.034 Tw (auxquels le r\216gime a d\236 faire face au cours de)Tj T* 0.008 Tc 0.035 Tw (ces dix derni\217res ann\216es et ceux encore non)Tj T* 0.005 Tc 0 Tw (r\216solus.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 287.9527 659.8496 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (I. SP\203CIFICIT\203 DU QU\203BEC )Tj 0 -1.08334 TD [(EN MA)75(TI\351RE DE COUVER)36(TURE)]TJ 0 -1.08333 TD -0.056 Tw [(M\203DICAMENT)-231(EN AM\203RIQUE )]TJ 0 -1.08334 TD 0 Tw (DU NORD)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 594.4938 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw (Il existe une vari\216t\216 importante de modali-)Tj -1.28848 -1.0909 TD 0.025 Tc 0.021 Tw [(t\216s de prise en char)18(ge des m\216dicaments en)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.008 Tw [(Am\216rique du Nord. )55(Aux \203tats-Unis, en fonc-)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD 0.013 Tc 0.024 Tw (tion du r\216gime par lequel les individus sont)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.009 Tw [(assur\216s, la couverture m\216dicament sera dif)18<668E>-1(-)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw [(rente. )55(Au Canada, alors qu\325il existe une pro-)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (tection publique pour les frais hospitaliers et)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.02 Tc -0.018 Tw (m\216dicaux, les m\216dicaments n\325ont pas \216t\216 inclus)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.002 Tc -0.035 Tw (dans le panier de services de base [3, 4]. Nous)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.013 Tc 0.025 Tw (pr\216senterons la situation actuelle aux \203tats-)Tj T* 0.019 Tc 0.018 Tw (Unis, au Canada (en dehors du Qu\216bec) et,)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (enfin, le r\216gime qu\216b\216cois.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 438.231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.024 Tc 0 Tw (A. Organisation de l\325acc\217s aux m\216dicaments)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.001 Tc (aux \203tats-Unis)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 399.8753 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.006 Tc 0.021 Tw (Aux \203tats-Unis, l\325employeur constitue la)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD -0.031 Tc -0.016 Tw (principale source d\325acc\217s \210 une couverture m\216di)Tj 17.70578 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70578 -1.09091 TD -0.002 Tc 0.03 Tw (caments, particuli\217rement pour les personnes)Tj T* -0.003 Tc 0.031 Tw (syndiqu\216es travaillant au sein de compagnies)Tj T* -0.009 Tc 0.036 Tw (priv\216es [5]. Les personnes non syndiqu\216es ou)Tj T* 0.014 Tc 0.013 Tw (professionnels autonomes doivent s\325assurer)Tj T* -0.026 Tc -0.021 Tw (aupr\217s de compagnies d\325assurance priv\216es. Pour)Tj -0.0101 Tc (ce)' 1.12953 0 Td -0.01 Tc 0.022 Tw (qui est des programmes publics, le gouver)Tj 16.57639 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.09091 TD 0.015 Tc 0.219 Tw [(nement f\216d\216ral of)18(fre une assurance \210 ses)]TJ T* -0.003 Tc 0.03 Tw (employ\216s f\216d\216raux, aux v\216t\216rans et membres)Tj T* -0.019 Tc -0.029 Tw (des forces arm\216es, ainsi qu\325une couverture sous)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.006 Tc 0.022 Tw (forme d\325assistance aux b\216n\216ficiaires du pro-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tc -0.035 Tw (gramme Medicaid, destin\216 aux individus \210 tr\217s)Tj T* 0.013 Tc 0.014 Tw (faible revenu [6]. Des programmes pour les)Tj T* -0.018 Tc -0.03 Tw (m\216dicaments sont \216galement en place dans cer-)Tj T* 0.015 Tc 0.158 Tw (tains \203tats qui of)Tj 7.47341 0.00001 TD (frent des subventions ou)Tj -7.47341 -1.09091 TD -0.019 Tc -0.029 Tw (octroient des rabais [7]. En janvier 2007, 42 des)Tj T* -0.014 Tc -0.034 Tw [(50 \203tats of)18(fraient des programmes d\325assistance)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc -0.03 Tw (ou d\325assurance g\216n\216ralement destin\216s aux per)Tj 17.70592 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.09091 TD -0.004 Tc 0.031 Tw (sonnes \211g\216es, handicap\216es ou \210 faible revenu)Tj T* 0.005 Tc 0.022 Tw (qui ne se qualifiaient pas pour Medicaid. En)Tj T* -0.006 Tc 0.033 Tw (somme, la couverture \210 laquelle ont acc\217s les)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 687.637 413.858 17.008 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (M)Tj 0.88886 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(.-P)111(. Pomey)65(, P)110(.-G. Forest, E.)-250(Martin, )55(A. Beresniak)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 479.8779 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (3)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.657 413.858 13.0081 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 73.5197 68.1942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(SEPTEMBRE-NOVEMBRE 2007)-250(\320 V)30(OL.)-250(25 \320 N\241)-250(5-6)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 185.6 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 3)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 6 0 obj << /Length 11396 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.01 Tc 0.029 Tw (Am\216ricains demeure \210 g\216om\216trie variable, les)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.026 Tc -0.021 Tw [(dif)18(f\216rences entre les divers plans priv\216s et m\220me)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.027 Tw [(entre les dif)18(f\216rents programmes de Medicaid)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (\216tant souvent importantes [5].)Tj 1.28847 -1.87551 TD -0.002 Tc 0.03 Tw (Pour sa part, le programme Medicare, qui)Tj -1.28847 -1.0909 TD -0.021 Tc -0.027 Tw [(s\325adresse aux personnes \211g\216es, n\325a jamais of)18(fert)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw (de couverture pour les m\216dicaments prescrits)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.027 Tw (et consomm\216s en milieu ambulatoire. Si cer-)Tj T* 0.001 Tc 0.026 Tw (tains retrait\216s peuvent b\216n\216ficier d\325une assu-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.022 Tc -0.025 Tw [(rance par le biais de leur ancien employeur)40(, pr\217s)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD 0.003 Tc 0.025 Tw (du tiers des a\224n\216s et des personnes \210 revenus)Tj T* -0.027 Tc -0.02 Tw (modestes n\325ont acc\217s \210 aucune couverture m\216di-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.003 Tc 0.031 Tw [(caments [4]. )18(T)70(outefois, en d\216cembre 2003, le)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc -0.029 Tw (pr\216sident Bush a promulgu\216 la )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 204.7927 495.8812 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.01 Tc -0.029 Tw [(Medicar)37(e Pr)37(es)-1(-)]TJ -12.02482 -1.09091 TD -0.007 Tc 0.034 Tw [(cription Drug, Impr)37(ovement, and Moderniza-)]TJ T* 0.012 Tc -0.002 Tw (tion Act)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 108.0539 471.8811 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0117 Tc (,)Tj 0.5391 0 Td 0.012 Tc 0.016 Tw (qui instaurait notamment le Part D)Tj -3.76948 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tc 0.018 Tw (Drug Benefit, un programme entr\216 en vigueur)Tj T* -0.031 Tc -0.017 Tw (en janvier 2006. Il s\325agit d\325un programme volon-)Tj T* -0.03 Tc (taire d\325assurance m\216dicaments destin\216 aux b\216n\216-)Tj T* -0.01 Tc -0.005 Tw (ficiaires de Medicare qui, en juin 2006, comp)Tj 17.70592 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.09091 TD -0.001 Tc 0.028 Tw [(tait d\216j\210 22,5 millions d\325adh\216rents [8]. )55(Ainsi,)]TJ T* -0.007 Tc 0.035 Tw (les b\216n\216ficiaires peuvent choisir de conserver)Tj T* -0.01 Tc 0.006 Tw (leur plan d\325assurance actuel, de s\325enr\231ler dans)Tj T* -0.013 Tc -0.034 Tw (le Part D s\325ils n\325ont pas d\325assurances ou encore)Tj T* 0.014 Tc 0.013 Tw (de substituer leur ancien plan par le Part D.)Tj T* -0.01 Tc -0.024 Tw (Notons que le programme pr\216voit une subven-)Tj T* 0.015 Tc 0.451 Tw (tion du gouvernement f\216d\216ral pour les)Tj T* -0.001 Tc 0.028 Tw (employeurs, allocation pour les encourager \210)Tj T* -0.01 Tc 0.001 Tw [(continuer d\325of)18(frir une protection m\216dicaments)]TJ -0.0101 Tc <88>' 0.67378 0 Td -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (leur personnel retrait\216.)Tj 0.61469 -1.87551 TD -0.013 Tc -0.024 Tw (Medicare n\325of)Tj 5.4791 0.00001 TD (fre, ni ne g\217re lui-m\220me cette)Tj -6.76757 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.002 Tw (assurance, le gouvernement ayant plut\231t opt\216)Tj T* 0.015 Tw (pour l\325instauration d\325un syst\217me de comp\216ti-)Tj T* -0.008 Tc -0.029 Tw (tion entre des assureurs priv\216s r\216partis dans 39)Tj T* 0.005 Tc 0.033 Tw [(r\216gions. \313 l\325heure actuelle, 65 or)18(ganisations)]TJ T* -0.013 Tc 0 Tw (of)Tj 0.78845 0.00001 TD -0.024 Tw [(frent pr\217s de 1)-112(400 plans qui dif)18(f\217rent notam-)]TJ -0.78845 -1.09091 TD -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw (ment au chapitre des m\216dicaments couverts et)Tj T* -0.005 Tc -0.033 Tw (du montant des franchises et des coassurances)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.009 Tw ([9]. Ces or)Tj 4.24797 0.00001 TD (ganisations se sont aussi dot\216es de)Tj -4.24797 -1.09091 TD 0.026 Tw (divers outils pour g\216rer les risques et contr\231)Tj 17.70591 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70591 -1.09091 TD -0.016 Tw (ler les co\236ts, notamment par des programmes)Tj T* 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (d\325achats massifs ou encore en encourageant)Tj T* (leurs adh\216rents \210 importer des m\216dicaments)Tj T* -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (moins co\236teux en provenance du Canada, une)Tj T* -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw (pratique ill\216gale, mais tol\216r\216e par la Food and)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (Drug )Tj 2.2498 0 TD (Administration [5, 7].)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.024 Tc 0 Tw (B. Organisation de l\325acc\217s aux m\216dicaments)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.001 Tc (au Canada)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 621.9645 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0.02 Tw (En 1947, la Saskatchewan fut la premi\217re)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD -0.024 Tc -0.014 Tw (province canadienne \210 instaurer un r\216gime d\325as-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.014 Tc 0.023 Tw (surance hospitalisation qui couvrait les ser-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.021 Tw (vices m\216dicaux, les tests diagnostiques et les)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.006 Tc 0.031 Tw [(m\216dicaments en milieu hospitalier)55(. Il faudra)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.035 Tw (attendre 1972 avant que toutes les provinces)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc -0.007 Tw (canadiennes aient instaur\216 un acc\217s universel)Tj T* 0.037 Tw (gratuit aux services m\216dicaux, dont le finan-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.01 Tc 0.027 Tw (cement sera assur\216 par un partage des co\236ts)Tj T* -0.011 Tc -0.027 Tw (entre le gouvernement f\216d\216ral et les provinces.)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5247 0.00001 TD -0.016 Tc -0.021 Tw (ous les Canadiens ont acc\217s aux m\216dicaments)Tj -0.5247 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.015 Tw (prescrits \210 l\325h\231pital par le biais de ce syst\217me)Tj T* 0.019 Tw [(public. )18(T)70(outefois, les m\216dicaments dispens\216s)]TJ T* -0.029 Tw (dans le secteur ambulatoire ne sont pas inclus)Tj T* -0.004 Tc -0.034 Tw (dans le panier des services couverts au titre de)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (la )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 298.229 441.9645 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (Loi canadienne sur la sant\216)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 421.121 441.9645 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (promulgu\216e en)Tj -12.10621 -1.09091 TD 0 Tw (1984 [10].)Tj ET Q q BT /F12 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 408.3449 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1. Provinces canadiennes en dehors )Tj 0 -1.09091 TD (du Qu\216bec)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 366.9631 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (a. la couver)Tj 4.74829 0 TD [(tur)37(e m\216dicament)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 343.2505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.02 Tc -0.017 Tw (La couverture m\216dicament fait l\325objet d\325une)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (gestion et d\325une prestation d\216centralis\216e, au)Tj T* -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw (niveau des dix provinces et des trois territoires,)Tj T* 0.003 Tc 0.035 Tw (qui financent des programmes publics par le)Tj T* -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw [(biais des imp\231ts g\216n\216raux. )55(Ainsi, la g\216n\216rosit\216)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.037 Tw (de la couverture pour les m\216dicaments a lar)Tj 17.70592 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.09091 TD -0.037 Tw (gement repos\216 sur la capacit\216 fiscale des gou-)Tj T* 0.026 Tw (vernements et sur leurs ambitions en mati\217re)Tj T* 0.011 Tc 0.027 Tw (de politique sociale [4]. Dans la plupart des)Tj T* 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw (provinces canadiennes, les personnes \211g\216es,)Tj T* 0.017 Tc 0.02 Tw (certains groupes vuln\216rables, les personnes)Tj T* -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (souf)Tj 1.66281 0.00001 TD -0.027 Tw (frant de maladies particuli\217res dont le trai)Tj 16.043 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70581 -1.09092 TD 0.008 Tc 0.029 Tw (tement est co\236teux ou les individus dont les)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw (d\216penses en m\216dicaments exc\217dent leur capa)Tj 17.7058 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.7058 -1.09091 TD -0.004 Tc (cit\216 de payer re\215oivent une forme d\325aide, dont)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (le degr\216 varie d\325une province \210 l\325autre. \313 titre)Tj T* (d\325exemple, quatre provinces anglophones ont)Tj T* -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw (instaur\216 des r\216gimes publics accessibles \210 tous)Tj T* 0.021 Tc 0.017 Tw (leurs r\216sidents \(Alberta, Manitoba, Saskat-)Tj T* 0.013 Tc 0.024 Tw (chewan et Colombie-Britannique\), dont ces)Tj T* 0.01 Tc 0.028 Tw (derniers peuvent se pr\216valoir s\325ils n\325ont pas)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 673.4641 413.858 31.181 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (4)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 262.7315 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.61089 0.00001 TD (e)Tj 0.69379 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments au Qu\216bec)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.157 413.858 13.008 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 357.5615 67.6942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(JOURNAL)-232(D\325\203CONOMIE M\203DICALE)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 185.6 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 4)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 7 0 obj << /Length 12240 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (acc\217s \210 un r\216gime priv\216, et ce, moyennant une)Tj 0 -1.11038 TD 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw (forme de franchise)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 156.2006 651.5975 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (1)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 162.6786 648.2974 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw (et de coassurance)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 240.8391 651.5975 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (2)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 244.1546 648.2974 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0023 Tc (.)Tj 0.53971 0 Td 0.002 Tc 0 Tw (Pour)Tj -16.14288 -1.11038 TD -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw [(sa part, le gouvernement f\216d\216ral of)18(fre une pro-)]TJ 0 -1.11039 TD 0.003 Tc 0.035 Tw (tection pour les m\216dicaments pour les popu-)Tj 0 -1.11037 TD -0.009 Tc -0.028 Tw (lations autochtones (am\216rindiennes et inuites),)Tj 0 -1.11038 TD 0 Tc 0.036 Tw (les v\216t\216rans, les membres des forces arm\216es,)Tj T* 0.008 Tc 0.029 Tw (certaines cat\216gories d\325immigrants et les pri-)Tj 0 -1.11039 TD -0.004 Tc -0.033 Tw [(sonniers [9]. Or)40(, c\325est le secteur priv\216 qui joue)]TJ 0 -1.11038 TD 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw (le r\231le le plus significatif dans la couverture)Tj 0 -1.11039 TD 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (m\216dicament puisque pr\217s des deux tiers des)Tj 0 -1.11037 TD -0.014 Tc -0.023 Tw (Canadiens y ont acc\217s par le biais d\325assurances)Tj 0 -1.11039 TD -0.015 Tc -0.022 Tw (priv\216es contract\216es par leur employeur ou indi-)Tj 0 -1.11038 TD 0.011 Tc 0.026 Tw [(viduellement. )18(T)70(outefois, certains Canadiens)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.006 Tw [(\(environ 2)-256(%\) ne sont pas prot\216g\216s contre les)]TJ 0 -1.11039 TD 0.018 Tw (d\216penses catastrophiques. Ces individus sont)Tj T* 0.012 Tc 0.026 Tw (surtout concentr\216s dans les provinces atlan-)Tj 0 -1.11038 TD -0.016 Tc -0.021 Tw (tiques \(Nouveau-Brunswick, Nouvelle-\203cosse,)Tj 0 -1.11039 TD -0.015 Tc -0.022 Tw (\353le du Prince \203douard et )Tj 9.46185 0 TD 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.52599 0 TD -0.015 Tc (erre-Neuve et Labra)Tj 7.71807 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.11039 TD 0.007 Tc 0.031 Tw [(dor\) o\235 il est estim\216 que 25)-288(% de la popula-)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.029 Tw (tion n\325a pas acc\217s \210 une couverture m\216dica)Tj 17.70596 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70596 -1.11039 TD 0.026 Tw (ment suf)Tj 3.47951 0 TD [(fisante [1)37(1]. \313 titre de comparaison,)]TJ -3.47951 -1.11039 TD -0.01 Tc -0.028 Tw (pr\217s de tous les r\216sidents du Qu\216bec, du Mani)Tj 17.70584 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70584 -1.11039 TD -0.013 Tc -0.025 Tw (toba, de l\325Ontario, de la Colombie-Britannique)Tj T* 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (et de la Saskatchewan seraient actuellement)Tj 0 -1.11038 TD -0.021 Tc -0.017 Tw (prot\216g\216s contre des d\216penses exc\216dant C$ 2000)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.025 Tw (par ann\216e, par opposition \210 seulement la moi)Tj 17.70592 0 TD (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.11039 TD -0.018 Tc -0.02 Tw [(ti\216 des )55(Albertains et des r\216sidents des provinces)]TJ 0 -1.11038 TD -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw (atlantiques [10]. Entre 1994 et 1997, le Forum)Tj 0 -1.11039 TD 0 Tc -0.036 Tw (National de la Sant\216 a, au niveau f\216d\216ral, pro)Tj 17.70593 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.11038 TD -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw (pos\216 des orientations pour mettre en place une)Tj 0 -1.11039 TD -0.01 Tc -0.028 Tw (nouvelle politique pharmaceutique au Canada.)Tj 0 -1.11038 TD -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (Parmi ces propositions se trouvait la n\216cessit\216)Tj 0 -1.11039 TD -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw (d\325\216tendre la couverture du r\216gime f\216d\216ral-pro-)Tj 0 -1.11038 TD 0.021 Tc 0.016 Tw (vincial d\325assurance maladie afin que l\325\203tat)Tj T* 0.016 Tc 0.022 Tw (prenne en char)Tj 6.13338 0.00001 TD (ge graduellement le finance)Tj 11.57253 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.1104 TD -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw (ment int\216gral des m\216dicaments de prescription)Tj 0 -1.11039 TD -0.013 Tc -0.025 Tw [([12]. L)92(\325id\216e de mettre sur pied un r\216gime cana-)]TJ 0 -1.11038 TD 0 Tc 0.008 Tw (dien d\325assurance m\216dicaments a \216t\216 remis au)Tj 0 -1.11039 TD -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw (go\236t du jour en 2002 au Comit\216 s\216natorial per)Tj 17.70578 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70578 -1.11039 TD 0.009 Tw [(manent des )55(Af)17(faires sociales, de la science et)]TJ T* -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw (de la technologie dirig\216 par Michael Kirby [13])Tj 0 -1.11038 TD -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw (et lors de la Commission sur l\325avenir des soins)Tj 19.58482 45.52583 TD 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw (de sant\216 [14]. En 2004, un comit\216 de travail)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc -0.008 Tw (minist\216riel a \216t\216 mis sur pied pour se pencher)Tj T* 0.019 Tc 0.019 Tw (sur cette question [10], mais n\325a jamais \216t\216)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (suivi d\325une prise de d\216cision politique.)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 601.0891 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(b. Mise sur le mar)37(ch\216 des m\216dicaments)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 575.5735 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.008 Tc 0.029 Tw (La r\216gulation du secteur pharmaceutique)Tj -1.28848 -1.0909 TD -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw (se fait \210 plusieurs niveaux au Canada. Le gou-)Tj T* 0.01 Tc 0.027 Tw (vernement f\216d\216ral intervient dans la protec-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.02 Tc 0.018 Tw (tion de la population canadienne contre les)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.017 Tw (risques li\216s aux m\216dicaments et la protection)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.016 Tc -0.021 Tw (des consommateurs contre des prix trop impor-)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.015 Tw (tants. Le r\216gime actuel de r\216glementation des)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.006 Tc 0.031 Tw (m\216dicaments au niveau f\216d\216ral se concentre)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.002 Tw (sur l\325homologation ou le retrait d\325un m\216dica-)Tj T* 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw [(ment [15]. En ef)18(fet, Sant\216 Canada, le minis-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.006 Tw (t\217re f\216d\216ral de la sant\216, en accord avec la )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 471.7071 455.5734 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (Loi)Tj -16.70494 -1.09091 TD -0.024 Tw (sur les aliments et dr)Tj 8.25386 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (ogues)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 406.8903 443.5735 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.024 Tw (est responsable de)Tj -10.81251 -1.09091 TD -0.004 Tc -0.034 Tw (r\216guler la s\216curit\216, l\325ef)Tj 8.83205 0.00001 TD (ficacit\216 et la qualit\216 des)Tj -8.83205 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.021 Tw (m\216dicaments. La )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 365.3845 419.5735 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.021 Tw [(Dir)37(ection g\216n\216rale des pr)36(o-)]TJ -7.03925 -1.09091 TD -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw (duits de sant\216 et des aliments)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 414.8531 407.5735 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw (de Sant\216 Canada)Tj -11.5364 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0.01 Tw (\216value, gr\211ce \210 ses experts internes et en col)Tj 17.70593 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.09091 TD 0.025 Tc 0.198 Tw (laboration avec des experts externes, les)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.026 Tw (demandes faites par les compagnies pharma)Tj 17.70592 0 TD (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.09091 TD -0.024 Tw (ceutiques. Le fabricant d\325un m\216dicament doit)Tj T* -0.018 Tc -0.02 Tw (soumettre une demande d\325essai clinique (DEC))Tj T* 0.012 Tc 0.026 Tw (pour obtenir l\325autorisation de proc\216der \210 un)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.036 Tw (essai clinique au Canada et il doit soumettre \210)Tj T* -0.009 Tc -0.028 Tw (Sant\216 Canada une pr\216sentation de drogue nou)Tj 17.70582 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70582 -1.09091 TD -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw (velle (PDN) pour garantir que son m\216dicament)Tj T* -0.002 Tc -0.036 Tw (est s\236r)Tj 2.49556 0 TD -0.0017 Tc (,)Tj 0.46067 0 Td -0.002 Tc [(ef)18(ficace, et de haute qualit\216. Les fabri-)]TJ -2.95622 -1.09091 TD 0.014 Tc 0.023 Tw (cants doivent aussi satisfaire aux exigences)Tj T* 0.023 Tc 0.014 Tw (d\325octroi de permis aux \216tablissements pro-)Tj T* -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw (ducteurs et aux modalit\216s de bonnes pratiques)Tj T* -0.013 Tc -0.024 Tw (de fabrication, tandis que Sant\216 Canada d\216tient)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (des pouvoirs d\325inspection correspondants.)Tj 1.28848 -1.80421 TD 0.006 Tw (Quand le produit a satisfait aux exigences)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD 0.037 Tw (des essais cliniques, Sant\216 Canada en v\216rifie)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.025 Tc 0.114 Tw (la conformit\216 \210 la Loi sur les aliments et)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.006 Tc 0.031 Tw (drogues et \210 son r\217glement d\325application. Si)Tj T* -0.013 Tc -0.024 Tw (les renseignements fournis sont conformes aux)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 687.637 413.858 17.008 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (M)Tj 0.88886 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(.-P)111(. Pomey)65(, P)110(.-G. Forest, E. Martin, )55(A. Beresniak)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 479.8779 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (5)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.657 413.858 13.0081 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 73.5197 68.1942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(SEPTEMBRE-NOVEMBRE 2007)-250(\320 V)30(OL.)-250(25 \320 N\241)-250(5-6)]TJ ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 0 G 73.52 143.797 m 485.378 143.797 l S Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 73.5197 132.2085 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0.003 Tw (1. La franchise est un montant fixe qui constitue la premi\217re tranche du co\236t des m\216dicaments que doit payer la personne)Tj 0 -1.11764 TD 0 Tw (assur\216e \210 l\325achat de m\216dicaments couverts.)Tj T* 0.034 Tw (2. La coassurance est le pourcentage du co\236t des m\216dicaments qu\325une personne assur\216e doit verser une fois la franchise)Tj T* 0 Tw (pay\216e.)Tj ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 185.6 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 5)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /Length 11542 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.009 Tc -0.028 Tw (conditions d\325utilisation propos\216es, c\325est-\210-dire)Tj 0 -1.23118 TD -0.0001 Tc <88>Tj 0.71404 0 Td 0 Tc 0.02 Tw (l\325indication th\216rapeutique, la d\216finition des)Tj -0.71404 -1.23119 TD 0.012 Tc 0.025 Tw [(doses et de la population apte \210 l\325employer)40(,)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.034 Tw (Sant\216 Canada d\216livre un avis de conformit\216.)Tj 0 -1.23118 TD 0 Tc -0.005 Tw (Le minist\217re, au moment de d\216livrer cet avis,)Tj 0 -1.23119 TD -0.017 Tc -0.02 Tw (autorise \216galement l\325\216tiquetage du m\216dicament)Tj T* -0.002 Tc -0.036 Tw (qui comprend une monographie de produit o\235)Tj 0 -1.23118 TD -0.005 Tc -0.033 Tw (est r\216sum\216e l\325information d\325ordre scientifique)Tj T* -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw (et m\216dical portant sur le m\216dicament. Le fabri-)Tj 0 -1.23119 TD -0.009 Tc -0.028 Tw (cant, une fois qu\325il a re\215u l\325avis de conformit\216,)Tj T* -0.013 Tc -0.025 Tw (peut commercialiser le m\216dicament au Canada)Tj T* -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw (pour l\325usage exact auquel il est destin\216. Il peut)Tj 0 -1.23117 TD -0.017 Tc -0.02 Tw (aussi demander son inscription aux formulaires)Tj 0 -1.23119 TD 0 Tc -0.025 Tw (pharmaceutiques, ce qui signifie que le m\216di)Tj 17.70591 0 TD (-)Tj -17.70591 -1.2312 TD 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (cament sera couvert aux fins du rembourse-)Tj 0 -1.23119 TD 0 Tc 0.019 Tw (ment (entier ou partiel) par le r\216gime d\325assu-)Tj 0 -1.23118 TD 0.025 Tc 0.229 Tw (rance maladie qui g\217re le formulaire en)Tj 0 -1.23119 TD 0 Tc 0.003 Tw (question. Le temps d\325acc\217s au march\216 est, en)Tj T* -0.006 Tc -0.031 Tw (moyenne, de 19 mois, ce qui est long compar\216)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (aux autres pays de l\325OCDE [10].)Tj 1.28847 -2.26196 TD -0.014 Tc -0.023 Tw (Les fabricants qui s\325occupent de la mise sur)Tj -1.28847 -1.23119 TD -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw (le march\216, doivent se plier aux obligations sui)Tj 17.7058 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.7058 -1.2312 TD -0.023 Tc -0.015 Tw [(vantes)-103(: 1\) informer Sant\216 Canada de tout signa-)]TJ 0 -1.23119 TD -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw [(lement d\325ef)18(fet ind\216sirable)-115(; 2\) respecter les res-)]TJ 0 -1.23118 TD 0.025 Tc 0.033 Tw [(trictions en ce qui a trait \210 la publicit\216)-150(; 3\))]TJ 0 -1.23119 TD 0 Tc 0.026 Tw (maintenir la qualit\216 du m\216dicament selon les)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.073 Tw [(normes appropri\216es)-150(; 4\) demander \210 Sant\216)]TJ T* -0.006 Tc -0.031 Tw (Canada une autorisation suppl\216mentaire avant)Tj 0 -1.23118 TD 0 Tc -0.03 Tw (d\325apporter des modifications importantes aux)Tj 0 -1.23119 TD 0.013 Tc 0.025 Tw (produits. Sant\216 Canada se donne le droit de)Tj T* 0.018 Tc 0.02 Tw (faire des inspections de la conformit\216 de la)Tj T* -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw (fabrication et de retirer un m\216dicament du mar-)Tj 0 -1.23118 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (ch\216 pour des motifs de s\216curit\216.)Tj ET Q q BT /F12 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (2. Qu\216bec)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 629.2458 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (a. Un partenariat public-priv\216)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 603.6491 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0.001 Tw (Implant\216 en janvier 1997, le r\216gime g\216n\216-)Tj -1.28848 -1.0909 TD 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw (ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments oblige tous les)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.014 Tc 0.024 Tw (r\216sidents du Qu\216bec \210 avoir une couverture)Tj T* 0.002 Tc 0.036 Tw (contre le risque m\216dicament. En fonction du)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.012 Tc -0.026 Tw (statut de la personne, les r\216sidents peuvent \220tre)Tj T* -0.02 Tc -0.017 Tw [(couverts soit par une assurance publique of)18(ferte)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw (par la RAMQ)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 346.6069 534.9492 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (3)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 352.1779 531.6491 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw ([16], soit par une assurance pri-)Tj -5.83865 -1.09091 TD -0.023 Tc -0.015 Tw [(v\216e. En 2006, 3,2 millions de Qu\216b\216cois \(42)-213(%\))]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD -0.002 Tc -0.036 Tw (\216taient couverts par le r\216gime public et les 4,4)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (autres millions par un r\216gime priv\216 [17].)Tj 1.28848 -1.81157 TD -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw (Les assureurs priv\216s et la RAMQ sont tenus)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD 0.024 Tc 0.013 Tw [(d\325of)18(frir une couverture minimum contre le)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.015 Tw (risque comprenant tous les m\216dicaments ins-)Tj T* 0.012 Tc 0.025 Tw (crits sur la Liste des m\216dicaments reconnus)Tj T* -0.019 Tc -0.019 Tw (comme devant \220tre rembours\216s [18]. Le r\216gime)Tj T* 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw (public, administr\216 par la RAMQ, couvre les)Tj T* 0.018 Tc 0.02 Tw (personnes \211g\216es, les prestataires de l\325assis)Tj 17.70584 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70584 -1.09091 TD 0.006 Tc 0 Tw (tance-emploi)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 346.2412 395.0219 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (4)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 352.7474 391.7218 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.007 Tc 0.031 Tw (et les personnes qui n\325ont pas)Tj -5.89043 -1.09091 TD -0.009 Tc -0.028 Tw (acc\217s \210 une assurance priv\216e \(nomm\216s \307)Tj 15.85446 0 TD 0 Tw (adh\216)Tj 1.85138 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70584 -1.09091 TD 0.025 Tc (rents)Tj 2.42058 0 TD 0.077 Tw (\310\). Il prend \216galement en char)Tj 13.11146 0.00001 TD (ge les)Tj -15.53204 -1.09091 TD -0.008 Tc -0.03 Tw (enfants des personnes couvertes par le r\216gime.)Tj T* -0.016 Tc -0.022 Tw (Les personnes \211g\216es les plus pauvres qui re\215oi)Tj 17.70598 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70598 -1.09091 TD 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (vent le minimum de revenu garanti (RMG))Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 480.3197 335.0219 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (5)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 483.629 331.7218 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (,)Tj -17.78875 -1.09091 TD -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (ainsi que les enfants, ne payent pas de primes.)Tj T* 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw (Le r\216gime public se retrouve donc \210 couvrir)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.029 Tw (les risques les plus importants sans b\216n\216ficier)Tj T* -0.013 Tc -0.025 Tw (d\325une mutualisation des risques sur l\325ensemble)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (de la population.)Tj 1.28848 -1.81157 TD -0.013 Tc -0.025 Tw (Le financement du r\216gime public se fait par)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD 0.003 Tc 0.035 Tw (l\325interm\216diaire de trois sources \(voir tableau)Tj T* -0.006 Tc -0.031 Tw [(1\). )18(T)70(out d\325abord, chaque assur\216 doit payer une)]TJ T* -0.013 Tc -0.025 Tw (prime \210 son assureur)Tj 7.8794 0.00001 TD -0.0127 Tc (,)Tj 0.44974 0 Td -0.013 Tc (qu\325il soit public ou priv\216.)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 673.4641 413.858 31.181 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (6)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 262.7315 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.61089 0.00001 TD (e)Tj 0.69379 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments au Qu\216bec)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.157 413.858 13.008 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 357.5615 67.6942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(JOURNAL)-232(D\325\203CONOMIE M\203DICALE)]TJ ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 0 G 73.52 194.1321 m 485.378 194.1321 l S Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 73.5197 182.5431 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.01 Tc 0.033 Tw (3. La R\216gie de l\325assurance maladie du Qu\216bec (RAMQ) rel\217ve du ministre de la Sant\216 et des Services sociaux. Elle a pour)Tj 0 -1.11764 TD 0.021 Tw (mission d\325administrer le r\216gime d\325assurance maladie et le r\216gime public d\325assurance m\216dicaments. Ses mandats principaux)Tj T* -0.012 Tw [(sont d\325\216tablir l\325admissibilit\216 aux r\216gimes et programmes)-115(; d\325assumer le co\236t des services et des biens couverts et de contr\231ler)]TJ 0 -1.11765 TD -0.009 Tc 0.036 Tw (la r\216mun\216ration vers\216e aux professionnels de la sant\216 ainsi que les paiements ou remboursements faits aux \216tablissements,)Tj 0 -1.11764 TD -0.01 Tc 0 Tw [(aux laboratoires ou aux autres dispensateurs de services \(http://www)65(.ramq.gouv)64(.qc.ca/fr/regie/missor)18(g/mandat.shtml\).)]TJ T* 0.016 Tw (4. Ce terme est utilis\216 pour faire r\216f\216rence aux personnes b\216n\216ficiaires des programmes d\325aide financi\217re de dernier recours)Tj 0 -1.11765 TD -0.009 Tc 0.036 Tw [(du gouvernement du Qu\216bec)-491(soit le Programme d\325aide sociale, destin\216 aux personnes qui ne pr\216sentent pas de contraintes)]TJ 0 -1.1176 TD -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (s\216v\217res \210 l\325emploi, et le Programme de solidarit\216 sociale ciblant les personnes pr\216sentant des contraintes s\216v\217res \210 l\325emploi.)Tj 0 -1.4511 TD 0 Tc [(5)10(.)10( )10(\203quivalent au Revenu Minimum d\325Insertion (RMI) en France.)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 185.6 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 6)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 9 0 obj << /Length 16526 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 375.874 413.858 291.921 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0.008 Tw (Ensuite, \210 chaque achat de m\216dicament, l\325as-)Tj 0 -1.11563 TD -0.02 Tw (sur\216 doit faire une contribution financi\217re par)Tj 0 -1.11561 TD -0.037 Tw (l\325interm\216diaire d\325une franchise et d\325une coas-)Tj 0 -1.11563 TD -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw (surance qui ne sont pas d\216pendantes du revenu,)Tj 0 -1.11561 TD 0.008 Tc 0.029 Tw (mais qui varient selon que l\325on est un adh\216-)Tj 0 -1.11563 TD -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw (rent, un prestataire de la s\216curit\216 du revenu ou)Tj 0 -1.11561 TD 0.025 Tc 0.05 Tw (une personne \211g\216e. Dans le cas du r\216gime)Tj 0 -1.11563 TD 0.018 Tc 0.02 Tw (public, la franchise est mensuelle. En r\217gle)Tj 0 -1.11561 TD 0 Tc 0.037 Tw (g\216n\216rale, une personne assur\216e la paie enti\217-)Tj 0 -1.11562 TD 0.012 Tc 0.026 Tw (rement lorsqu\325elle fait ex\216cuter sa premi\217re)Tj 0 -1.11561 TD -0.019 Tc -0.019 Tw (ordonnance du mois. Lorsque le co\236t des m\216di-)Tj 0 -1.11563 TD 0 Tc 0.007 Tw (caments d\216passe celui de la franchise, la per-)Tj 0 -1.11561 TD 0.006 Tc 0.032 Tw (sonne paie seulement une portion de l\325exc\216-)Tj 0 -1.11562 TD 0 Tc -0.029 Tw (dent, que l\325on appelle la coassurance. Dans le)Tj 0 -1.11561 TD 0.013 Tc 0.025 Tw (cas du r\216gime public, ces param\217tres finan-)Tj 0 -1.11563 TD 0.015 Tc 0.022 Tw (ciers \(prime, franchise et pourcentage de la)Tj 0 -1.11562 TD -0.019 Tc -0.018 Tw (coassurance\) sont ajust\216s le 1)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 194.8436 467.4621 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.02 Tc 0 Tw (er)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 202.052 464.1621 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.019 Tc -0.018 Tw (juillet de chaque)Tj -11.77566 -1.11563 TD 0 Tc 0.013 Tw (ann\216e. Le minist\217re des Finances collecte les)Tj 0 -1.11562 TD -0.037 Tw (primes annuellement par l\325interm\216diaire de la)Tj 0 -1.11563 TD 0.006 Tc 0.031 Tw [(d\216claration de revenu. )55(Au 1)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 197.0049 430.6465 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.006 Tc 0 Tw (er)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 205.3756 427.3465 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.006 Tc 0.031 Tw (juillet 2007, la)Tj -12.07781 -1.11561 TD 0 Tc 0.014 Tw (prime variait entre C$ 0 et C$ 557 par adulte)Tj 0 -1.11562 TD 0.011 Tc 0.027 Tw (en fonction du revenu de la famille. Pour le)Tj T* -0.015 Tc -0.023 Tw (r\216gime priv\216, le montant de la prime varie d\325un)Tj 0 -1.11563 TD 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (assureur \210 l\325autre et est pratiquement toujours)Tj 19.58482 25.65933 TD -0.007 Tw (inclus dans une assurance collective compor-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw (tant aussi d\325autres services couverts, comme)Tj T* -0.013 Tc -0.025 Tw (les consultations aupr\217s de dentistes ou de pro-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw (fessionnels param\216dicaux \(psychologue, kin\216-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw [(sith\216rapeute, ost\216opathe,)-213(etc.\). Enfin, la loi ne)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw (permet pas que les b\216n\216ficiaires d\216boursent,)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.025 Tc 0.114 Tw (en plus de leur frais d\325assurance, plus de)Tj T* -0.017 Tc -0.02 Tw [(C$)-233(903,96 par an, pour l\325achat de m\216dicaments)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD 0.004 Tc 0.033 Tw ((voir tableau 1). Les frais au-dessus de cette)Tj T* 0.008 Tc 0.03 Tw [(limite sont pris compl\217tement en char)18(ge par)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (les assureurs qu\325ils soient publics ou priv\216s.)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 514.4318 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (b. Le Conseil du m\216dicament du Qu\216bec)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 486.2589 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.022 Tc 0.015 Tw (En compl\216ment du dispositif pr\216sent au)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD 0.019 Tc 0.018 Tw (niveau canadien, le Qu\216bec s\325est dot\216 d\325un)Tj T* -0.022 Tc -0.016 Tw (Conseil du m\216dicament (CdM) qui a pour fonc-)Tj T* 0.013 Tc 0.025 Tw (tion d\325assister le ministre de la Sant\216 et des)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.036 Tw (Services sociaux dans la mise \210 jour des listes)Tj T* -0.016 Tc -0.022 Tw (de m\216dicaments et de favoriser leur usage opti-)Tj T* 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw [(mal. En ef)18(fet, la liste des m\216dicaments cou-)]TJ T* -0.008 Tc -0.03 Tw (verts par le R\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216di-)Tj T* 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (caments est propre au Qu\216bec et est connue)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.046 Tw (pour \220tre la plus g\216n\216reuse au Canada. Le)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 687.637 413.858 17.008 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (M)Tj 0.88886 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(.-P)111(. Pomey)65(, P)110(.-G. Forest, E. Martin, )55(A. Beresniak)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 479.8779 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (7)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.657 413.858 13.0081 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 73.5197 68.1942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(SEPTEMBRE-NOVEMBRE 2007)-250(\320 V)30(OL.)-250(25 \320 N\241)-250(5-6)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 85.2325 357.4721 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5752 0 TD 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (ableau 1)Tj 3.70849 0 TD 0.0008 Tc (:)Tj 0.58357 0 Td 0.001 Tc (Contributions \(en dollars Canadian et Eur)Tj 18.11858 0 TD (os\) des assur\216s du r\216gime public [16].)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 334.468 145.681 14.455 re f 218.201 334.468 54.524 14.455 re f 272.725 334.468 104.104 14.455 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 294.6603 339.3438 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (Les pharmacies)Tj ET 1 g 376.829 334.468 109.049 14.455 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 421.5175 339.3438 Tm 0 g [(T)92(otal)]TJ ET 1 g 72.52 302.287 145.681 32.181 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 78.1003 321.6759 Tm 0 g [(Dif)1(f\216r)19(entes cat\216gories de personnes)]TJ 5.69653 -1.2 TD [(ouver)1(tes)]TJ ET 1 g 218.201 302.287 54.524 32.181 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 233.7217 321.6759 Tm 0 g (Prime)Tj -0.50098 -1.2 TD (annuelle)Tj ET 1 g 272.725 302.287 49.58 32.181 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 278.5207 321.6759 Tm 0 g (Franchise )Tj 0.00012 -1.2 TD (mensuelle)Tj ET 1 g 322.305 302.287 54.524 32.181 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 325.0731 321.6759 Tm 0 g (Coassurance)Tj 0.55553 -1.2 TD 0.002 Tc (maximum)Tj ET 1 g 376.829 302.287 54.525 32.181 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 378.8437 327.0759 Tm 0 g 0.001 Tc (Contribution)Tj 0.69495 -1.2 TD (mensuelle)Tj 0.02783 -1.2 TD (maximale)Tj ET 1 g 431.354 302.287 55.024 32.181 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 433.3681 327.0759 Tm 0 g (Contribution)Tj 0.99976 -1.2 TD (annuelle)Tj -0.27698 -1.2 TD (maximale)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 278.61 145.681 23.677 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 293.2831 Tm 0 g (Adultes de 18 \210 64 ans non )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (admissibles \210 un r\216gime priv\216)Tj ET 1 g 218.201 278.61 54.524 23.677 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 223.7605 288.3468 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (de $0 \210 $557)Tj ET 1 g 272.725 278.61 49.58 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 286.5573 288.3468 Tm 0 g ($14,10)Tj ET 1 g 322.305 278.61 54.524 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 341.612 288.3468 Tm 0 g (30)Tj 1.25 0.00001 TD (%)Tj ET 1 g 376.829 278.61 54.525 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 393.1337 288.3468 Tm 0 g ($75,33)Tj ET 1 g 431.354 278.61 55.024 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 451.0331 288.3468 Tm 0 g ($904)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 263.437 145.681 15.173 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 268.9216 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (Personnes de 65 ans et plus)Tj ET 1 g 218.201 263.437 54.524 15.173 re f 272.725 263.437 49.58 15.173 re f 322.305 263.437 54.524 15.173 re f 376.829 263.437 54.525 15.173 re f 431.354 263.437 55.024 15.173 re f 72.52 248.263 145.681 15.174 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 253.6292 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (Ne recevant aucun SRG)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 5.4 0 0 5.4 163.0628 256.3293 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (a)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 167.7096 253.6292 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(\(0)-250(%\))]TJ ET 1 g 218.201 248.263 54.524 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 223.7605 253.7483 Tm 0 g (de $0 \210 $557)Tj ET 1 g 272.725 248.263 49.58 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 286.5573 253.7483 Tm 0 g ($14,10)Tj ET 1 g 322.305 248.263 54.524 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 341.612 253.7483 Tm 0 g [(30)-250(%)]TJ ET 1 g 376.829 248.263 54.525 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 393.1337 253.7483 Tm 0 g ($75,33)Tj ET 1 g 431.354 248.263 55.024 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 451.0331 253.7483 Tm 0 g ($904)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 233.09 145.681 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 238.5751 Tm 0 g -0.025 Tc [(Recevant le SRG)-225(partiel \(de 1)-225(% \210 93)-225(%\))]TJ ET 1 g 218.201 233.09 54.524 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 223.7605 238.5751 Tm 0 g 0 Tc (de $0 \210 $557)Tj ET 1 g 272.725 233.09 49.58 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 286.5573 238.5751 Tm 0 g ($14,10)Tj ET 1 g 322.305 233.09 54.524 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 341.612 238.5751 Tm 0 g [(30)-250(%)]TJ ET 1 g 376.829 233.09 54.525 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 393.1337 238.5751 Tm 0 g ($75,33)Tj ET 1 g 431.354 233.09 55.024 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 451.0331 238.5751 Tm 0 g ($904)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 209.413 145.681 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 224.6817 Tm 0 g -0.025 Tc (Recevant le SRG)Tj 6.73682 0.00001 TD (presque maximal )Tj -6.73682 -1.21612 TD (\(de 94)Tj 2.60166 0.00001 TD -0.0251 Tc (%)Tj 1.03287 0 Td <88>Tj 0.64387 0 Td -0.025 Tc (99)Tj 1.17492 0.00001 TD (%\))Tj ET 1 g 218.201 209.413 54.524 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 242.3801 219.1499 Tm 0 g 0 Tc ($0)Tj ET 1 g 272.725 209.413 49.58 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 294.4323 219.1499 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 322.305 209.413 54.524 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 343.862 219.1499 Tm 0 g 0.25 Tc (0%)Tj ET 1 g 376.829 209.413 54.525 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 401.0087 219.1499 Tm 0 g 0 Tc ($0)Tj ET 1 g 431.354 209.413 55.024 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 455.5331 219.1499 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 194.24 145.681 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 199.7115 Tm 0 g -0.025 Tc [(Recevant le SRG)-225(maximal \(100)-225(%\))]TJ ET 1 g 218.201 194.24 54.524 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 242.3801 199.7248 Tm 0 g 0 Tc ($0)Tj ET 1 g 272.725 194.24 49.58 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 294.4323 199.7248 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 322.305 194.24 54.524 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 343.862 199.7248 Tm 0 g (0)Tj 0.75 0.00001 TD (%)Tj ET 1 g 376.829 194.24 54.525 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 401.0087 199.7248 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 431.354 194.24 55.024 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 455.5331 199.7248 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 179.067 145.681 15.173 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 184.5515 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw [(P)-1(r)19(estatair)18(es de l\325assistance-emploi)]TJ ET 1 g 218.201 179.067 54.524 15.173 re f 272.725 179.067 49.58 15.173 re f 322.305 179.067 54.524 15.173 re f 376.829 179.067 54.525 15.173 re f 431.354 179.067 55.024 15.173 re f 72.52 163.893 145.681 15.174 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 169.3783 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (Sans contraintes s\216v\217res \210 l\325emploi)Tj ET 1 g 218.201 163.893 54.524 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 242.3801 169.3783 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 272.725 163.893 49.58 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 288.8073 169.3783 Tm 0 g ($8,33)Tj ET 1 g 322.305 163.893 54.524 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 341.612 169.3783 Tm 0 g [(25)-250(%)]TJ ET 1 g 376.829 163.893 54.525 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 393.1337 169.3783 Tm 0 g ($16,66)Tj ET 1 g 431.354 163.893 55.024 15.174 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 451.0331 169.3783 Tm 0 g ($200)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 148.72 145.681 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 154.205 Tm 0 g (A)Tj 0.64795 0.00001 TD (vec contraintes s\216v\217res \210 l\325emploi)Tj ET 1 g 218.201 148.72 54.524 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 242.3801 154.205 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 272.725 148.72 49.58 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 294.4323 154.205 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 322.305 148.72 54.524 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 343.862 154.205 Tm 0 g (0)Tj 0.75 0.00001 TD (%)Tj ET 1 g 376.829 148.72 54.525 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 401.0087 154.205 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 431.354 148.72 55.024 15.173 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 455.5331 154.205 Tm 0 g ($0)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 125.0431 145.681 23.677 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 76.3543 140.1798 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (Adultes de 18 \210 64 ans admissibles )Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0.0008 Tc <88>Tj 0.75067 0 Td 0.001 Tc (un r\216gime priv\216)Tj ET 1 g 218.201 125.0431 54.524 23.677 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 244.6301 134.7798 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc Tj ET 1 g 272.725 125.0431 49.58 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 296.6823 134.7798 Tm 0 g (*)Tj ET 1 g 322.305 125.0431 54.524 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 341.612 134.7798 Tm 0 g 0 Tw [(29)-250(%)]TJ ET 1 g 376.829 125.0431 54.525 23.677 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 393.1337 134.7798 Tm 0 g Tj 0.75 0 Td ($881)Tj ET 1 g 431.354 125.0431 55.024 23.677 re f 72.52 100.866 413.358 24.177 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 4.8 0 0 4.8 73.5197 118.4303 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (a)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 77.6502 116.0303 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (Suppl\216ment de revenu garanti.)Tj -0.5163 -1.2 TD (*)Tj 0.7322 0 TD (V)Tj 0.6111 0 TD (arie en fonction de la prime.)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 1 w 0 G 73.02 348.923 m 73.02 100.866 l S 218.201 348.923 m 218.201 124.5431 l S 272.725 348.923 m 272.725 124.5431 l S 322.305 334.968 m 322.305 124.5431 l S 376.829 348.923 m 376.829 124.5431 l S 431.354 334.968 m 431.354 124.5431 l S 485.878 348.923 m 485.878 100.866 l S 72.52 348.423 m 486.378 348.423 l S 72.52 334.468 m 486.378 334.468 l S 72.52 302.287 m 486.378 302.287 l S 72.52 278.61 m 486.378 278.61 l S 72.52 263.437 m 486.378 263.437 l S 72.52 248.263 m 486.378 248.263 l S 72.52 233.09 m 486.378 233.09 l S 72.52 209.413 m 486.378 209.413 l S 72.52 194.24 m 486.378 194.24 l S 72.52 179.067 m 486.378 179.067 l S 72.52 163.893 m 486.378 163.893 l S 72.52 148.72 m 486.378 148.72 l S 72.52 125.0431 m 486.378 125.0431 l S 72.52 101.366 m 486.378 101.366 l S Q q 1 g 29 755.661 185.6 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 7)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 10 0 obj << /Length 37320 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.008 Tc -0.03 Tw (Conseil, en compl\216ment, a aussi pour fonction)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc -0.02 Tw (de faire des recommandations au ministre sur)Tj T* -0.024 Tc -0.014 Tw (l\325\216tablissement et l\325\216volution des prix des m\216di-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (caments ainsi que sur toute autre question que)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.006 Tc -0.031 Tw (celui-ci lui soumet. En 2007, le gouvernement)Tj 0.0249 Tc (a)' 0.79229 0 Td 0.025 Tc 0.048 Tw (adopt\216 une politique du m\216dicament qui)Tj -0.79229 -1.09091 TD 0.018 Tc 0.02 Tw [(confie une mission plus \216lar)18(gie au Conseil,)]TJ T* -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw (comme nous le verrons dans le cadre de la dis-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.025 Tc 0.03 Tw (cussion. En compl\216ment, le bon usage des)Tj T* -0.017 Tc -0.02 Tw (m\216dicaments est laiss\216 en grande majorit\216 dans)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (les mains des professionnels de la sant\216.)Tj 1.28847 -1.69744 TD -0.01 Tc -0.028 Tw (En proposant au CdM un m\216dicament pour)Tj -1.28847 -1.09091 TD -0.002 Tc -0.036 Tw (inscription au formulaire \210 un prix X, le fabri-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.025 Tc 0.307 Tw (cant soumet les \216tudes qui appuient sa)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.022 Tc -0.016 Tw (demande. Le CdM \216value ces \216tudes et d\325autres)Tj T* 0.006 Tc 0.032 Tw (auxquelles il a acc\217s et fait sa recommanda-)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.013 Tw (tion au ministre \(acceptation sur la liste r\216gu-)Tj T* -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw (li\217re, acceptation sur la liste des m\216dicaments)Tj T* 0.003 Tc 0.034 Tw (d\325exception, refus, ou report de la d\216cision\).)Tj T* -0.004 Tc -0.033 Tw (Le ministre peut accepter ou refuser la recom)Tj 17.70598 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70598 -1.09091 TD 0.015 Tc 0.022 Tw (mandation du CdM. Sa d\216cision est ensuite)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.019 Tw (transmise au fabricant. Il n\325y a pas a de n\216go-)Tj T* 0.029 Tw [(ciation of)18(ficielle entre le fabricant et le CdM)]TJ T* -0.005 Tw (ou le ministre sur le m\216dicament ou son prix.)Tj T* -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw (Mais, notons qu\325un fabricant peut exercer des)Tj T* -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw (pressions politiques sur le ministre de la Sant\216)Tj T* -0.008 Tc -0.03 Tw (et des Services sociaux ou le premier ministre,)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.002 Tw (en faisant valoir l\325importance des emplois ou)Tj T* 0.026 Tw (des investissements qu\325il g\216n\217re dans la pro-)Tj T* -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw [(vince. Ce genre d\325ar)18(gument peut jouer dans la)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.023 Tw (d\216cision du ministre de la Sant\216 et des Ser)Tj 17.70589 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70589 -1.09091 TD -0.037 Tw (vices sociaux ou du gouvernement d\325accepter)Tj T* 0.004 Tc 0.033 Tw (un m\216dicament ou non, ind\216pendamment de)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (la recommandation du CdM.)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 235.5918 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (c. \203valuation des co\236ts du r\216gime)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 211.2505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw (En 2005, le co\236t des m\216dicaments repr\216)Tj 16.41738 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70585 -1.09091 TD 0.013 Tw [(sentait 20)-263(% des d\216penses totales de sant\216 au)]TJ T* 0.025 Tc 0.033 Tw (Qu\216bec, compar\216 \210 17,5)Tj 10.64708 0.00001 TD 0.0249 Tc (%)Tj 1.166 0 Td 0.025 Tc [(au Canada. )55(Au)]TJ -11.81308 -1.09091 TD 0.015 Tc 0.022 Tw (cours de cette m\220me ann\216e, l\325augmentation)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.011 Tw (des co\236ts de l\325assurance m\216dicaments pris en)Tj T* -0.008 Tc 0 Tw (char)Tj 1.67102 0.00001 TD -0.03 Tw (ge par la partie publique et priv\216e du Qu\216-)Tj -1.67102 -1.09091 TD 0.012 Tc 0.025 Tw (bec a augment\216 de 3)Tj 8.78114 0.00001 TD (%, moins que pour les)Tj -8.78114 -1.09091 TD -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw [(autres plans canadiens (voir tableau 2). L)92(\325aug-)]TJ T* -0.025 Tc -0.013 Tw (mentation annuelle des co\236ts au Qu\216bec a beau-)Tj T* 0.013 Tc 0.025 Tw (coup fluctu\216 entre 1998 et 2005, passant de)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 673.4641 413.858 31.181 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (8)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 262.7315 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.61089 0.00001 TD (e)Tj 0.69379 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments au Qu\216bec)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.157 413.858 13.008 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 357.5615 67.6942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(JOURNAL)-232(D\325\203CONOMIE M\203DICALE)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 0 10 -10 0 295.7911 103.1843 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5602 0 TD -0.0141 Tc (a)Tj 0.48493 0 TD (b)Tj 0.54093 0 TD (l)Tj 0.26293 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42893 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48493 0 TD (u)Tj 0.77686 0 TD (2)Tj 0.594 0 TD -0.0142 Tc (:)Tj 0.55369 0 TD (D)Tj 0.70684 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.42884 0 TD (p)Tj 0.54084 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42884 0 TD (n)Tj 0.54084 0 TD (s)Tj 0.37384 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42884 0 TD (s)Tj 0.60969 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42884 0 TD (n)Tj 0.77669 0 TD (m)Tj 0.81684 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.42884 0 TD (d)Tj 0.54084 0 TD (i)Tj 0.26284 0 TD (c)Tj 0.42884 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48484 0 TD (m)Tj 0.81684 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42884 0 TD (n)Tj 0.54084 0 TD (t)Tj 0.31784 0 TD (s)Tj 0.60969 0 TD (p)Tj 0.54084 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42884 0 TD (r)Tj 0.64519 0 TD (c)Tj 0.42881 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48481 0 TD (p)Tj 0.54081 0 TD (i)Tj 0.26281 0 TD (t)Tj 0.31781 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48481 0 TD (,)Tj 0.47162 0 TD (p)Tj 0.54081 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48481 0 TD (r)Tj 0.64518 0 TD -0.0138 Tc (s)Tj 0.37422 0 TD (o)Tj 0.48522 0 TD (u)Tj 0.54122 0 TD (r)Tj 0.41019 0 TD -0.0142 Tc (c)Tj 0.42879 0 TD (e)Tj 0.66459 0 TD (d)Tj 0.54079 0 TD (e)Tj 0.66459 0 TD (f)Tj 0.31779 0 TD (i)Tj 0.26279 0 TD (n)Tj 0.54079 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48479 0 TD (n)Tj 0.54079 0 TD (c)Tj 0.42879 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42879 0 TD (m)Tj 0.81679 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42879 0 TD (n)Tj 0.54079 0 TD (t)Tj 0.55359 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42879 0 TD (t)Tj 0.55359 0 TD (p)Tj 0.54079 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48479 0 TD (r)Tj 0.64518 0 TD -0.0139 Tc (r)Tj 0.42911 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.42911 0 TD (p)Tj 0.54111 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48511 0 TD (r)Tj 0.428 0 TD -0.0142 Tc (t)Tj 0.31778 0 TD (i)Tj 0.26278 0 TD (t)Tj 0.31778 0 TD (i)Tj 0.26278 0 TD (o)Tj 0.48478 0 TD (n)Tj 0.77656 0 TD (p)Tj 0.54078 0 TD (u)Tj 0.54078 0 TD (b)Tj 0.54078 0 TD (l)Tj 0.26278 0 TD (i)Tj 0.26278 0 TD (x)Tj 0.48478 0 TD (/)Tj 0.26278 0 TD (p)Tj 0.54078 0 TD (r)Tj 0.42878 0 TD (i)Tj 0.26278 0 TD (v)Tj 0.48478 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.66456 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48478 0 TD (u)Tj 0.77656 0 TD (Q)Tj 0.76178 0 TD (u)Tj 0.54078 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.42878 0 TD (b)Tj 0.54078 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42878 0 TD (c)Tj 0.66456 0 TD (e)Tj 0.42878 0 TD (t)Tj 0.55356 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48478 0 TD (u)Tj 0.77656 0 TD (C)Tj 0.70678 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48478 0 TD (n)Tj 0.54078 0 TD (a)Tj 0.48478 0 TD (d)Tj 0.54078 0 TD (a)Tj 0.72056 0 TD ([)Tj 0.31778 0 TD (1)Tj 0.48478 0 TD (9)Tj 0.48478 0 TD (])Tj 0.31778 0 TD (.)Tj ET 1 g 304.3406 100.8659 69.069 36.924 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 341.2266 105.5812 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0011 Tc (A)Tj 0.72207 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55607 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55607 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.44407 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44407 0 TD (s)Tj ET 1 g 304.3409 137.7901 27.617 198.564 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 320.5007 175.0838 Tm 0 g 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5752 0 TD 0.0009 Tc (o)Tj 0.49988 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55588 0 TD (s)Tj 0.63977 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27788 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44388 0 TD (s)Tj 0.63977 0 TD (m)Tj 0.83188 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.44388 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55588 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27788 0 TD (c)Tj 0.44388 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49988 0 TD (m)Tj 0.83188 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44388 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55588 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33288 0 TD (s)Tj 0.63977 0 TD (p)Tj 0.55588 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44388 0 TD (r)Tj 0.67517 0 TD 0.0011 Tc (c)Tj 0.44407 0 TD (a)Tj 0.50007 0 TD (p)Tj 0.55607 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27807 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33307 0 TD (a)Tj ET 1 g 304.3408 336.3537 54.734 99.283 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 328.6593 349.8766 Tm 0 g 0.001 Tc (%)Tj 1.25005 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55603 0 TD Tj 0.33302 0 TD (a)Tj 0.50002 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (g)Tj 0.50002 0 TD (m)Tj 0.83202 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44402 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33302 0 TD (a)Tj 0.50002 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33302 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27802 0 TD (o)Tj 0.50002 0 TD (n)Tj -7.65227 -1.19999 TD 0.0009 Tc (a)Tj 0.49989 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44389 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27789 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27789 0 TD (e)Tj 0.69479 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49989 0 TD (u)Tj 0.80678 0 TD (Q)Tj 0.77689 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55589 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.44389 0 TD (b)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44389 0 TD (c)Tj ET 1 g 304.34 435.6359 54.735 99.283 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 328.6593 449.1588 Tm 0 g 0.001 Tc (%)Tj 1.25005 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55603 0 TD Tj 0.33302 0 TD (a)Tj 0.50002 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (g)Tj 0.50002 0 TD (m)Tj 0.83202 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44403 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55602 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33303 0 TD (a)Tj 0.50003 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33303 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (o)Tj 0.50003 0 TD (n)Tj -7.70856 -1.19999 TD 0.0009 Tc (a)Tj 0.49987 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55587 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55587 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55587 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44387 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27787 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27787 0 TD (e)Tj 0.69473 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49987 0 TD (u)Tj 0.80674 0 TD (C)Tj 0.72187 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49987 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55587 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49987 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55587 0 TD (a)Tj ET 1 g 304.3401 534.9182 54.735 66.189 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 312.4592 547.644 Tm 0 g 0.0012 Tc (%)Tj 1.25038 0 TD (p)Tj 0.55619 0 TD (a)Tj 0.50019 0 TD (r)Tj 0.44299 0 TD 0.0009 Tc (t)Tj 0.3329 0 TD (a)Tj 0.4999 0 TD (g)Tj 0.4999 0 TD <8E>Tj -4.52717 -1.2 TD (d)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44389 0 TD (s)Tj 0.63977 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55589 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.44389 0 TD (p)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44389 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (s)Tj 0.38889 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44389 0 TD (s)Tj -3.70792 -1.2 TD (t)Tj 0.33288 0 TD (o)Tj 0.49988 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33288 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49988 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27788 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44387 0 TD (s)Tj -4.42827 -1.19999 TD (d)Tj 0.55594 0 TD (e)Tj 0.69488 0 TD (m)Tj 0.83194 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.44394 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55594 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27794 0 TD (c)Tj 0.44394 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49994 0 TD (m)Tj 0.83194 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44394 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55594 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33294 0 TD (s)Tj -5.30368 -1.2 TD 0.001 Tc (a)Tj 0.50001 0 TD (u)Tj 0.80703 0 TD (Q)Tj 0.77701 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55602 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.44401 0 TD (b)Tj 0.55602 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44401 0 TD (c)Tj ET 1 g 304.3403 601.1063 54.734 66.189 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 312.4593 613.8323 Tm 0 g 0.0012 Tc (%)Tj 1.25038 0 TD (p)Tj 0.55619 0 TD (a)Tj 0.50019 0 TD (r)Tj 0.44299 0 TD 0.0009 Tc (t)Tj 0.3329 0 TD (a)Tj 0.4999 0 TD (g)Tj 0.4999 0 TD <8E>Tj -4.52717 -1.19999 TD (d)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44389 0 TD (s)Tj 0.63977 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55589 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.44389 0 TD (p)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44389 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55589 0 TD (s)Tj 0.38889 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44389 0 TD (s)Tj -3.70792 -1.2 TD (t)Tj 0.33288 0 TD (o)Tj 0.49988 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33288 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49988 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27788 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44387 0 TD (s)Tj -4.42827 -1.2 TD (d)Tj 0.55594 0 TD (e)Tj 0.69488 0 TD (m)Tj 0.83194 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.44394 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55594 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27794 0 TD (c)Tj 0.44394 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49994 0 TD (m)Tj 0.83194 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44394 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55594 0 TD (t)Tj 0.33294 0 TD (s)Tj -5.35996 -1.19999 TD 0.001 Tc (a)Tj 0.49995 0 TD (u)Tj 0.80691 0 TD (C)Tj 0.72195 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49995 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55596 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49995 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55596 0 TD (a)Tj ET 1 g 331.9579 137.7898 27.117 99.282 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 347.6178 159.6904 Tm 0 g 0.0009 Tc (A)Tj 0.72188 0 TD (u)Tj 0.80676 0 TD (Q)Tj 0.77688 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55588 0 TD <8E>Tj 0.44388 0 TD (b)Tj 0.55588 0 TD (e)Tj 0.44388 0 TD (c)Tj 0.69476 0 TD (\()Tj 0.33288 0 TD ($)Tj 0.49988 0 TD (\))Tj ET 1 g 331.9571 237.0719 27.118 99.282 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 347.6178 258.466 Tm 0 g 0.0008 Tc (A)Tj 0.72184 0 TD (u)Tj 0.80669 0 TD (C)Tj 0.72184 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49984 0 TD (n)Tj 0.55584 0 TD (a)Tj 0.49984 0 TD (d)Tj 0.55584 0 TD (a)Tj 0.75068 0 TD (\()Tj 0.33284 0 TD ($)Tj 0.49984 0 TD (\))Tj ET 1 g 359.0746 137.7898 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3436 142.087 Tm 0 g 0.001 Tc (P)Tj 0.61103 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (b)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (c)Tj ET 1 g 359.0748 170.8838 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3437 177.1871 Tm 0 g 0.0011 Tc (P)Tj 0.61109 0 TD (r)Tj 0.44409 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27809 0 TD (v)Tj 0.50009 0 TD <8E>Tj ET 1 g 359.0749 203.9779 14.334 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3437 210.6888 Tm 0 g 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5752 0 TD 0.0012 Tc (o)Tj 0.5002 0 TD (t)Tj 0.3332 0 TD (a)Tj 0.5002 0 TD (l)Tj ET 1 g 359.0749 237.072 14.334 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3436 241.3692 Tm 0 g 0.001 Tc (P)Tj 0.61103 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (b)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (c)Tj ET 1 g 359.075 270.1661 14.334 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3438 276.4694 Tm 0 g 0.0011 Tc (P)Tj 0.61109 0 TD (r)Tj 0.44409 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27809 0 TD (v)Tj 0.50009 0 TD <8E>Tj ET 1 g 359.0751 303.2602 14.334 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3437 309.9711 Tm 0 g 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5752 0 TD 0.0012 Tc (o)Tj 0.5002 0 TD (t)Tj 0.3332 0 TD (a)Tj 0.5002 0 TD (l)Tj ET 1 g 359.0751 336.3543 14.334 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3436 340.6515 Tm 0 g 0.001 Tc (P)Tj 0.61103 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (b)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (c)Tj ET 1 g 359.0742 369.4483 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3437 375.7516 Tm 0 g 0.0011 Tc (P)Tj 0.61109 0 TD (r)Tj 0.44409 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27809 0 TD (v)Tj 0.50009 0 TD <8E>Tj ET 1 g 359.0743 402.5423 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3437 409.2532 Tm 0 g 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5752 0 TD 0.0012 Tc (o)Tj 0.5002 0 TD (t)Tj 0.3332 0 TD (a)Tj 0.5002 0 TD (l)Tj ET 1 g 359.0743 435.6365 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3436 439.9337 Tm 0 g 0.001 Tc (P)Tj 0.61103 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (b)Tj 0.55603 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (c)Tj ET 1 g 359.0744 468.7306 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3436 475.0338 Tm 0 g 0.0011 Tc (P)Tj 0.61109 0 TD (r)Tj 0.44409 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27809 0 TD (v)Tj 0.50009 0 TD <8E>Tj ET 1 g 359.0745 501.8246 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3437 508.5354 Tm 0 g 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5752 0 TD 0.0012 Tc (o)Tj 0.5002 0 TD (t)Tj 0.3332 0 TD (a)Tj 0.5002 0 TD (l)Tj ET 1 g 359.0746 534.9186 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3437 539.2158 Tm 0 g 0.001 Tc (P)Tj 0.61104 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55604 0 TD (b)Tj 0.55604 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (c)Tj ET 1 g 359.0746 568.0127 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3436 574.316 Tm 0 g 0.0011 Tc (P)Tj 0.61109 0 TD (r)Tj 0.44409 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27809 0 TD (v)Tj 0.50009 0 TD <8E>Tj ET 1 g 359.0747 601.1069 14.335 33.094 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3436 605.404 Tm 0 g 0.001 Tc (P)Tj 0.61104 0 TD (u)Tj 0.55604 0 TD (b)Tj 0.55604 0 TD (l)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27803 0 TD (c)Tj ET 1 g 359.0748 634.201 14.334 33.594 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 368.3437 640.5043 Tm 0 g 0.0011 Tc (P)Tj 0.61109 0 TD (r)Tj 0.44409 0 TD (i)Tj 0.27809 0 TD (v)Tj 0.50009 0 TD <8E>Tj ET 1 g 373.4093 100.8661 14.059 36.924 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.4132 111.995 Tm 0 g 0.0013 Tc (1)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (9)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (9)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 373.4093 137.7902 14.059 33.094 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5402 149.0042 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 373.4094 170.8842 14.0579 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5403 182.0981 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 373.4095 203.9783 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5403 215.1922 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 373.4095 237.0724 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5402 248.2863 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 373.4096 270.1664 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5403 281.3803 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 373.4097 303.2605 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5403 314.4744 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 373.4097 336.3546 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5402 346.4435 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 373.4088 369.4487 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5403 381.7876 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 373.4089 402.5427 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5403 414.8816 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 373.4089 435.6368 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5402 445.8916 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.46313 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 373.409 468.7309 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5402 481.0698 Tm 0 g (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 373.4091 501.8249 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5403 514.1638 Tm 0 g (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 373.4092 534.9191 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5403 545.008 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 373.4092 568.0131 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5402 578.102 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 373.4093 601.1072 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5402 611.1961 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 373.4094 634.2012 14.058 33.594 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 382.5403 644.2901 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 387.4679 100.8656 14.059 36.924 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5989 111.9951 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0013 Tc (1)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (9)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (9)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 387.4679 137.7896 14.059 33.094 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5988 149.0041 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj ET 1 g 387.468 170.8836 14.0579 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5989 182.0981 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 387.468 203.9777 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5988 215.1922 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 387.4681 237.0719 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5988 248.2864 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 387.4682 270.1659 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5989 281.3804 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 387.4683 303.2599 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5989 314.4745 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 387.4683 336.354 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5988 346.4435 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 387.4674 369.4481 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5989 379.5376 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 387.4675 402.5421 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5989 412.6316 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 387.4675 435.6363 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5988 445.7257 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (7)Tj ET 1 g 387.4676 468.7303 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5988 481.0699 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 387.4677 501.8244 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5989 514.1639 Tm 0 g (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 387.4677 534.9184 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5988 545.0079 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 387.4678 568.0125 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5988 578.102 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 387.4679 601.1066 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5988 611.1961 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 387.468 634.2007 14.058 33.594 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 396.5989 644.2902 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 401.5265 100.866 14.059 36.924 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6575 111.995 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0013 Tc (2)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 401.5265 137.79 14.059 33.094 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 149.0041 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 401.5266 170.8841 14.0579 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6575 182.0982 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 401.5266 203.9781 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 215.1922 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 401.5267 237.0722 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6573 248.2863 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 401.5268 270.1663 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6575 281.3804 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 401.5268 303.2604 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 314.4745 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 401.5269 336.3544 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 346.4435 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 401.526 369.4485 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6575 381.7876 Tm 0 g (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 401.526 402.5426 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 412.6317 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 401.5261 435.6366 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 445.7257 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 401.5262 468.7308 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 481.0699 Tm 0 g (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 401.5262 501.8248 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 512.0798 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.46313 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 401.5263 534.9188 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 545.0079 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 401.5264 568.0129 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 578.102 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 401.5265 601.107 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6574 611.196 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 401.5266 634.2012 14.058 33.594 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 410.6575 644.2902 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 415.585 100.8654 14.059 36.924 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 111.995 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0013 Tc (2)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 415.5851 137.7894 14.059 33.094 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 149.0041 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 415.5851 170.8835 14.0579 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 182.0982 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 415.5852 203.9776 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 215.1922 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 415.5853 237.0716 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 248.2863 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj ET 1 g 415.5853 270.1657 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 281.3803 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 415.5854 303.2598 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 314.4744 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj ET 1 g 415.5855 336.3538 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 346.4434 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 415.5845 369.4479 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 381.7875 Tm 0 g (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 415.5846 402.542 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 412.6317 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (7)Tj ET 1 g 415.5847 435.6361 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 445.7257 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 415.5848 468.7301 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 481.0697 Tm 0 g (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 415.5848 501.8242 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 511.9138 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 415.5849 534.9183 14.059 33.0941 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 545.0079 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 415.585 568.0123 14.059 33.0941 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 578.1019 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 415.5851 601.1064 14.059 33.0941 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 611.196 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (7)Tj ET 1 g 415.5851 634.2005 14.058 33.594 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 424.716 644.2901 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 429.6436 100.8659 14.059 36.924 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 111.9951 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0013 Tc (2)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 429.6436 137.7898 14.059 33.094 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7745 149.0041 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 429.6437 170.8839 14.0579 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 182.0982 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 429.6438 203.978 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 215.1923 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 429.6438 237.0721 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7744 248.2864 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 429.6439 270.1661 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 281.3803 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 429.644 303.2602 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 314.4745 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 429.6441 336.3543 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 346.6094 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.46313 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 429.6431 369.4483 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 381.7875 Tm 0 g (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 429.6432 402.5424 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 412.6317 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (7)Tj ET 1 g 429.6433 435.6365 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 445.7257 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 429.6433 468.7305 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7745 481.0697 Tm 0 g (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 429.6434 501.8246 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 511.9138 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 429.6435 534.9187 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 545.0079 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 429.6435 568.0129 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7745 578.1021 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 429.6436 601.1069 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7745 611.1961 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 429.6437 634.2009 14.058 33.594 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 438.7746 644.2901 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 443.7022 100.8652 14.059 36.924 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 111.995 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0013 Tc (2)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 443.7022 137.7893 14.059 33.095 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8331 149.0041 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 443.7023 170.8833 14.0579 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 182.0981 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 443.7024 203.9774 14.058 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 215.1922 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 443.7024 237.0715 14.058 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8331 248.2863 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 443.7025 270.1655 14.058 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 281.3803 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 443.7026 303.2596 14.058 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 314.4745 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 443.7026 336.3537 14.058 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8331 346.4436 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 443.7017 369.4478 14.059 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 381.7876 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 443.7018 402.5418 14.059 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 414.8816 Tm 0 g (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 443.7018 435.6359 14.059 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8331 445.8916 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.46313 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 443.7019 468.73 14.059 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8331 481.0699 Tm 0 g (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 443.702 501.824 14.059 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 514.1638 Tm 0 g (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 443.7021 534.9182 14.059 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 545.0079 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 443.7021 568.0121 14.059 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8331 578.102 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 443.7022 601.1063 14.059 33.095 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8331 611.1961 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 443.7023 634.2004 14.058 33.595 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 452.8332 644.2902 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 457.7608 100.8657 14.059 36.924 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8918 111.9951 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0013 Tc (2)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 457.7608 137.7898 14.059 33.094 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 149.0042 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 457.7609 170.8839 14.0579 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8918 182.0983 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 457.7609 203.9778 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 215.1922 Tm 0 g (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 457.761 237.072 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 248.2863 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 457.7611 270.1661 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8918 281.3804 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 457.7611 303.26 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 314.4744 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 457.7612 336.3541 14.058 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 348.6935 Tm 0 g (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 457.7603 369.4482 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8918 379.5376 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 457.7603 402.5422 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 414.8816 Tm 0 g (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 457.7604 435.6364 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 447.9757 Tm 0 g (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 457.7605 468.7304 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 478.9857 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.46313 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 457.7606 501.8246 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8918 511.9139 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 457.7606 534.9186 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 545.008 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (7)Tj ET 1 g 457.7607 568.0126 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 578.102 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 457.7608 601.1068 14.059 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8917 611.1961 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 457.7609 634.2009 14.058 33.594 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 466.8918 644.2902 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 471.8194 100.8662 14.559 36.924 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9504 111.9952 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0013 Tc (2)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (0)Tj 0.50033 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 471.8194 137.7902 14.559 33.094 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 149.0042 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 471.8195 170.8842 14.558 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9504 182.0982 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 471.8195 203.9783 14.558 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 215.1923 Tm 0 g (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 471.8196 237.0724 14.558 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 248.2864 Tm 0 g (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (9)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 471.8197 270.1665 14.558 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9504 281.3805 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (5)Tj ET 1 g 471.8197 303.2605 14.558 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 314.4745 Tm 0 g (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 471.8198 336.3545 14.558 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 348.6935 Tm 0 g (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (8)Tj ET 1 g 471.8189 369.4486 14.559 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9504 381.7876 Tm 0 g (7)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (6)Tj ET 1 g 471.8189 402.5428 14.559 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 414.8818 Tm 0 g (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 471.819 435.6367 14.559 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 445.7257 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (2)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (4)Tj ET 1 g 471.8191 468.7309 14.559 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 478.8199 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (0)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (2)Tj ET 1 g 471.8192 501.8249 14.559 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9504 512.0798 Tm 0 g (1)Tj 0.46314 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (0)Tj ET 1 g 471.8192 534.9189 14.559 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 545.0079 Tm 0 g (4)Tj 0.5 0 TD (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (9)Tj ET 1 g 471.8193 568.0131 14.559 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 578.102 Tm 0 g (5)Tj 0.5 0 TD (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (1)Tj ET 1 g 471.8194 601.1072 14.559 33.094 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9503 611.1961 Tm 0 g (3)Tj 0.5 0 TD (8)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (3)Tj ET 1 g 471.8195 634.2012 14.558 33.594 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 0 9 -9 0 480.9504 644.2902 Tm 0 g (6)Tj 0.5 0 TD (1)Tj 0.5 0 TD (,)Tj 0.25 0 TD (7)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 1 w 0 G 304.3399 101.3656 m 486.3779 101.3656 l S 304.3409 137.7897 m 486.378 137.7897 l S 358.5751 170.8835 m 486.3781 170.8835 l S 358.5742 203.9775 m 486.3782 203.9775 l S 331.4576 237.0723 m 486.3776 237.0723 l S 358.5743 270.1657 m 486.3782 270.1657 l S 358.5744 303.2598 m 486.3784 303.2598 l S 304.3403 336.354 m 486.3783 336.354 l S 358.5745 369.448 m 486.3775 369.448 l S 358.5746 402.5421 m 486.3776 402.5421 l S 304.3405 435.6362 m 486.3775 435.6362 l S 358.5747 468.7301 m 486.3777 468.7301 l S 358.5748 501.8242 m 486.3778 501.8242 l S 304.3407 534.9184 m 486.3777 534.9184 l S 358.5749 568.0123 m 486.3779 568.0123 l S 304.3409 601.1065 m 486.3779 601.1065 l S 358.5751 634.2005 m 486.3781 634.2005 l S 304.34 667.2947 m 486.378 667.2947 l S 304.8407 100.8659 m 304.8407 667.7949 l S 331.9574 137.2895 m 331.9574 336.8544 l S 359.075 137.2896 m 359.075 667.7946 l S 373.4096 100.8661 m 373.4096 667.7951 l S 387.4682 100.8654 m 387.4682 667.7944 l S 401.5268 100.8658 m 401.5268 667.7949 l S 415.5853 100.8653 m 415.5853 667.7953 l S 429.6439 100.8657 m 429.6439 667.7947 l S 443.7025 100.8661 m 443.7025 667.7951 l S 457.7611 100.8656 m 457.7611 667.7945 l S 471.8196 100.8659 m 471.8196 667.7949 l S 485.8782 100.8654 m 485.8782 667.7954 l S Q q 1 g 29 755.661 185.6 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 8)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 11 0 obj << /Length 11131 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.0954 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0.021 Tw [(15,2)-271(% en 1999 \210 8,1)-272(% en 2005. L)92(\325augmen-)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD 0.02 Tw (tation la plus importante au Qu\216bec a eu lieu)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.008 Tc 0.03 Tw [(entre 1999 et 2001, alors qu\325elle se chif)18(frait)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.002 Tw [(en moyenne autour de 18,8)-252(% pour le r\216gime)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD -0.011 Tc -0.026 Tw (public. Le r\216gime public au Qu\216bec repr\216sente)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.031 Tw [(43,9)-281(% des d\216penses totales de m\216dicaments)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tw [(faites dans la province en 2005, soit 5,5)-240(% de)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD -0.008 Tc -0.03 Tw [(plus que pour l\325ensemble du Canada \(38,3)-213(%\).)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.011 Tw (M\220me si le nombre de personnes couvertes a)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.011 Tc -0.027 Tw (fluctu\216, la partie des d\216penses de m\216dicaments)Tj T* 0.007 Tc 0.031 Tw [(prise en char)18(ge par le public, par opposition)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD 0.025 Tc 0.015 Tw [(au priv\216, a augment\216 en moyenne de 13)-291(%)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.029 Tw [(depuis 8 ans (1998-2005). )55(Au Canada, la por-)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD -0.03 Tw (tion des d\216penses publiques a augment\216 aussi)Tj T* -0.017 Tc -0.02 Tw [(en moyenne de 12,8)-213(% sur cette m\220me p\216riode.)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw [(Finalement, la partie laiss\216e \210 la char)18(ge de l\325in-)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD 0.015 Tc 0.023 Tw (dividu sous forme de contributions directes)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.034 Tw ((franchise et coassurance) a r\216guli\217rement)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.002 Tw (diminu\216 depuis la cr\216ation du r\216gime passant)Tj T* 0 Tw [(de 23,1)-250(% en 1998 \210 18,9)-250(% en 2005 [19].)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 72.5197 398.8878 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (II. M\203THODOLOGIE)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 367.2505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.009 Tc 0.029 Tw (Afin d\325\216tudier la d\216cision politique prise)Tj -1.28847 -1.09091 TD 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw (dans le domaine du m\216dicament au Qu\216bec,)Tj T* 0.02 Tc 0.017 Tw (nous avons r\216alis\216 une \216tude de cas simple)Tj T* -0.022 Tc -0.016 Tw (exploratoire [20, 21]. Le protocole de recherche)Tj -0.0225 Tc (a)' 0.63391 0 Td -0.022 Tc -0.015 Tw (\216t\216 approuv\216 par le comit\216 d\325\216thique de l\325Uni-)Tj -0.63391 -1.09091 TD 0.025 Tc 0.187 Tw (versit\216 Laval. En utilisant une technique)Tj T* 0.019 Tc 0.019 Tw (d\325\216chantillonnage par choix raisonn\216, nous)Tj T* -0.017 Tc -0.02 Tw (avons obtenu des entretiens avec des personnes)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (qui avaient particip\216 au processus de d\216cision)Tj T* -0.011 Tw (politique ou qui travaillaient dans des institu-)Tj T* -0.008 Tc -0.029 Tw (tions y ayant particip\216 et des personnes actuel)Tj 17.70576 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70576 -1.09091 TD 0.025 Tc 0.054 Tw (lement impliqu\216es dans la gestion du pro-)Tj T* 0 Tw (gramme. )Tj 4.16313 0.00001 TD 0.242 Tw (Au total, 27 personnes ont \216t\216)Tj -4.16313 -1.09091 TD -0.011 Tc -0.027 Tw (contact\216es et 19 ont accept\216 d\325y participer)Tj 16.17334 0.00001 TD -0.0105 Tc (,)Tj 0.45193 0 Td -0.011 Tc 0 Tw (soit)Tj -16.62526 -1.09091 TD -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw [(un taux de participation de 70)-213(%. Nos sources)]TJ T* -0.011 Tc -0.026 Tw (sont d\325anciens ministres de la Sant\216 et des Ser)Tj 17.70606 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70606 -1.09091 TD 0.029 Tw (vices sociaux \(n =)Tj 7.62259 0.00001 TD (2\), des professionnels tra)Tj 10.08334 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.09092 TD -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw (vaillant dans des compagnies d\325assurance pri-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.025 Tc 0.034 Tw (v\216e \(n =)Tj 3.86261 0.00001 TD (2\), des gestionnaires travaillant \210)Tj -3.86261 -1.09091 TD -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw (l\325administration du programme \210 la RAMQ \(n)Tj T* -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw [(=)-212(2\), des chercheurs \(n =)-213(2\), des personnes tra-)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.018 Tw (vaillant dans l\325industrie pharmaceutique \(n)Tj 0 Tc (=)' 0.7523 0 TD -0.024 Tc -0.013 Tw (2\), des fonctionnaires du minist\217re de la Sant\216)Tj 18.83255 50.6601 TD -0.023 Tc -0.014 Tw [(et des Services sociaux \(n =)-213(4\), et des personnes)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD -0.019 Tc -0.018 Tw (travaillant dans des associations ou des groupes)Tj T* 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw [(d\325int\216r\220t \(n =)-288(5\). )18(T)70(ous ces entretiens ont \216t\216)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD -0.018 Tc -0.02 Tw (r\216alis\216s en personne par deux chercheurs \(MPP)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc -0.006 Tw (et EM\) et la plupart \216taient faits sur le lieu de)Tj T* -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (travail des personnes interrog\216es \210 l\325aide d\325un)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw (guide d\325entretien semi-structur\216 (appendice 1))Tj T* -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw (reprenant les trois phases du processus de prise)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.023 Tw [(de d\216cision politique d\216crits par Kingdon [22])-111(:)]TJ T* -0.023 Tc -0.015 Tw ((1) l\325agenda gouvernemental (2), l\325agenda d\216ci-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.029 Tw (sionnel, (3) le choix d\325une politique. En com-)Tj T* 0.006 Tc 0.031 Tw [(pl\216ment, une quatri\217me phase a \216t\216 ajout\216e)-131(:)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc 0.027 Tw (les d\216fis rencontr\216s par le r\216gime et les solu-)Tj T* -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw (tions apport\216es. Le guide a \216t\216 pr\216-test\216 aupr\217s)Tj T* -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw (de deux r\216pondants pour la compr\216hension des)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw (questions. Les entretiens ont \216t\216 r\216alis\216s entre)Tj T* 0.008 Tc 0.029 Tw (mars et septembre 2004. Chaque entretien a)Tj T* -0.002 Tc -0.036 Tw (dur\216 entre 60 et 90 minutes et a \216t\216 enregistr\216.)Tj T* -0.011 Tc -0.027 Tw (Les entrevues ont \216t\216 retranscrites par une pro)Tj 17.7058 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.7058 -1.09091 TD 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw (fessionnelle. Chaque personne vue en entre-)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.021 Tw (tien a sign\216 un formulaire de consentement et)Tj -0.0086 Tc (a)' 0.6478 0 Td -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw (eu la possibilit\216 de revoir la transcription. En)Tj -0.6478 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.024 Tw (compl\216ment, nous avons consult\216 l\325ensemble)Tj T* -0.027 Tw (des documents of)Tj 6.92686 0 TD (ficiels et de travail ainsi que)Tj -6.92686 -1.09091 TD -0.015 Tw (les articles ou rapports publi\216s en lien avec la)Tj T* 0.011 Tc 0.026 Tw (r\216forme, de 1970 \210 nos jours. L)Tj 12.9722 0.00001 TD (\325analyse des)Tj -12.9722 -1.09091 TD 0.004 Tc 0.034 Tw (entretiens et des documents a \216t\216 r\216alis\216e de)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.098 Tw (mani\217re chronologique en reprenant les 4)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (p\216riodes qui nous int\216ressaient.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 287.9527 294.854 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (III. D\203TERMINANTS DE MISE EN)Tj 0 -1.08333 TD (PLACE D\325UN NOUVEAU MOD\351LE)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 253.6219 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.025 Tc 0.013 Tw (Le r\216gime d\325assurance m\216dicaments du)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD 0.023 Tc 0.015 Tw (Qu\216bec a \216t\216 implant\216 apr\217s des ann\216es de)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.006 Tw [(d\216bats dif)18(ficiles. Il est donc n\216cessaire d\325\216tu-)]TJ T* 0.01 Tw (dier les fondements historiques de la mise en)Tj T* 0.017 Tw (place du r\216gime pour comprendre les raisons)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.026 Tw (qui ont abouti au choix d\325un r\216gime mixte)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (public/priv\216.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 155.4827 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (A. Constat d\325iniquit\216)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 127.2505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.011 Tw (Lorsqu\325en 1962, le Qu\216bec a mis en place)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD 0.013 Tc 0.024 Tw (son assurance hospitalisation permettant un)Tj T* -0.011 Tc -0.027 Tw (acc\217s gratuit \210 toutes prestations r\216alis\216es dans)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 687.637 413.858 17.008 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (M)Tj 0.88886 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(.-P)111(. Pomey)65(, P)110(.-G. Forest, E. Martin, )55(A. Beresniak)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 479.8779 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (9)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.657 413.858 13.0081 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 73.5197 68.1942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(SEPTEMBRE-NOVEMBRE 2007)-250(\320 V)30(OL.)-250(25 \320 N\241)-250(5-6)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 185.6 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 9)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /Length 12278 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.017 Tc 0.02 Tw (une structure hospitali\217re, les m\216dicaments)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.006 Tc 0.032 Tw (prescrits en dehors d\325un \216tablissement n\325ont)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.019 Tw [(pas \216t\216 inclus [23]. )55(Aussi, dans les ann\216es 70,)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD -0.037 Tw (lorsque le co\236t des m\216dicaments a commenc\216)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.0001 Tc <88>Tj 0.66505 0 Td 0 Tc -0.029 Tw (augmenter et \210 prendre une part plus impor-)Tj -0.66505 -1.0909 TD -0.005 Tc -0.033 Tw (tante des d\216penses de soins, les prestataires de)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.004 Tc 0.034 Tw (la s\216curit\216 du revenu et les a\224n\216s b\216n\216ficiant)Tj T* 0.015 Tc 0.023 Tw (du revenu minimum garanti ont obtenu une)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw (couverture gratuite pour les m\216dicaments. Les)Tj T* 0.012 Tc 0.025 Tw (autres personnes \211g\216es devaient payer C$ 2)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (par prescription jusqu\325\210 un plafond de C$ 100)Tj T* 0.012 Tc 0.025 Tw [(par ann\216e. En 1973, la circulaire \307)-288(Malades)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD -0.011 Tc -0.026 Tw [(sur pied)-213(\310 a \216t\216 mise en place afin de permettre)]TJ -0.0127 Tc <88>' 0.64367 0 Td -0.013 Tc -0.025 Tw (des personnes atteintes de pathologies graves)Tj -0.64367 -1.0909 TD 0.013 Tc 0.024 Tw [(de pouvoir continuer \210 b\216n\216ficier)40(, \210 la suite)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD 0.011 Tc 0.027 Tw (d\325une hospitalisation)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 167.2276 483.8117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (6)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 170.598 480.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0106 Tc (,)Tj 0.54794 0 Td 0.011 Tc 0.027 Tw (de m\216dicaments gra)Tj 8.24185 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.706 -1.09091 TD 0.021 Tw [(tuits. )18(T)70(outefois, des malades atteints d\325autres)]TJ T* 0.025 Tc 0.087 Tw (maladies pour lesquelles les m\216dicaments)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.035 Tw (\216taient tout aussi co\236teux n\325avaient pas droit)Tj -0.0001 Tc <88>' 0.67842 0 Td 0 Tc -0.015 Tw [(une couverture hors de l\325h\231pital. Or)40(, devant)]TJ -0.67842 -1.09091 TD 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw (le manque de transparence des crit\217res utili)Tj 17.70584 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70584 -1.09091 TD -0.004 Tc -0.033 Tw (s\216s pour l\325inclusion d\325une maladie dans la cir)Tj 17.70596 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70596 -1.09091 TD -0.014 Tc -0.023 Tw (culaire, un probl\217me d\325\216quit\216 et d\325\216thique s\325est)Tj T* -0.002 Tc -0.036 Tw (pos\216 puisque la circulaire agissait comme une)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.023 Tw [-273(loterie des maladies)-273(\310. Il \216tait donc devenu)]TJ T* 0.037 Tw (n\216cessaire de remplacer rapidement la circu)Tj 17.706 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.706 -1.09091 TD -0.004 Tw (laire \307)Tj 2.76779 0.00001 TD (Malades sur pied)Tj 7.06807 0.00001 TD -0.0001 Tc Tj 0.74568 0 Td 0 Tc (par un r\216gime plus)Tj -10.58154 -1.09091 TD 0.014 Tc 0.024 Tw (\216quitable. De plus, la r\216forme Rochon)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 247.1288 339.8117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (7)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 250.52 336.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0138 Tc (,)Tj 0.55123 0 Td 0.014 Tc 0 Tw (qui)Tj -16.73307 -1.09091 TD -0.006 Tc -0.031 Tw (\216tait alors instaur\216e, avait comme pierre angu)Tj 17.70582 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70582 -1.09091 TD -0.021 Tc -0.017 Tw (laire le \307)Tj 3.46935 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (virage)Tj 2.58632 0 TD -0.0208 Tc Tj 0.6916 0 Td -0.021 Tc -0.017 Tw (ambulatoire. Cependant, pour)Tj -6.74726 -1.09091 TD -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw (que la r\216forme puisse \220tre mise en place, il \216tait)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.004 Tw (n\216cessaire que les personnes puissent b\216n\216fi-)Tj T* 0.003 Tc 0.034 Tw (cier des m\220mes avantages, qu\325ils soient trai)Tj 17.70581 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70581 -1.09091 TD 0.009 Tc 0.029 Tw (t\216s au sein d\325un \216tablissement de sant\216 qu\325\210)Tj T* -0.015 Tc -0.023 Tw [(l\325ext\216rieur)55(. )55(Aussi, la cr\216ation d\325un r\216gime d\325as-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.025 Tw (surance m\216dicaments devenait une condition)Tj T* 0 Tw (sine qua non de la r\216ussite de cette r\216forme.)Tj 1.28847 -1.82439 TD -0.01 Tw (Plusieurs commissions ont alors \216t\216 mises)Tj -1.28847 -1.09091 TD -0.018 Tc -0.019 Tw (en place. En 1996, le Comit\216 d\325experts sur l\325as-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.015 Tc -0.023 Tw (surance m\216dicaments, connu aussi sous le nom)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.013 Tc -0.024 Tw (de comit\216 Castonguay [24] a \216tudi\216 quatre sc\216-)Tj 19.58482 44.33199 TD 0 Tc -0.033 Tw [(narios)-125(: (1) un r\216gime universel public)-125(; (2) un)]TJ 0 -1.0909 TD -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw [(r\216gime universel priv\216)-122(; (3) un r\216gime \307)-213(catas-)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw [(trophe)-213(\310 prot\216geant contre les d\216penses exces)1(-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(sives)-125(; (4) un r\216gime mixte public/priv\216.)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 597.2434 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw [(B. Recher)19(che d\325un compr)18(o)-1(m)-1(i)-1(s)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 568.4434 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw (La proposition d\325un r\216gime universel priv\216)Tj -1.28848 -1.0909 TD 0.01 Tc 0.028 Tw (a, d\217s le d\216part, \216t\216 rejet\216e par une majorit\216)Tj T* -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw (d\325acteurs. Les compagnies d\325assurance ne sou-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.004 Tc -0.034 Tw [(haitaient pas devoir prendre en char)18(ge les per-)]TJ T* -0.002 Tc -0.035 Tw (sonnes peu ou pas solvables. Le r\216gime catas-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.019 Tc -0.018 Tw (trophe reprenait trop la structure de la circulaire)Tj T* 0.006 Tc 0.032 Tw [-287(Malades sur pied)-288(\310 en couvrant seulement)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0.021 Tw (les m\216dicaments les plus co\236teux. Le r\216gime)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.023 Tw (universel public \216tait le sc\216nario favori du)Tj T* -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw (ministre de la Sant\216 et des Services sociaux de)Tj T* -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw (l\325\216poque, Jean Rochon, des pharmaciens hos)Tj 17.70598 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70598 -1.09091 TD -0.021 Tc -0.017 Tw [(pitaliers et des groupes sociaux de gauche. )18(T)69(ou-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.034 Tw (tefois, les assureurs priv\216s y \216taient farouche)Tj 17.70593 0 TD (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.09091 TD -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw (ment oppos\216s car ils perdaient ainsi des assur\216s)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.037 Tw [-213(int\216ressants)-213(\310. De plus, l\325arriv\216e massive de)]TJ T* -0.011 Tw (personnes dans le r\216gime public aurait oblig\216)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.119 Tw (le gouvernement \210 augmenter de mani\217re)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.017 Tw (importante les imp\231ts pour r\216cup\216rer C$ 895)Tj T* 0.014 Tc 0.024 Tw (millions que co\236teraient les primes. Finale)Tj 17.70604 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70604 -1.09091 TD 0.012 Tw (ment, le r\216gime mixte permettait un compro)Tj 17.70593 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.09091 TD -0.005 Tc -0.032 Tw (mis en m\216nageant les assureurs priv\216s, en \216vi-)Tj T* 0.017 Tc 0.02 Tw (tant une augmentation des imp\231ts dans une)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.263 Tw (p\216riode o\235 le gouvernement cherchait \210)Tj T* 0.115 Tw (atteindre un d\216ficit z\216ro, en renflouant la)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.029 Tw (RAMQ par la participation de nouveaux coti)Tj 17.70592 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.09091 TD 0.021 Tc 0.016 Tw (sants tout en permettant \210 l\325ensemble de la)Tj T* 0.023 Tc 0.014 Tw (population de b\216n\216ficier d\325une couverture.)Tj T* -0.005 Tc -0.033 Tw (Suite au d\216p\231t du rapport Castonguay en mars)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.03 Tw (1996 [24], le ministre de la Sant\216 et des Ser-)Tj T* 0.026 Tw (vices sociaux a, en juin 1996, d\216pos\216 \210 l\325As-)Tj T* -0.002 Tc -0.036 Tw (sembl\216e Nationale son projet de loi proposant)Tj T* -0.018 Tc -0.019 Tw (un r\216gime mixte. Il s\325agissait aussi pour le Parti)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.022 Tc -0.016 Tw (qu\216b\216cois, qui venait de perdre en octobre 1995)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (un referendum sur l\325ind\216pendance du Qu\216bec)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 673.4641 413.858 31.181 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (10)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 262.7315 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.61089 0.00001 TD (e)Tj 0.69379 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments au Qu\216bec)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.157 413.858 13.008 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 357.5615 67.6942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(JOURNAL)-232(D\325\203CONOMIE M\203DICALE)]TJ ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 0 G 73.52 153.297 m 485.378 153.297 l S Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 73.5197 141.7085 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (6. )Tj 0.9686 0.00001 TD 0 Tc -0.001 Tw (La circulaire \307)Tj 6.07487 0.00001 TD (Malades sur pied)Tj 7.07633 0.00001 TD -0.0001 Tc Tj 0.74839 0 Td 0 Tc (fournissait gratuitement les m\216dicaments aux individus atteints de 6 maladies sp\216ci)Tj 33.25293 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -48.12113 -1.11768 TD -0.003 Tw [(fiques)-125(: la fibrose kystique, le cancer)40(, les maladies psychiatriques s\216v\217res, le diab\217te de type 1, la tuberculose et l\325hyperli-)]TJ 0 -1.11764 TD 0 Tw (poprot\216in\216mie.)Tj T* 0.013 Tw (7. Il s\325agit ici d\325une r\216forme men\216e dans le milieu des ann\216es 1990 par le ministre de la Sant\216 et des Services sociaux de)Tj T* 0 Tw [(l\325\216poque, Jean Rochon. Cette r\216forme a entrain\216 la fermeture de plusieurs h\231pitaux et le red\216ploiement de leurs ef)18(fectifs.)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 190.4 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 10)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 13 0 obj << /Length 11287 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (par quelques milliers de voix, de montrer la)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.025 Tc 0.086 Tw (capacit\216 du Qu\216bec \210 mettre en place des)Tj T* 0.011 Tc 0.027 Tw (r\216formes importantes dans le domaine de la)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.021 Tc 0.017 Tw (sant\216, d\325autant que le Forum national de la)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc 0.035 Tw (sant\216 souhaitait voir impos\216 un r\216gime phar-)Tj T* 0 Tw (maceutique dans toutes les provinces [12].)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 72.5197 570.854 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.024 Tc 0 Tw [(III. D\203FIS POS\203S P)75(AR LE NOUVEAU)]TJ 0 -1.08334 TD 0.002 Tc (R\203GIME)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 529.6219 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0.004 Tw (Depuis sa cr\216ation il y a 10 ans, le r\216gime)Tj -1.28847 -1.09091 TD 0.0094 Tc (a)Tj 0.74082 0 Td 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (eu \210 faire face \210 des d\216fis. Nous examine-)Tj -0.74082 -1.09091 TD 0.011 Tc 0.027 Tw (rons plus particuli\217rement comment le gou-)Tj T* -0.015 Tc -0.023 Tw (vernement a, au cours du temps, essay\216 d\325am\216-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw (liorer le r\216gime en prenant en consid\216ration sa)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.017 Tc -0.02 Tw (complexit\216, en le rendant plus accessible finan-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.011 Tw (ci\217rement aux plus d\216munis et enfin en cher-)Tj T* -0.016 Tc -0.021 Tw (chant \210 mettre en \317uvre une politique du m\216di-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (cament.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 407.4827 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (A. Complexit\216 du r\216gime)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 379.2505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.025 Tc 0.107 Tw (Quand le r\216gime a \216t\216 mis en place le)Tj -1.28847 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc (1)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 78.2818 370.5505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.023 Tc 0 Tw (er)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.8845 367.2505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.024 Tc 0.014 Tw (janvier 1997, les Qu\216b\216cois se sont vus)Tj -1.30589 -1.09091 TD 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw (confront\216s \210 la complexit\216 de la structure de)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.032 Tw (financement du r\216gime. Les personnes \211g\216es)Tj T* -0.008 Tc -0.029 Tw (\216taient tout particuli\217rement perturb\216es par les)Tj T* -0.018 Tc -0.019 Tw [(trois \216l\216ments qui composaient le financement)-107(:)]TJ T* 0.018 Tc 0.02 Tw (la prime, la coassurance et la franchise. De)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.006 Tw (plus, ces \216l\216ments variaient d\325une personne \210)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.185 Tw (l\325autre, en fonction de l\325\211ge et du statut)Tj T* -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw (\(employ\216 d\216tenant une assurance priv\216e, pres-)Tj T* 0.001 Tc 0.037 Tw (tataire de la s\216curit\216 du revenu, retrait\216, pro-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.014 Tw (fessionnel ind\216pendant\). L)Tj 10.57146 0.00001 TD (\325absence de strat\216)Tj 7.13445 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.09092 TD -0.022 Tc -0.016 Tw (gie de communication claire \216manant du MSSS)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw (sur les modalit\216s du nouveau r\216gime a eu pour)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.004 Tw (cons\216quence de rel\216guer la t\211che d\325expliquer)Tj T* -0.014 Tc -0.023 Tw (le fonctionnement du r\216gime aux pharmaciens.)Tj T* -0.004 Tc -0.033 Tw (Certains ont d\236 d\216bourser plus que ce qu\325elles)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.026 Tw (avaient l\325habitude de payer)Tj 10.87945 0.00001 TD -0.0001 Tc (.)Tj 0.5261 0 Td 0 Tc (Par exemple, les)Tj -11.40555 -1.09091 TD 0.037 Tw (personnes \211g\216es qui initialement ne payaient)Tj T* -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw (que C$ 2 par ordonnance ont alors d\236 d\216frayer)Tj T* 0.018 Tc 0.02 Tw (pour une coassurance et une franchise. Ces)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.029 Tw (personnes \216taient donc tr\217s m\216contentes de la)Tj T* -0.02 Tc -0.018 Tw (nouvelle situation. De plus, des probl\217mes dans)Tj T* -0.018 Tc -0.02 Tw (la r\216partition des co\236ts sont devenus apparents)Tj 17.76089 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (:)Tj 1.82393 50.6601 TD 0.023 Tc 0.015 Tw (afin d\325\216viter de payer la franchise, les per-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.024 Tc 0.013 Tw (sonnes achetaient des m\216dicaments en une)Tj T* -0.004 Tc -0.034 Tw (seule fois pour plusieurs mois. Un m\216canisme)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.002 Tc -0.035 Tw (sp\216cifique a \216t\216 mis en place pour que les per-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.006 Tc 0.032 Tw (sonnes aient \210 payer la franchise mensuelle-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.003 Tw [(ment plut\231t qu\325annuellement. )55(Ainsi, au cours)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD 0.016 Tc 0.022 Tw (des dix derni\217res ann\216es, des am\216liorations)Tj T* 0.001 Tc 0.037 Tw (r\216guli\217res ont \216t\216 apport\216es afin de rendre le)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.019 Tc 0.019 Tw (r\216gime plus compr\216hensible, mais de nom-)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.021 Tw (breux Qu\216b\216cois ne sont toujours pas au cou-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.004 Tc 0.033 Tw (rant qu\325ils doivent obligatoirement \220tre cou-)Tj T* -0.02 Tc -0.017 Tw (verts contre le risque m\216dicament. Pour essayer)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.018 Tc 0.019 Tw (de pallier ce manque de communication, le)Tj T* 0.011 Tc 0.026 Tw (MSSS a mis en place, en 2005 et 2006, une)Tj T* -0.012 Tc -0.025 Tw (campagne d\325information sur l\325assurance m\216di-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.022 Tc -0.016 Tw (caments en utilisant la t\216l\216vision, la radio, inter)Tj 17.70577 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70577 -1.09091 TD -0.021 Tc -0.017 Tw (net et les \216tablissements d\325enseignement secon-)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.001 Tw (daire [25]. La premi\217re campagne s\325adressait)Tj T* 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw (tout particuli\217rement aux adultes de 25 \210 55)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.082 Tw (ans tandis que la deuxi\217me concernait les)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (jeunes de 18 \210 25 ans.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 394.9276 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (B. Contribution des b\216n\216ficiair)Tj 13.20191 0 TD 0.002 Tc (es)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 367.2505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.019 Tc -0.019 Tw (Les b\216n\216ficiaires du r\216gime doivent prendre)Tj -1.28848 -1.09091 TD -0.0232 Tc <88>Tj 0.63322 0 Td -0.023 Tc -0.014 Tw [(leur char)18(ge une partie des co\236ts. Pour de nom-)]TJ -0.63322 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0.003 Tw (breuses personnes, ce fut un changement fort)Tj T* 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw [(important. )55(A)73(vant 1997, les prestataires de la)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.032 Tw (s\216curit\216 du revenu et les personnes \211g\216es de)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.017 Tw (plus de 65 ans qui avaient le droit au montant)Tj T* 0.015 Tc 0.022 Tw (maximum du suppl\216ment de revenu garanti)Tj T* 0.012 Tc 0.026 Tw ((SRG) recevaient leur prescription gratuite)Tj 17.70584 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70584 -1.09091 TD -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (ment. Les autres personnes \211g\216es payaient C$)Tj -0.0001 Tc (2)' 0.76251 0 Td 0 Tc 0.013 Tw (par ordonnance avec un plafond de C$ 100)Tj -0.76251 -1.09091 TD 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (par an. )Tj 2.99932 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (A)Tj 0.64942 0.00001 TD 0.001 Tc (vec le nouveau r\216gime, la contribu)Tj 14.05712 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70585 -1.09093 TD -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw (tion annuelle des personnes b\216n\216ficiaires de la)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.023 Tw (s\216curit\216 du revenu est pass\216e de C$ 0 \210 C$ 81)Tj T* 0.01 Tc 0.027 Tw (et, pour les personnes \211g\216es, de C$ 49 \210 C$)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.023 Tw (240. Le minist\217re de la Sant\216 et des Services)Tj T* 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (sociaux a commandit\216, en 1998, une \216valua)Tj 17.70596 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70596 -1.09091 TD -0.007 Tw (tion r\216alis\216e par des chercheurs ind\216pendants)Tj T* 0.026 Tw (pour mesurer l\325impact de ce nouveau r\216gime)Tj T* 0.016 Tc 0.021 Tw (sur la consommation de m\216dicaments d\325or)Tj 17.70581 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70581 -1.09091 TD -0.018 Tc -0.02 Tw (donnance et sur l\325\216tat de sant\216 des b\216n\216ficiaires)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.001 Tw (qui \216taient couverts avant la r\216forme. Le rap-)Tj T* -0.012 Tc -0.025 Tw (port, publi\216 en 1999 [26] montrait tout d\325abord)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.029 Tw (que la nouvelle politique de partage des co\236ts)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 687.637 413.858 17.008 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (M)Tj 0.88886 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(.-P)111(. Pomey)65(, P)110(.-G. Forest, E. Martin, )55(A. Beresniak)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 474.3779 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (11)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.657 413.858 13.0081 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 73.5197 68.1942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(SEPTEMBRE-NOVEMBRE 2007)-250(\320 V)30(OL.)-250(25 \320 N\241)-250(5-6)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 190.4 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 11)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 14 0 obj << /Length 11619 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.011 Tw (avait entra\224n\216 une baisse de la consommation)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (de m\216dicaments d\325ordonnance chez les per-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.027 Tw (sonnes \211g\216es et les prestataires de la s\216curit\216)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw (du revenu. En moyenne, ce sont les personnes)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.011 Tc -0.027 Tw (qui consommaient le plus de m\216dicaments \(les)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.05 Tw (personnes les plus \211g\216es, les individus les)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.013 Tc 0.024 Tw (moins scolaris\216s et les femmes\) qui avaient)Tj T* -0.019 Tc -0.018 Tw (diminu\216 le plus leur consommation. Le nombre)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.021 Tc -0.016 Tw (d\325\216v\217nements ind\216sirables, le nombre de visites)Tj T* 0.019 Tc 0.019 Tw (m\216dicales et le nombre de consultations en)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0.002 Tw [(ur)18(gence attribuables \210 une baisse de consom-)]TJ T* 0.017 Tc 0.02 Tw (mation de m\216dicaments essentiels et moins)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc 0.004 Tw (essentiels avaient aussi augment\216 de mani\217re)Tj T* 0.035 Tw (significative. Ce constat, qui fit beaucoup de)Tj T* -0.012 Tw (bruit dans les m\216dias lors de sa publication, a)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.019 Tc -0.018 Tw (contraint le gouvernement du Qu\216bec, en 1999,)Tj 0.0093 Tc <88>' 0.74073 0 Td 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (ajuster par voie l\216gislative [27] les contri-)Tj -0.74073 -1.09091 TD -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw (butions des personnes dans l\325incapacit\216 de tra)Tj 17.70594 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70594 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tc -0.028 Tw (vailler en rendant leur adh\216sion au r\216gime gra)Tj 17.70583 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70583 -1.09091 TD 0.01 Tw (tuit. En juillet 2005, les individus recevant le)Tj T* 0.015 Tc 0.022 Tw (maximum du suppl\216ment de revenu garanti)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.027 Tw (avaient aussi obtenu la gratuit\216 de leur adh\216)Tj 17.70593 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.09091 TD 0.02 Tc 0.017 Tw (sion et plus r\216cemment, en f\216vrier 2007, le)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.029 Tw (gouvernement a annonc\216 qu\325\210 partir de juillet)Tj T* -0.004 Tc -0.034 Tw (2007, les personnes les plus vuln\216rables pour-)Tj T* -0.008 Tc -0.03 Tw (ront se procurer gratuitement les m\216dicaments)Tj T* 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw (requis par leur \216tat de sant\216. )Tj 11.77023 0.00001 TD (Ainsi, 325)Tj 4.75764 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (000)Tj -16.52787 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.03 Tw (individus b\216n\216ficient d\325une gratuit\216 compl\217te)Tj T* -0.021 Tc -0.017 Tw (des m\216dicaments prescrits par un m\216decin [28].)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 298.9276 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (C. Politique du m\216dicament)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 271.2505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.025 Tc 0.133 Tw (Une des critiques les plus persistantes)Tj -1.28847 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.034 Tw [(envers le r\216gime qu\216b\216cois est la dif)18(ficult\216 de)]TJ T* -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (ma\224triser ses co\236ts. Entre 1997 et 2003, l\325aug)Tj 17.70602 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70602 -1.09091 TD 0.004 Tc 0.033 Tw (mentation du co\236t des m\216dicaments a \216t\216 en)Tj T* -0.008 Tc -0.029 Tw (moyenne de 15)Tj 6.1554 0.00001 TD -0.0084 Tc (%)Tj 1.03701 0 Td -0.008 Tc (par an [29]. Une des raisons)Tj -7.19241 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0.015 Tw (\216voqu\216es est l\325absence de mesures cherchant)Tj -0.0054 Tc <88>' 0.65101 0 Td -0.005 Tc -0.032 Tw (introduire un bon usage du m\216dicament. Les)Tj -0.65101 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw (Qu\216b\216cois ont un des taux de prescriptions par)Tj T* 0.002 Tc 0.036 Tw (personne les plus \216lev\216s du Canada [30]. De)Tj T* -0.009 Tc -0.028 Tw (plus, une \216tude r\216alis\216e en 2004 aupr\217s de per-)Tj T* 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw (sonnes \211g\216es vivant dans la ville de Qu\216bec)Tj T* 0.015 Tc 0.022 Tw (montrait que dans 54,7)Tj 9.85694 0.00001 TD 0.0153 Tc (%)Tj 1.1357 0 Td 0.015 Tc (des cas, les pres)Tj 6.7134 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70604 -1.09092 TD -0.015 Tc -0.023 Tw (criptions \216taient non pertinentes en raison d\325in-)Tj T* 0.008 Tc 0.029 Tw (teractions m\216dicamenteuses, de dur\216e ou de)Tj T* 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw (dosage faux ou encore inappropri\216s [31]. En)Tj 19.58482 50.66011 TD 0.006 Tc 0.031 Tw (ce qui concerne le co\236t des m\216dicaments, le)Tj 0 -1.10287 TD -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (Qu\216bec a, depuis 1994, mis en place une poli-)Tj T* 0.003 Tc 0.034 Tw (tique tr\217s controvers\216e de non-augmentation)Tj 0 -1.10288 TD 0 Tc 0.035 Tw (du prix des m\216dicaments [28] qui concernait)Tj 0 -1.10286 TD 0.011 Tw (les m\216dicaments d\216j\210 inscrits sur la Liste des)Tj 0 -1.10287 TD -0.002 Tw (m\216dicaments remboursables. En revanche, le)Tj T* -0.008 Tw (prix des nouveaux m\216dicaments \216tait prot\216g\216)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.041 Tw (pour 15 ans, en accord avec la r\217gle selon)Tj T* 0.001 Tc 0.037 Tw (laquelle un m\216dicament inscrit sur la Liste y)Tj T* -0.004 Tc -0.033 Tw (reste au moins 15 ans \(c\325est-\210-dire que le gou-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.026 Tw (vernement rembourse le prix du m\216dicament)Tj T* -0.006 Tc -0.031 Tw (d\325origine\), m\220me si le brevet expire et que des)Tj T* -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw (g\216n\216riques apparaissent sur le march\216 \210 un prix)Tj T* 0.013 Tc 0.024 Tw (plus bas. Finalement, alors que les pharma-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.033 Tw (ciens au Qu\216bec ont le droit de substituer un)Tj 0 -1.10288 TD 0.01 Tc 0.028 Tw (m\216dicament de marque contre un g\216n\216rique)Tj 0 -1.10287 TD 0 Tc -0.036 Tw ((sauf notification du m\216decin), la substitution)Tj 0 -1.10288 TD -0.021 Tc -0.017 Tw (th\216rapeutique \(i.e. la substitution pour une autre)Tj 0 -1.10287 TD -0.018 Tc -0.02 Tw (formule pharmacologique\) n\325a jamais vraiment)Tj T* 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw (\216t\216 d\216battue, malgr\216 les avantages potentiels)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (en terme de co\236ts.)Tj 1.28848 -2.13366 TD 0.025 Tc 0.353 Tw (En f\216vrier 2007, le gouvernement a)Tj -1.28848 -1.10287 TD 0.015 Tc 0.023 Tw (annonc\216, en contexte pr\216\216lectoral, le lance)Tj 17.70605 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70605 -1.10288 TD 0.011 Tc 0.027 Tw (ment de la Politique qu\216b\216coise du m\216dica)Tj 17.70591 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70591 -1.10288 TD -0.017 Tc -0.02 Tw (ment [28]. Cette politique consiste tout d\325abord)Tj 0 -1.10287 TD -0.0001 Tc <88>Tj 0.66511 0 Td 0 Tc -0.029 Tw (assouplir et \210 rendre plus transparent le pro)Tj 17.04083 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.10288 TD 0.01 Tc 0.027 Tw (cessus d\325inscription des m\216dicaments sur la)Tj 0 -1.10287 TD 0.004 Tc 0.034 Tw (liste du r\216gime en favorisant la participation)Tj T* 0.016 Tc 0.021 Tw (des cliniciens et des citoyens. Elle abolit la)Tj T* 0.012 Tc 0.026 Tw (politique de non-augmentation des prix \210 la)Tj T* 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (suite des pressions faites par les compagnies)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.015 Tw (pharmaceutiques qui avaient menac\216 le Qu\216-)Tj 0 -1.10288 TD -0.018 Tc -0.019 Tw (bec de retirer du march\216 certains de leurs m\216di-)Tj 0 -1.10287 TD 0 Tc -0.02 Tw (caments. \313 l\325heure actuelle, les ententes avec)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.054 Tw (les fabricants de m\216dicaments ne sont pas)Tj T* -0.01 Tc -0.028 Tw [(encore connues. )18(T)69(outefois, l\325augmentation des)]TJ T* -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (prix permise ne doit pas d\216passer le taux d\325in)Tj 17.70602 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70602 -1.10288 TD 0.003 Tc 0.034 Tw (flation annuelle, sauf dans le cas de m\216dica-)Tj 0 -1.10287 TD 0 Tc 0.003 Tw (ments uniques. Le prix du m\216dicament g\216n\216-)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.323 Tw (rique sera fix\216 en fonction du prix du)Tj T* -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw (m\216dicament de marque. Le premier g\216n\216rique)Tj -0.0212 Tc <88>' 0.63516 0 Td -0.021 Tc -0.016 Tw [(appara\224tre b\216n\216ficiera d\325un prix limit\216 \210 60)-213(%,)]TJ -0.63516 -1.10287 TD -0.015 Tc -0.023 Tw (le deuxi\217me et suivant \210 54)Tj 10.61775 0.00001 TD (%. De plus, on pr\216)Tj 7.0882 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70596 -1.10288 TD 0.008 Tc 0.029 Tw (voit qu\325un service t\216l\216phonique, Info-M\216di)Tj 17.70593 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.10288 TD 0.011 Tc 0.026 Tw (caments, sera accessible en tout temps pour)Tj 0 -1.10287 TD -0.005 Tc -0.033 Tw (renseigner les personnes qui ont des questions)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 673.4641 413.858 31.181 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (12)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 262.7315 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.61089 0.00001 TD (e)Tj 0.69379 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments au Qu\216bec)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.157 413.858 13.008 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 357.5615 67.6942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(JOURNAL)-232(D\325\203CONOMIE M\203DICALE)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 190.4 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 12)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 15 0 obj << /Length 12199 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw (sur les m\216dicaments et leurs usages. Un enca-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.001 Tc 0.037 Tw (drement plus s\216v\217re de la promotion et de la)Tj T* -0.004 Tc -0.034 Tw (publicit\216 des m\216dicaments est aussi pr\216vu. De)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.001 Tc -0.036 Tw (plus, une campagne grand public, bas\216e sur le)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.013 Tc 0.024 Tw (mod\217le fran\215ais de sensibilisation aux bons)Tj T* -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw (usages du m\216dicament, est pr\216vue. Enfin, \216tant)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.013 Tc (donn\216 que le Qu\216bec se distingue d\325autres pro-)Tj T* -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw (vinces canadiennes par la multiplicit\216 de si\217ges)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.008 Tc 0.029 Tw (sociaux de grandes compagnies pharmaceu-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (tiques)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.6 0 0 6.6 98.7924 555.8117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc (8)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 102.0924 552.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (,)Tj 0.52001 0 Td 0 Tc 0.02 Tw (la loi de protection des brevets de 15)Tj -3.20844 -1.09091 TD 0.016 Tw (ans est maintenue. On ne peut donc pas vrai-)Tj T* 0.01 Tw (ment dire ici que la Politique du m\216dicament)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0.025 Tc 0.081 Tw (au Qu\216bec soit particuli\217rement agressive)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.018 Tw (quand on la compare \210 celle de la France. La)Tj T* -0.008 Tw (Colombie-Britannique est la seule province \210)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw (avoir introduit une politique coh\216rente de r\216gu)Tj 17.70585 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70585 -1.09091 TD -0.013 Tc -0.024 Tw (lation comportant simultan\216ment une politique)Tj T* -0.01 Tc -0.028 Tw (d\325inscription et de n\216gociation de prix avec les)Tj T* -0.019 Tc -0.019 Tw (entreprises pharmaceutiques [32]. Gr\211ce \210 cette)Tj T* -0.001 Tc -0.036 Tw (approche, l\325inscription d\325un nouveau m\216dica-)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.013 Tw (ment est conditionnelle \210 la mise en \216vidence)Tj T* -0.013 Tc -0.025 Tw (scientifique d\325un apport r\216el en termes de mor)Tj 17.70604 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70604 -1.09091 TD -0.036 Tw (bidit\216 et de mortalit\216 et une n\216gociation sur le)Tj T* 0.006 Tc 0.032 Tw (prix du m\216dicament est en relation avec son)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.027 Tw (degr\216 d\325innovation. D\325apr\217s certains cher-)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.013 Tw (cheurs, cette politique aurait permis d\325\216cono)Tj 17.70592 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.09091 TD 0.022 Tc 0.015 Tw (miser jusqu\325\210 14)Tj 7.34247 0.00001 TD 0.0224 Tc (%)Tj 1.14287 0 Td (du)Tj 1.33231 0 Td 0.022 Tc (co\236t du programme)Tj -9.81765 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (dans cette province [33, 34].)Tj 1.28847 -1.79478 TD -0.01 Tc -0.016 Tw (Malgr\216 leurs dif)Tj 6.23123 0.00001 TD (f\216rences, les syst\217mes qu\216)Tj 10.18622 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.09091 TD -0.021 Tc -0.027 Tw (b\216cois et ceux des autres provinces canadiennes)Tj T* -0.023 Tc -0.024 Tw (ou encore des \203tats am\216ricains, sont soumis aux)Tj T* -0.019 Tc -0.028 Tw (m\220mes d\216fis d\325acc\217s des populations aux m\216di)Tj 17.70591 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70591 -1.09091 TD 0.002 Tc 0.026 Tw (caments innovants, de solidarit\216 et libert\216 de)Tj T* -0.001 Tc 0.028 Tw (march\216. Chaque syst\217me essayant de trouver)Tj T* -0.021 Tc -0.026 Tw (un compromis, arbitrage n\216cessairement impar-)Tj T* 0.001 Tc 0.026 Tw (fait car ne pouvant optimiser chacun des cri)Tj 17.70583 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70583 -1.09091 TD -0.006 Tc 0.034 Tw (t\217res [35]. Il est aussi int\216ressant de constater)Tj T* 0.015 Tc 0.014 Tw (que les syst\217mes europ\216ens sont confront\216s)Tj T* 0.014 Tc 0.013 Tw (exactement aux m\220mes probl\216matiques que)Tj T* 0.009 Tc 0.018 Tw [(celles en )55(Am\216rique du Nord [36]. Les dif)18<668E>-1(-)]TJ T* -0.006 Tc 0.033 Tw [(rences d\325or)18(ganisation d\325acc\217s au m\216dicament)]TJ T* -0.013 Tc -0.034 Tw (rel\217vent encore en partie du fruit de l\325\216volution)Tj T* -0.009 Tc 0.036 Tw (de leur propre syst\217me de sant\216, mais tendent)Tj T* -0.01 Tc -0.016 Tw [(toutes \210 conver)18(ger vers un acc\217s garanti centr\216)]TJ 19.58482 47.61296 TD -0.022 Tc -0.026 Tw (sur les risques majeurs, au d\216triment des risques)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.033 Tc -0.015 Tw [(mineurs. La Grande-Bretagne of)18(fre ainsi le choix)]TJ 0 -1.10727 TD -0.03 Tc -0.017 Tw (entre un syst\217me totalement public ouvert \210 tous,)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.007 Tc 0.034 Tw (le National Health Service (NHS), cohabitant)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD -0.011 Tc -0.036 Tw [(avec un syst\217me totalement priv\216. Les dif)18(f)1(i)1(c)1(u)1(l)1(-)]TJ 0 -1.10728 TD -0.006 Tc 0.033 Tw [(t\216s de prise en char)18(ge des m\216dicaments inno-)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0.019 Tw [(vants ont conduits le NHS \210 cr\216er)40(, en 1999, le)]TJ 0 -1.10727 TD -0.026 Tc -0.022 Tw (National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE))Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.01 Tc -0.027 Tw (dont la responsabilit\216 est d\325\216mettre des recom-)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD -0.006 Tc 0.034 Tw (mandations en mati\217re d\325\216valuation des tech-)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD 0.015 Tc 0.014 Tw (nologies en sant\216 prenant th\216oriquement en)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD -0.013 Tc -0.034 Tw (compte les besoins de sant\216 publique, les avan-)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.002 Tc 0.029 Tw (tages cliniques des nouveaux produits et leur)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD -0.031 Tc -0.017 Tw (int\216r\220t m\216dico-\216conomique. Le probl\217me auquel)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.017 Tc -0.03 Tw (est confront\216 le NICE reste le choix des crit\217res)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD 0.015 Tc 0.229 Tw (d\325\216valuation, dont les fameux indicateurs)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.004 Tc 0.032 Tw [-277(QAL)100(Y)-241(\310 \(Quality )55(Adjusted Life )37(Y)100(ears\), qui)]TJ 0 -1.10727 TD -0.01 Tc -0.036 Tw (permettent \210 cet institut de ne recommander au)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.019 Tc -0.029 Tw (remboursement que les produits qui auraient un)Tj T* -0.01 Tc 0.023 Tw (co\236t par QAL)Tj 5.37877 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (Y)Tj 0.93786 0 TD -0.01 Tc (inf\216rieur \210 30)Tj 5.40616 0 TD [(000)-263(\243. Non seu-)]TJ -11.72279 -1.10728 TD 0.015 Tc 0.322 Tw (lement la validit\216 m\216thodologique de la)Tj T* -0.021 Tc -0.027 Tw [(construction des indicateurs QAL)100(Ys est tr\217s lar-)]TJ 0 -1.10727 TD -0.017 Tc -0.03 Tw (gement d\216battue dans le monde scientifique car)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.01 Tc -0.031 Tw (les valeurs obtenues d\216pendent directement du)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD 0.035 Tw (choix de la technique de mesure de l\325utilit\216 et)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD 0.015 Tc 0.08 Tw (ne sont donc pas comparables. La prise en)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD -0.015 Tc -0.033 Tw (compte d\325un tel seuil impose \210 l\325industrie phar-)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.021 Tc -0.026 Tw [(maceutique de r\216aliser des mod\217les co\236t/QAL)100(Y)]TJ 0 -1.10727 TD 0.015 Tc 0.117 Tw (en recherchant la technique ad\216quate pour)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.01 Tc -0.021 Tw (qu\325une \216tude \307)Tj 5.97912 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (passe)Tj 2.33453 0.00001 TD -0.0101 Tc Tj 0.70884 0 Td -0.01 Tc -0.021 Tw (au dessous du seuil cri)Tj 8.68343 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.10728 TD -0.01 Tc -0.033 Tw (tique des 30)Tj 4.76133 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (000)Tj 1.67701 0 TD -0.033 Tw [(\243/QAL)100(Y)129(, ind\216pendamment de)]TJ -6.43834 -1.10728 TD -0.031 Tw (la pertinence clinique de l\325\216tude et de la robus-)Tj T* -0.019 Tc -0.029 Tw (tesse m\216thodologique [37, 38]. Il est int\216ressant)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD -0.01 Tc 0.018 Tw (de constater que ce souci de vouloir comparer)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD -0.016 Tw (toutes les technologies \210 l\325aide d\325un indicateur)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD 0.017 Tw [(propos\216 comme universel \(QAL)100(Y\) rel\217ve cul-)]TJ 0 -1.10728 TD -0.008 Tc 0.035 Tw (turellement de la mentalit\216 des pays du Com-)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD -0.014 Tc -0.033 Tw (monwealth \(Grande Bretagne, Canada, )Tj 15.12594 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (Austra)Tj 2.57995 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.7059 -1.10729 TD -0.004 Tc 0.031 Tw (lie\). C\325est ainsi que l\325Agence canadienne des)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD 0.007 Tc 0.02 Tw (m\216dicaments et des technologies de la sant\216)Tj 0 -1.10728 TD 0.015 Tc 0.028 Tw ((ACMTS), fond\216e en 2006, privil\216gie de la)Tj 0 -1.10727 TD -0.029 Tc -0.019 Tw [(m\220me fa\215on les \216tudes co\236t/QAL)100(Y)-166(avec un seuil)]TJ 0 -1.10728 TD -0.017 Tc -0.031 Tw (sugg\216r\216 de C$ 50)Tj 6.71818 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (000/QAL)Tj 3.61538 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (Y)Tj 0.87081 0.00001 TD -0.017 Tc -0.031 Tw (au-del\210 duquel un)Tj -11.20437 -1.10729 TD -0.01 Tc -0.024 Tw [(nouveau produit aura les plus grandes dif)18(ficul-)]TJ ET 1 g 72.52 687.637 413.858 17.008 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (M)Tj 0.88886 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(.-P)111(. Pomey)65(, P)110(.-G. Forest, E. Martin, )55(A. Beresniak)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 474.3779 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (13)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.657 413.858 13.0081 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 73.5197 68.1942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(SEPTEMBRE-NOVEMBRE 2007)-250(\320 V)30(OL.)-250(25 \320 N\241)-250(5-6)]TJ ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 0 G 73.52 115.297 m 485.378 115.297 l S Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 73.5197 103.7085 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(8)10(.)10( )10(On estime \210 18)-125(600 le nombre d\325emplois directs au Qu\216bec en lien avec l\325industrie pharmaceutique.)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 190.4 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 13)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 16 0 obj << /Length 11473 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 660.5117 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.01 Tc 0.013 Tw (t\216s \210 \220tre admis au sein de la liste des m\216dica-)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.005 Tw (ments remboursables. Il est curieux de consta-)Tj T* -0.031 Tw (ter que m\220me si la validit\216 de cet indicateur est)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.026 Tw (tr\217s discutable (et discut\216e\311) car g\216n\216rant des)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.009 Tc 0.036 Tw [(r\216sultats diver)18(gents et non reproductibles, des)]TJ T* -0.028 Tc -0.019 Tw [(agences gouvernementales telles que le )55(ACMTS)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD 0.015 Tc 0.034 Tw (et le NICE continuent \210 demander de telles)Tj T* 0.011 Tc 0.016 Tw (\216tudes aux industriels du m\216dicament, et en)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.007 Tc 0.035 Tw (commanditent aussi pour leur propre compte.)Tj T* -0.01 Tc 0.016 Tw [(La France a choisi une autre voie)-115(: loin de pri-)]TJ 0 -1.09091 TD -0.025 Tc -0.022 Tw (vil\216gier un indicateur m\216dico-\216conomique quel-)Tj T* -0.017 Tc -0.03 Tw (conque, le Comit\216 \203conomique des Produits de)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD -0.01 Tc 0.036 Tw (Sant\216 (CEPS) se laisse la libert\216 de d\216battre \210)Tj T* 0.003 Tc 0.025 Tw (huis clos de l\325ad\216quation du prix revendiqu\216)Tj T* -0.011 Tc -0.037 Tw (par l\325industriel en fonction des quantit\216s pr\216vi-)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tc -0.016 Tw (sibles de vente. La mesure de la valeur ajout\216e)Tj T* 0.015 Tc 0.058 Tw (scientifique du produit \216tant \216valu\216e par la)Tj 0 Tc ' 0.66857 0 TD -0.034 Tc -0.014 Tw (commission de la transparence)Tj 11.47775 0.00001 TD (\310, qui n\325a aucun)Tj -12.14632 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tc 0.002 Tw (mandat pour donner un avis sur les prix ou les)Tj T* -0.013 Tc -0.034 Tw (aspects m\216dico-\216conomiques, est donc canton-)Tj T* -0.012 Tc -0.035 Tw (n\216e \210 l\325\216valuation de l\325ef)Tj 9.45986 0 TD (ficacit\216 clinique et des)Tj -9.45986 -1.09091 TD -0.021 Tc 0 Tw (ef)Tj 0.71733 0.00001 TD -0.027 Tw (fets secondaires par rapport aux produits exis-)Tj -0.71733 -1.09091 TD -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (tants.)Tj 1.28847 -1.78267 TD -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw (Les politiques d\325acc\217s au m\216dicament sont)Tj -1.28847 -1.09091 TD 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (donc fortement li\216es \210 l\325histoire politique du)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.015 Tw (pays et \210 leur contexte culturel. La mondiali-)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.101 Tw (sation des march\216s, l\325acc\217s universel \210 la)Tj T* 0.003 Tc 0.035 Tw (connaissance des propri\216t\216s des produits par)Tj 0 -1.0909 TD 0 Tc -0.034 Tw (les nouveaux m\216dias, le souci croissant d\325une)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0.009 Tc 0.029 Tw (plus grande \216quit\216 dans l\325acc\217s des m\216dica)Tj 17.70594 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70594 -1.09091 TD 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw (ments, l\325int\216r\220t soutenu des agences gouver)Tj 17.70593 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70593 -1.09091 TD 0.023 Tc 0.014 Tw (nementales \210 propos des d\216cisions prises \210)Tj T* -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw [(l\325\216tranger)40(, laissent \210 penser que l\325avenir devrait)]TJ T* -0.021 Tc -0.017 Tw [(aller vers une certaine conver)18(gence des r\216gimes)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (de prise en char)Tj 6.41216 0.00001 TD (ge au sein des pays d\216velop)Tj 11.29388 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70604 -1.09092 TD -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw (p\216s, d\325o\235 l\325int\216r\220t de ce type de travaux sur les)Tj 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc -0.016 Tw (comparaisons internationales et l\325int\216r\220t pour)Tj T* 0 Tw (le Qu\216bec de regarder ailleurs ce qui s\325y fait.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 72.5197 179.3637 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.002 Tc 0 Tw (IV)Tj 0.98193 0 TD 0.001 Tc (.)Tj 0.50202 0 Td (CONCLUSION)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.6929 151.2505 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.018 Tc 0.02 Tw (Le Qu\216bec se distingue en )Tj 11.30529 0.00001 TD (Am\216rique du)Tj -12.59376 -1.09091 TD -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw (Nord par son r\216gime d\325assurance m\216dicaments)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.059 Tw (g\216n\216reux, associant le public au priv\216. Ce)Tj T* 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (r\216gime est n\216 d\325un compromis visant \210 mettre)Tj T* -0.021 Tc -0.016 Tw (en \317uvre une couverture m\216dicament pour tous)Tj 19.58482 50.66011 TD 0.015 Tc 0.022 Tw (les Qu\216b\216cois \210 un co\236t politique et \216cono-)Tj 0 -1.17307 TD 0.025 Tc 0.104 Tw [(mique mesur\216. )55(Au cours des 10 derni\217res)]TJ 0 -1.17306 TD 0 Tc -0.014 Tw (ann\216es, ce r\216gime a eu \210 faire face \210 des ajus-)Tj T* 0.021 Tc 0.016 Tw (tements importants et cherche toujours des)Tj 0 -1.17307 TD 0.009 Tc 0.029 Tw [(solutions pour \216quilibrer son budget. )18(T)70(oute-)]TJ 0 -1.17306 TD -0.006 Tc -0.031 Tw (fois, le probl\217me central de la mauvaise r\216par-)Tj 0 -1.17307 TD 0.001 Tc 0.037 Tw (tition des risques entre le r\216gime public et le)Tj T* 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw (r\216gime priv\216 n\325a jamais \216t\216 \210 l\325ordre du jour)Tj 0 -1.17306 TD 0.012 Tc 0.025 Tw ([34]. Il sera int\216ressant de voir comment ce)Tj 0 -1.17308 TD 0.006 Tc 0.031 Tw [(r\216gime original \216voluera dans l\325avenir)55(. Pour)]TJ 0 -1.17306 TD 0 Tc (certains, le r\216gime n\325est pas viable et devrait)Tj T* -0.029 Tw [(prendre la forme d\325un r\216gime de type \307)-221(catas)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.03 Tw [(trophe)-288(\310 ne couvrant que les risques graves.)]TJ 0 -1.17307 TD 0.025 Tc 0.051 Tw (Pour d\325autres, la remise en question de ce)Tj 0 -1.17306 TD 0.021 Tc 0.016 Tw (r\216gime est impossible politiquement et des)Tj 0 -1.17307 TD -0.006 Tc -0.031 Tw [(solutions \210 la mar)18(ge seront \210 chercher comme,)]TJ 0 -1.17306 TD 0 Tc -0.009 Tw (par exemple, la mise en place d\325une v\216ritable)Tj 0 -1.17307 TD -0.02 Tc -0.018 Tw (politique du m\216dicament qui, malgr\216 celle mise)Tj T* 0.003 Tc 0.034 Tw (en \317uvre cette ann\216e, n\325est toujours pas tr\217s)Tj 0 -1.17306 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (contraignante pour r\216guler les co\236ts.)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 287.9527 381.1684 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw [(V)129(. REMERCIEMENTS)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 302.126 348.4221 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0.017 Tw (Cette \216tude a \216t\216 financ\216e par les Instituts)Tj -1.28848 -1.17306 TD 0.018 Tc 0.02 Tw (de recherche en sant\216 du Canada (IRSC) et)Tj 0 -1.17307 TD -0.018 Tc -0.02 Tw (Sant\216 Canada. Elle s\325inscrit dans une recherche)Tj T* 0.02 Tc 0.017 Tw [(plus lar)18(ge sur l\325analyse compar\216e des poli-)]TJ 0 -1.17306 TD 0.001 Tc 0.037 Tw (tiques publiques dans le domaine de la sant\216)Tj 0 -1.17307 TD -0.008 Tc -0.03 Tw (au Canada. Nous remercions ici toutes les per-)Tj 0 -1.17306 TD 0.006 Tc 0.031 Tw (sonnes ayant particip\216 \210 cette \216tude, Harvey)Tj 0 -1.17307 TD 0.004 Tc 0.034 Tw [(Lazar \(chercheur principal, Queen\325)55(s Univer-)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0 Tw (sity\), )Tj 2.31494 0.00001 TD 0.028 Tw (Aaron Holdway \(Queen\325)Tj 10.13352 0.00001 TD 0.0091 Tc (s)Tj 0.68546 0 Td 0.009 Tc 0 Tw (University\),)Tj -13.13391 -1.17307 TD 0 Tc 0.02 Tw (John Church (Universit\216 de l\325Alberta), Clau)Tj 17.70592 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.70592 -1.17308 TD 0.008 Tc 0.03 Tw (dia Sanmartin (Universit\216 de Calgary), )Tj 16.20423 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.54876 0.00001 TD 0.008 Tc 0 Tw (om)Tj -16.75299 -1.17308 TD 0 Tc -0.002 Tw (McIntosh (Universit\216 de Regina), John Lavis)Tj 0 -1.17306 TD 0.025 Tc 0.548 Tw ((McMaster University), )Tj 11.36196 0.00001 TD (Alina Gildiner)Tj -11.36196 -1.17308 TD -0.002 Tc -0.035 Tw ((McMaster University), and Stephen )Tj 14.67682 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.53889 0.00001 TD -0.002 Tc 0 Tw (omblin)Tj -15.21571 -1.17308 TD -0.005 Tc -0.033 Tw ((Memorial University). Marie-Pascale Pomey)Tj 0 -1.17306 TD -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw (d\216tient une bourse de jeune chercheur des Ins)Tj 17.70596 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70596 -1.17308 TD 0.021 Tc 0.016 Tw (tituts de recherche en sant\216 du Canada. Un)Tj 0 -1.17306 TD 0.007 Tc 0.03 Tw (grand merci aussi \210 R\216gis Blais pour sa lec)Tj 17.70582 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -17.70582 -1.17308 TD -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw (ture finale ainsi qu\325aux r\216viseurs anonymes de)Tj 0 -1.17307 TD 0 Tc -0.002 Tw (cet article pour leurs suggestions judicieuses.)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 673.4641 413.858 31.181 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (14)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 262.7315 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.61089 0.00001 TD (e)Tj 0.69379 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments au Qu\216bec)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.157 413.858 13.008 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 357.5615 67.6942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(JOURNAL)-232(D\325\203CONOMIE M\203DICALE)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 190.4 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 14)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 17 0 obj << /Length 13686 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 100.866 413.858 566.929 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 72.5197 659.8496 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (VI. R\203F\203RENCES)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 72.5197 638.9998 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw [([)-1(1)-1(])-775(Fleury M-J, )18(T)34(remblay M, Nguyen H, Bordeleau)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw [(L. Le syst\217me sociosanitaire au Qu\216bec)-134(: gou-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.014 Tw [(vernance, r\216gulation et participation. Montr\216al)-125(:)]TJ T* 0.025 Tc 0.087 Tw (Ga\221tan Morin \203diteur/Cheneli\217re \203ducation)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (2006.)Tj -1.93949 -1.66394 TD -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw [([)-3(2)-3(])-777(V)111(antempsche G. La s\216curit\216 sociale des origines)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD -0.0001 Tc <88>Tj 0.69383 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw [(nos jours. Paris)-125(: De Boek POLHIS 1994.)]TJ -2.63332 -1.66393 TD 0.02 Tc 0.017 Tw [([)20(3)20(])-754(B\216gin M. Medicare)-145(: Canada\325)54(s right to health)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD 0.024 Tc 0.013 Tw (Montreal: Optimum Publishing International)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (1988.)Tj -1.93949 -1.66395 TD -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw [([)-7(4)-7(])-781(Marchildon GP)110(, ed. Health systems in transition:)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD 0.025 Tc 0.544 Tw [(Canada. )18(T)70(oronto: University of )17(T)70(oronto)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.016 Tw (Press/European Observatory on Health Systens)Tj T* 0 Tw (and Policies 2005.)Tj -1.93949 -1.66394 TD 0.017 Tc 0.02 Tw [([)17(5)17(])-757(Kaiser Family Foundation. Prescription Drug)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw [(T)35(rends. 2005 [cited 22 septembre 2007]; )55(A)74(vai)-1(-)]TJ T* -0.011 Tc -0.027 Tw (lable from: http://www)Tj 8.86576 0 TD 0 Tw (.kf)Tj 1.03287 0 TD (f.or)Tj 1.35495 0 TD (g/insurance/upload/)Tj -11.25358 -1.10527 TD 0 Tc (3057-04.pdf)Tj -1.93949 -1.66393 TD ([6])Tj 1.93949 0 TD 0.019 Tc 0.018 Tw (Alliance for Health Reform. Chapter 6: Pres)Tj 18.61467 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -18.61467 -1.10527 TD -0.037 Tw [(cription Drugs. In )55(Alliance sourcebook for jour-)]TJ 0 -1.10526 TD 0.001 Tc 0.037 Tw (nalists: Covering Health Issues. 2004 [cited 22)Tj T* -0.016 Tc -0.022 Tw (septembre 2007]; )Tj 6.8546 0 TD 0 Tc (A)Tj 0.63229 0 TD -0.016 Tc (vailable from: http://www)Tj 9.94097 0 TD 0 Tw (.all)Tj 1.18685 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -18.61471 -1.10528 TD [(health.or)18(g/Publications/pub_13.pdf)]TJ -1.93949 -1.66395 TD ([7])Tj 1.93949 0 TD -0.003 Tc -0.034 Tw (National Conference of State Legislatures. State)Tj 0 -1.10527 TD 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw [(Pharmaceutical )55(Assistance Programs \(includes)]TJ 0 -1.10526 TD 0.011 Tc 0.027 Tw (seniors, disabled, uninsured and others\). 2007)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.139 Tw ([cited 22 septembre 2007]; )Tj 12.17368 0 TD [(A)74(vailable from:)]TJ -12.17368 -1.10527 TD -0.019 Tc 0 Tw [(http://www)65(.ncsl.or)18(g/programs/health/drugaid.htm)]TJ -1.93949 -1.66394 TD 0 Tc ([8])Tj 1.93949 0 TD 0.008 Tc 0.029 Tw (Alliance for Health Reform. Chapter 5: Medi)Tj 18.61458 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -18.61458 -1.10527 TD 0.019 Tc 0.019 Tw [(care Prescription Drugs Program. In )55(Alliance)]TJ 0 -1.10526 TD 0.025 Tc 0.073 Tw (sourcebook for journalists: Covering Health)Tj 0 -1.10527 TD 0.01 Tc 0.027 Tw [(Issues. 2006 [cited 22 septembre 2007]; )55(A)74(vai-)]TJ 0 -1.10526 TD 0.025 Tc 0.12 Tw [(lable from: http://www)65(.allhealth.or)17(g/source-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (book2006/pdfs/chapter_5.pdf)Tj -1.93949 -1.66394 TD 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw [([)2(9)2(])-772(Hoadley J. Medicare\325)55(s new adventure: the part)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD -0.0124 Tc (D)Tj 0.922 0 Td -0.012 Tc -0.025 Tw [(drug benefit. )18(The Commonwealth Fund: Com-)]TJ -0.922 -1.10526 TD 0.01 Tc 0.028 Tw (mission on a high performance health system.)Tj T* -0.008 Tc -0.03 Tw [(2006 [cited 22 septembre 2007]; )55(A)74(vailable from:)]TJ T* -0.019 Tc 0 Tw [(http://www)65(.allhealth.or)17(g/BriefingMaterials/Medi-)]TJ T* 0 Tc (caresNewAdventure-351.pdf)Tj -1.93949 -1.66395 TD ([10])Tj 1.93949 0.00001 TD (Paris )Tj 2.19287 0.00001 TD -0.037 Tw [(V)129(, Docteur E.)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 164.5899 171.2328 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (Pharmaceutical pricing and)Tj -7.75211 -1.10526 TD -0.014 Tc -0.023 Tw [(r)37(eimbursement policies in Canada)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 216.7951 160.7328 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0141 Tc (.)Tj 0.44835 0 Td -0.014 Tc -0.023 Tw (OECD health)Tj -13.69574 -1.10526 TD -0.018 Tc -0.02 Tw (working papers #24, Directorate for employment,)Tj T* 0.025 Tc 0.039 Tw (labour and social af)Tj 8.45689 0.00001 TD (fairs - health committee.)Tj -8.45689 -1.10527 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (2006:88 p.)Tj -1.9395 -1.6639 TD -0.037 Tw [([1)37(1])-311(Fraser Group/T)34(ristat Resources. Drug Expenses)]TJ 1.9395 -1.1053 TD 0.011 Tc 0.027 Tw (Coverage in the Canadian Population: Protec-)Tj 22.67716 58.79783 TD 0 Tc 0.012 Tw [(tion from Severe Drug Expenses. )18(T)70(oronto: Fra-)]TJ 0 -1.10526 TD 0 Tw [(ser Group/T)35(ristat Resources; 2002.)]TJ -1.9395 -1.58403 TD -0.024 Tc -0.013 Tw [([)-24(1)-24(2)-24(])-298(National Forum on Health. Canada Health )55(Action:)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD 0.023 Tc 0.015 Tw [(Building on the Legacy)65(. )18(V)129(ol. I: Final Report.)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (Ottawa: National Forum on Health; 1997.)Tj -1.9395 -1.58404 TD -0.02 Tc -0.017 Tw [([)-20(1)-20(3)-20(])-294(Comit\216 s\216natorial permanent des )55(Af)17(faires sociales)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD 0.005 Tc 0.033 Tw (des sciences et de la technologie. )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 437.7629 589.4082 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.005 Tc 0.033 Tw (La sant\216 des)Tj -13.83 -1.10526 TD 0 Tc 0.037 Tw (Canadiens \320 Le r\231le du gouvernement f\216d\216ral:)Tj T* 0.002 Tc 0.035 Tw (Rapport final sur l\325\216tat du syst\217me de soins de)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (sant\216 au Canada)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 370.765 557.9082 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (.)Tj 0.49989 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (Le S\216nat 2002:418.)Tj -9.21698 -1.60013 TD 0.005 Tc 0.033 Tw [([)5(1)5(4)5(])-269(Romanow RJ. Guid\216 par nos valeurs)-255(: l\325avenir)]TJ 1.9395 -1.08916 TD 0.025 Tc 0.034 Tw (des soins de sant\216 au Canada. Rapport final.)Tj 0 -1.10526 TD 0.006 Tc 0.032 Tw [(O)1(t)1(t)1(a)1(w)1(a)-130(: Commission sur l\325avenir des soins de)]TJ 0 -1.10525 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (sant\216 au Canada, 2002.)Tj -1.9395 -1.58403 TD -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw [([)-7(1)-7(5)-7(])-281(Sant\216 Canada. \313 propos de la Direction g\216n\216rale)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD 0.002 Tc 0.036 Tw (des produits de sant\216 et des aliments. [cited 20)Tj T* -0.015 Tc -0.023 Tw (septembre 2007]; )Tj 6.86891 0 TD 0 Tc (A)Tj 0.63324 0 TD -0.015 Tc (vailable from: http://www)Tj 9.9629 0 TD 0 Tw (.hc-)Tj -17.46506 -1.10527 TD 0.039 Tc [(sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/branch-dir)18(gen/hpfb-dgpsa/)]TJ 0 -1.10526 TD 0 Tc (index_f.html)Tj -1.9395 -1.58403 TD ([16])Tj 1.9395 0 TD 0.031 Tw [(R\216gie de l\325assurance maladie du Qu\216bec. L)92(\325as)-1(-)]TJ 0 -1.10527 TD -0.018 Tc -0.02 Tw (surance m\216dicaments: pour notre plus grand bien.)Tj 0 -1.10526 TD -0.008 Tc -0.03 Tw [(2007 [cited 25 septembre 2007]; )55(A)74(vailable from:)]TJ T* 0.017 Tc 0 Tw [(http://www)65(.ramq.gouv)65(.qc.ca/fr/citoyens/assu)-1(-)]TJ T* 0 Tc (rancemedicaments/index.shtml)Tj -1.9395 -1.58403 TD ([17])Tj 1.9395 0.00001 TD 0.015 Tc 0.023 Tw (R\216gie de l\325assurance maladie du Qu\216bec. Les)Tj 0 -1.10527 TD -0.005 Tc -0.033 Tw (r\216gimes priv\216s. 2004 [cited 25 septembre 2007];)Tj 0 -1.10526 TD -0.001 Tc -0.036 Tw [(A)74(vailable from: http://www)65(.ramq.gouv)65(.qc.ca/fr/)]TJ T* 0.065 Tc 0 Tw (citoyens/assurancemedicaments/regimes)Tj 18.61464 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -18.61464 -1.10527 TD (prives/regimesprives.shtml)Tj -1.9395 -1.58403 TD 0.034 Tw [([18])-274(R\216gie de l\325assurance maladie du Qu\216bec. Liste)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD 0.025 Tc 0.091 Tw (des m\216dicaments. 2004 [cited 17 septembre)Tj T* -0.016 Tc 0 Tw (2007]; )Tj 2.67002 0 TD -0.021 Tw [(A)74(vailable from: http://www)65(.ramq.gouv)65(.qc.)]TJ -2.67002 -1.10527 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (ca/fr/publications/citoyenliste.shtml)Tj -1.9395 -1.58403 TD ([19])Tj 1.9395 0 TD -0.002 Tc -0.036 Tw (Canadian Institute for Health Information. Drug)Tj 0 -1.10527 TD 0.025 Tc 0.037 Tw (Expenditures in Canada 1985-2005. Ottawa:)Tj 0 -1.10526 TD -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw (Canadian Institute for Health Information; 2006.)Tj -1.9395 -1.58403 TD -0.015 Tc -0.022 Tw [([)-15(2)-15(0)-15(])-289(Patton MQ. )]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 351.0836 242.5702 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.015 Tc -0.022 Tw [(Qualitative Evaluation and Resear)37(ch)]TJ -4.70586 -1.10526 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (Methods)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 339.0899 232.0702 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (.)Tj 0.49989 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (Newbury Park, CA: SAGE 1990.)Tj -5.88275 -1.58403 TD ([21])Tj 1.9395 0.00001 TD (Y)Tj 0.692 0.00001 TD 0.025 Tc 0.141 Tw (in RK. )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 344.9948 217.0219 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.025 Tc 0.141 Tw (Case Study Resear)Tj 8.16714 0.00001 TD (ch: Design and)Tj -12.23207 -1.10527 TD -0.019 Tc 0 Tw (Methods)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 337.824 206.5219 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0191 Tc (.)Tj 0.44343 0 Td (3)Tj 0.69343 0 Td -0.019 Tc -0.018 Tw [(ed. )18(Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE 2003.)]TJ -6.38647 -1.58403 TD 0 Tc -0.032 Tw [([22])-274(Kingdon JW)92(. )]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 357.9279 191.4737 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.032 Tw [(Agendas, )18(Alternatives, and Public)]TJ -5.42631 -1.10526 TD 0.025 Tc 0 Tw (Policies)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 338.8771 180.9737 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0249 Tc (.)Tj 0.61848 0 Td 0.025 Tc 0.069 Tw [(New )37(Y)100(ork: Harper Collins College)]TJ -4.03944 -1.10526 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (Publishers 1995.)Tj -1.9395 -1.58404 TD ([23])Tj 1.9395 0.00001 TD -0.01 Tc 0.005 Tw (Reinharz D, Rousseau L, Rheault S. La place du)Tj 0 -1.10527 TD -0.012 Tc -0.036 Tw (m\216dicament dans le syst\217me de sant\216 du Qu\216bec.)Tj 0 -1.10526 TD -0.01 Tc -0.018 Tw [(In: B\216gin C, Ber)18(geron P)110(, Forest P-G, Lemieux )18(V)129(,)]TJ T* -0.018 Tc 0 Tw (eds. )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 322.6671 123.9253 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.018 Tc -0.03 Tw (Le syst\217me de sant\216 qu\216b\216cois)Tj 11.63761 0.00001 TD -0.0177 Tc (:)Tj 0.51771 0 Td -0.018 Tc (un mod\217le en)Tj -13.86997 -1.10527 TD -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (transformation)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 362.0588 113.4253 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.01 Tc (.)Tj 0.51738 0 Td 0.037 Tw (Montr\216al: Les Presses de l\325Uni-)Tj -6.37853 -1.10526 TD 0 Tw (versit\216 de Montr\216al 1999:149-67.)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 687.637 413.858 17.008 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (M)Tj 0.88886 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(.-P)111(. Pomey)65(, P)110(.-G. Forest, E. Martin, )55(A. Beresniak)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 474.3779 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (15)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.657 413.858 13.0081 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 73.5197 68.1942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(SEPTEMBRE-NOVEMBRE 2007)-250(\320 V)30(OL.)-250(25 \320 N\241)-250(5-6)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 190.4 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 15)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 18 0 obj << /Length 10801 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 290.058 413.858 377.737 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 72.5197 661.5048 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0.01 Tw [([24])-274(Comit\216 d\325experts sur l\325assurance m\216dicaments.)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD -0.009 Tc -0.028 Tw [(L)92(\325assurance m\216dicaments)-115(: des voies de solution.)]TJ T* -0.004 Tc -0.033 Tw (Qu\216bec: Comit\216 d\325experts sur l\325assurance m\216di-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(caments)-125(; 1996.)]TJ -1.93949 -1.69101 TD -0.003 Tw [([25])-274(R\216gie de l\325assurance maladie du Qu\216bec. Cam-)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD 0.013 Tc 0.024 Tw (pagnes d\325information sur l\325assurance m\216dica-)Tj T* 0.012 Tc 0.026 Tw [(ments. 2007 [cited septembre 17 2007]; )55(A)74(vai-)]TJ T* 0.025 Tc 0.363 Tw [(lable from: http://www)65(.ramq.gouv)65(.qc.ca/fr/)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (citoyens/assurancemedicaments/campagne/cam-)Tj T* 0 Tc (pagne.shtml)Tj -1.93949 -1.69101 TD 0.005 Tc 0.033 Tw [([)5(2)5(6)5(])-269(T)70(amblyn R, Laprise R, Mayo N, Scott S, Lati-)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD 0.018 Tc 0.019 Tw [(mer E, Reid )18(T)73(,)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 151.9848 534.8757 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.018 Tc 0.019 Tw (et al)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 169.6601 534.8757 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.0183 Tc (.)Tj 0.55573 0 Td 0.018 Tc 0.019 Tw (Rapport d\325\216valuation de)Tj -8.84153 -1.10526 TD -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw (l\325impact du r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dica-)Tj T* 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw [(ments)-130(: R\216sum\216. Montreal: McGill University;)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (1999.)Tj -1.93949 -1.69101 TD 0.025 Tc 0.259 Tw [([)25(2)25(7)25(])-249(Qu\216bec. Loi sur l\325assurance m\216dicaments,)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD 0.015 Tc 0.023 Tw (L.R.Q., chapitre )Tj 6.96135 0.00001 TD (A-29.01. 1996 [cited 12 sep-)Tj -6.96135 -1.10527 TD -0.022 Tc -0.015 Tw (tembre 2007]; )Tj 5.48836 0 TD 0 Tc (A)Tj 0.62558 0 TD -0.022 Tc (vailable from: http://www2.publi)Tj 12.50075 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -18.61469 -1.10527 TD -0.016 Tc 0 Tw [(cationsduquebec.gouv)65(.qc.ca/dynamicSearch/tele-)]TJ 0 -1.10526 TD 0.016 Tc (char)Tj 1.76687 0 TD 0.021 Tw (ge.php?type=2&file =/A_29_01/A29_01.)Tj -1.76687 -1.10527 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (html)Tj -1.93949 -1.69101 TD -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw [([)-7(2)-7(8)-7(])-281(Minist\217re de la Sant\216 et des Services sociaux. La)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD 0.016 Tc 0.022 Tw (politique du m\216dicament. 2007 [cited 17 sep-)Tj T* 0.019 Tc 0.018 Tw [(tembre 2007]; )55(A)74(vailable from: http://publica)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.036 Tc 0 Tw [(tions.msss.gouv)65(.qc.ca/acrobat/f/documenta-)]TJ T* 0 Tc (tion/2006/06-728-01.pdf)Tj -1.93949 -1.69101 TD ([29])Tj 1.93949 0 TD -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw (Minist\217re de la Sant\216 et des Services sociaux. La)Tj 0 -1.12138 TD 0 Tc 0.004 Tw [(politique du m\216dicament)-125(: document de consul-)]TJ 0 -1.08915 TD -0.015 Tc -0.023 Tw (tation. 2004 [cited 28 septembre 2007]; )Tj 15.25044 0 TD 0 Tw [(A)74(vailable)]TJ -15.25044 -1.10527 TD 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (from: http://publications.msss.gouv)Tj 14.07666 0 TD -0.001 Tc (.qc.ca/ acro)Tj 4.53789 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -18.61455 -1.10527 TD 0 Tw (bat/f/documentation/2004/04-708-04.pdf)Tj -1.93949 -1.69101 TD -0.001 Tc -0.037 Tw [([)-1(3)-1(0)-1(])-275(Assembl\216e Nationale du Qu\216bec. Les nouveaux)]TJ 1.93949 -1.10526 TD -0.002 Tc -0.036 Tw (param\217tres du r\216gime d\325assurance m\216dicaments)Tj 22.67716 38.88291 TD -0.003 Tc -0.035 Tw [(\(1)37(1 juin\). 2003 [cited 29 septembre 2007]; )55(A)74(vai)-1(-)]TJ 0 -1.10526 TD 0.002 Tc 0.036 Tw [(lable from: http://www)65(.assnat.qc.ca/FRA/conf-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(presse/2003/03061)37(1PC.HTM)]TJ -1.9395 -1.68273 TD 0.008 Tc 0.03 Tw [([)8(3)8(1)8(])-266(Rancourt C, Moisan J, Baillar)18(geon L, )17(V)112(e)1(r)1(r)1(a)1(u)1(l)1(t)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD 0 Tc 0.034 Tw [(R, Laurin D, Gr\216goire J-P)111(. Potentially inappro-)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.024 Tw (priate prescriptions for older patients in long-)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (term care. )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 346.7205 593.0189 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (BMC Geriatrics)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 410.5648 593.0189 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (2004;4(9):1-9.)Tj -12.90654 -1.68274 TD 0.025 Tc 0.018 Tw [([)25(3)25(2)25(])-249(Mor)18(gan S, Bassett K, Mintzes B. Outcomes-)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD 0.14 Tw (Based Drug Coverage in British Columbia.)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 306.3779 556.0329 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.018 Tw (Health Affairs)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 362.6729 556.0329 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (2004;23(3):269-76.)Tj -7.86529 -1.68274 TD -0.001 Tc -0.036 Tw [([)-1(3)-1(3)-1(])-275(Mor)18(gan S, Bassett K, Mintzes B. )54(An Outcomes-)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD -0.009 Tc -0.029 Tw [(Based )55(Approach to Decisions )55(˴Ƭ Drug Cove-)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.028 Tw (rage Policies in British Columbia. )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 442.2265 519.0469 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.009 Tc 0 Tw (Psychiatric)Tj -14.29985 -1.10526 TD 0 Tc (Services)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 340.398 508.5469 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(2004;55\(1)37(1\):1230-2.)]TJ -5.52056 -1.68273 TD 0.002 Tc 0.036 Tw [([)2(3)2(4)2(])-272(For)18(get CE. )17(The Qu\216bec Exp\216rience: lessons to)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD 0 Tc 0.025 Tw (be learned. IRPP)Tj 7.03437 0 TD (Conference \322T)Tj 5.86733 0 TD (oward a Natio)Tj 5.71292 0 TD (-)Tj -18.61462 -1.10527 TD -0.035 Tw (nal Strategy on Drug Insurance: Challenges and)Tj 0 -1.10526 TD -0.014 Tc -0.024 Tw (Priorities\323 2002 [cited 25 septembre 2007]; )Tj 16.80028 0 TD 0 Tw [(A)74(vai-)]TJ -16.80028 -1.10527 TD 0 Tc 0.019 Tw (lable from: http://www)Tj 9.19177 0 TD 0 Tw (.irpp.or)Tj 2.92554 0 TD (g/events/archive/)Tj -12.1173 -1.10527 TD [(sep02/for)18(get.pdf)]TJ -1.9395 -1.68274 TD ([35])Tj 1.9395 0 TD -0.025 Tc (B\216resniak )Tj 3.93163 0 TD -0.013 Tw (A, Duru G. \203conomie de la sant\216. Paris:)Tj -3.93163 -1.10527 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (Masson 1997.)Tj -1.9395 -1.68273 TD ([36])Tj 1.9395 0 TD -0.001 Tc (Letourmy )Tj 4.09654 0 TD -0.037 Tw (A. Les politiques de sant\216 en Europe)Tj 14.57314 0 TD 0 Tc (:)Tj -18.66967 -1.10527 TD 0.025 Tc 0.213 Tw (une vue d\325ensemble. )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 397.9066 387.0891 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.025 Tc 0.213 Tw (Sociologie du travail)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 306.3779 376.5891 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (2000;42(1):13-30.)Tj -1.9395 -1.68274 TD -0.005 Tw [([37])-274(Mc Gregor M, Caro J. QAL)100(Ys: )54(Are )18(They Help-)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD 0.015 Tc 0.023 Tw (ful to Decision Makers? )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 404.4886 350.1031 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.015 Tc 0 Tw (Pharmacoeconomics)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 306.3779 339.6031 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (2006;24(10):947-52.)Tj -1.9395 -1.68274 TD -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw [([)-7(3)-7(8)-7(])-281(Duru G, )55(Auray J, Beresniak )55(A, Lamure M, Paine)]TJ 1.9395 -1.10526 TD 0 Tc 0.02 Tw (A, Nicoloyannis N. Limitations of the methods)Tj T* 0.006 Tc 0.032 Tw (used for calculating quality-adjusted life years)Tj T* -0.012 Tc 0 Tw (values. )Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 334.2738 292.1171 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.012 Tc 0 Tw (Pharmacoeconomics)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 414.0991 292.1171 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.012 Tc 0 Tw (2002;20(7):463-73.)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 673.4641 413.858 31.181 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (16)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 262.7315 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.61089 0.00001 TD (e)Tj 0.69379 0 Td 0 Tc 0 Tw (r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments au Qu\216bec)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.157 413.858 13.008 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 357.5615 67.6942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(JOURNAL)-232(D\325\203CONOMIE M\203DICALE)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 228.9296 197.8194 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (NOTE \313 L)Tj 4.63086 0.00001 TD (\325AUTEUR)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 145.526 180.1501 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (Merci de mettre en italiques le titre lorsque c\325est un ouvrage.)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 0 G 72.77 157.0791 413.358 68.949 re s Q q 1 g 29 755.661 190.4 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 16)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 19 0 obj << /Length 10561 >> stream /GS0 gs q 0 0.661 558 768 re W n 1 g 0 768.661 0 0 re f Q /GS1 gs q 1 g 72.52 171.0021 413.858 496.793 re f Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 72.5197 659.8496 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw [(APPENDICE 1)-499(: )]TJ 0 -1.08334 TD (GRILLE D\325ENTREVUE)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 611.8436 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw [(Par)1(tie 1)-499(: L)93(\325agenda gouvernemental)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 72.5197 592.0109 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0074 Tc Tj 0.92705 0 Td -0.007 Tc -0.03 Tw (quel moment la possibilit\216 d\325instaurer un r\216gime)Tj -0.92705 -1.2 TD -0.011 Tc -0.026 Tw (d\325assurance m\216dicaments est-elle devenue une pr\216-)Tj 0 -1.21612 TD 0 Tc 0.003 Tw [(occupation pour le gouvernement qu\216b\216cois)-250(? Ou)]TJ 0 -1.18389 TD 0.004 Tc 0.033 Tw (encore \210 quel moment la possibilit\216 de mettre en)Tj 0 -1.2 TD -0.015 Tc -0.022 Tw (place un r\216gime d\325assurance m\216dicaments est appa-)Tj 0 -1.20001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(rue \210 l\325agenda du gouvernement qu\216b\216cois)-500(?)]TJ 0 -1.20126 TD 0.03 Tw (Depuis combien de temps cette id\216e de mettre en)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tw [(place un r\216gime au Qu\216bec existait)-250(?)]TJ 0 -1.20127 TD -0.006 Tc -0.031 Tw [(Quelles sont les raisons qui ont motiv\216 cet int\216r\220t)-244(?)]TJ 0 -1.20126 TD -0.013 Tc -0.024 Tw (Qui ont \216t\216 les leaders du dossier)Tj 13.10419 0 TD -0.0135 Tc (?)Tj 0.64297 0 Td -0.013 Tc (Est-ce que vous)Tj -13.74716 -1.19999 TD -0.0039 Tc Tj 0.70856 0 Td -0.004 Tc -0.034 Tw (ou votre or)Tj 4.26026 0 TD (ganisation \320 avez \216t\216 impliqu\216 dans la)Tj -4.96882 -1.20001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (promotion de ce r\216gime)Tj 9.77392 0 TD (?)Tj -9.77392 -1.20126 TD -0.005 Tc -0.033 Tw (Quelles perspectives ces leaders ou vous-m\220me ou)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (ces or)Tj 2.34155 0 TD (ganisations ont-ils donn\216 \210 cet enjeu)Tj 14.77295 0 TD (?)Tj -17.1145 -1.20127 TD 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (Est-ce que des solutions alternatives \210 la mise en)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (place d\325un r\216gime ont \216t\216 propos\216es)Tj 14.65991 0 TD -0.0002 Tc (?)Tj -14.65991 -1.20126 TD -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw [(Qui \216taient ces acteurs ou ces or)18(g)-1(a)-1(n)-1(i)-1(s)-1(a)-1(t)-1(i)-1(o)-1(n)-1(s)-1( )-1(q)-1(u)-1(i)-1( )-1(o)-1(n)-1(t)]TJ 0 -1.19999 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(propos\216 ces alternatives)-500(?)]TJ 0 -1.20126 TD 0.01 Tc 0.028 Tw (Quelles \216taient leurs motivations ou encore les)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0.012 Tc 0.025 Tw (objectifs qu\325ils poursuivaient en proposant ces)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (solutions alternatives)Tj 8.96972 0 TD (?)Tj -8.96972 -1.20126 TD 0.005 Tc 0.033 Tw [(Pourquoi ces acteurs ou ces or)18(ganisations ont-ils)]TJ 0 -1.19999 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(soutenu ces alternatives \210 ce moment pr\216cis)-500(?)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 72.5197 301.0408 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw [(Par)1(tie 2)-499(: L)93(\325agenda d\216cisionnel)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 72.5197 281.208 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc -0.037 Tw (Finalement, \210 quel moment le gouvernement a-t-il)Tj 0 -1.19999 TD -0.009 Tc -0.028 Tw (consid\216r\216 qu\325il \216tait important de prendre une d\216ci-)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (sion sur cette question? )Tj 0 -1.20126 TD -0.002 Tc -0.035 Tw (Quel a \216t\216 le d\216lai entre la naissance et le d\216bat sur)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0.03 Tw (l\325id\216e de mise en place d\325un r\216gime et cette prise)Tj 0 -1.19999 TD 0 Tw (de conscience qu\325il \216tait n\216cessaire d\325agir)Tj 17.18432 0.00001 TD (?)Tj -17.18432 -1.20127 TD 0.012 Tw (Pourquoi ce dossier est-il apparu comme n\216cessi-)Tj 0 -1.2 TD -0.002 Tc -0.035 Tw [(tant une prise de d\216cision du gouvernement)-498(? Est-)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.032 Tw [(ce que des \216v\217nements particuliers sont survenus)-244(?)]TJ 0 -1.20126 TD -0.019 Tc -0.019 Tw (Quelles sont les personnes qui ont facilit\216 cette prise)Tj 21.5433 48.80034 TD 0 Tc -0.025 Tw (de conscience de la n\216cessit\216 de prendre une d\216ci-)Tj 0 -1.2 TD -0.0166 Tc (s)Tj 0.37244 0.00001 TD -0.017 Tc -0.021 Tw [(ion gouvernementale)-484(? Ou encore qui sont les per-)]TJ -0.37244 -1.20001 TD -0.005 Tc -0.033 Tw [(sonnes qui ont \307)-495(port\216)-496(\310 le dossier aupr\217s du gou-)]TJ 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(vernement)-500(?)]TJ 0 -1.21533 TD 0.025 Tc 0.174 Tw (En d\216cidant de prendre une d\216cision dans le)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0.005 Tc 0.032 Tw (domaine de l\325assurance m\216dicaments, quels sont)Tj 0 -1.19999 TD 0.007 Tc 0.031 Tw (les perspectives et les objectifs que le gouverne-)Tj 0 -1.20001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(ment poursuivait)-500(?)]TJ 0 -1.21533 TD -0.007 Tc -0.031 Tw (Quand la d\216cision finale a-t-elle \216t\216 prise de mettre)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (en place le r\216gime?)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 525.8571 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw [(Par)1(tie 3)-499(: La d\216cision d\325une politique)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 287.9527 505.8838 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.006 Tc -0.032 Tw (Pourquoi la d\216cision finale a-t-elle pris cette forme)Tj 0 -1.2 TD -0.0041 Tc (?)Tj 0.65236 0 Td -0.004 Tc -0.034 Tw (Ou encore quels sont les facteurs qui ont jou\216 sur)Tj -0.65236 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (cette d\216cision)Tj 5.96949 0 TD (?)Tj -5.96949 -1.21532 TD 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (Est-ce que les objectifs poursuivis par le gouver)Tj 19.5099 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -19.5099 -1.2 TD -0.033 Tw [(nement \216taient toujours les m\220mes)-500(? Ou bien ont-)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc -0.023 Tw (ils \216volu\216 entre le moment de la prise de conscience)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(d\325agir et la d\216cision finale)-500(?)]TJ 0 -1.21532 TD 0.003 Tc 0.035 Tw (Quels sont les acteurs qui ont \216t\216 impliqu\216s dans)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (cette d\216cision?)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 287.9527 382.5671 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0 Tw (Par)Tj 1.55469 0.00001 TD [(tie 4)-499(: Les d\216fis)]TJ ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 287.9527 362.5937 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0.001 Tc 0.036 Tw (Quel est le bilan que l\325on peut faire actuellement)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0.02 Tc 0.018 Tw (du r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216dicaments au)Tj 0 -1.19999 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(Qu\216bec)-500(? )]TJ 0 -1.21533 TD -0.033 Tw (Quels sont les d\216fis les plus importants auxquels a)Tj 0 -1.2 TD -0.024 Tw (\216t\216 confront\216 le r\216gime g\216n\216ral d\325assurance m\216di-)Tj 0 -1.19999 TD 0 Tw (cament)Tj 0 -1.21533 TD 0.003 Tc 0.035 Tw (Quels sont les \216l\216ments qui ont permis de mettre)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(en \216vidence ces probl\217mes)-500(?)]TJ 0 -1.21533 TD -0.011 Tc -0.027 Tw [(Quelles sont les solutions qui ont \216t\216 prises)-490(? pour-)]TJ 0 -1.2 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (quoi)Tj 2.27784 0.00001 TD (?)Tj -2.27784 -1.21533 TD 0.016 Tw (Quels sont pour vous les probl\217mes qui n\325ont pas)Tj 0 -1.19999 TD 0 Tw [(encore \216t\216 r\216gl\216s)-500(?)]TJ 0 -1.21532 TD 0.011 Tw (Quels sont les d\216fis que le r\216gime aura \210 surmon)Tj 19.50977 0 TD (-)Tj -19.50977 -1.20001 TD 0 Tw [(ter au cours de la prochaine d\216cennie)-500(?)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 287.9527 185.1704 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.002 Tc 0 Tw (Mer)Tj 1.62272 0.00001 TD -0.036 Tw (ci pour votr)Tj 4.58949 0.00001 TD -0.0021 Tc (e)Tj 0.65437 0 Td -0.002 Tc (collaboration et votr)Tj 8.12682 0.00001 TD -0.0021 Tc (e)Tj 0.65435 0 Td -0.002 Tc (temps pr\216-)Tj -15.64775 -1.20001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (cieux.)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 687.637 413.858 17.008 re f Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 73.5197 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g -0.0001 Tc (M)Tj 0.88886 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(.-P)111(. Pomey)65(, P)110(.-G. Forest, E. Martin, )55(A. Beresniak)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 474.3779 696.1231 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (17)Tj ET 1 g 72.52 61.657 413.858 13.0081 re f Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 73.5197 68.1942 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw [(SEPTEMBRE-NOVEMBRE 2007)-250(\320 V)30(OL.)-250(25 \320 N\241)-250(5-6)]TJ ET Q q 1 g 29 755.661 190.4 14 re f BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 33 759.661 Tm 0 Tr 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (1386-8 Pomey 11/12/07 12:00 Page 17)Tj ET 0 J 0 j 10 M []0 d 0.5 w 1 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.25 w 0 G 30 768.661 m 30 744.661 l 0 738.661 m 24 738.661 l 528.898 768.661 m 528.898 744.661 l 558.898 738.661 m 534.898 738.661 l 30 0 m 30 24 l 0 30 m 24 30 l 528.898 0 m 528.898 24 l 558.898 30 m 534.898 30 l S 0.5 w 1 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S 0.25 w 0 G 255.449 756.661 m 303.449 756.661 l 255.449 12 m 303.449 12 l 12 408.3305 m 12 360.3305 l 546.898 408.3305 m 546.898 360.3305 l 279.449 768.661 m 279.449 744.661 l 279.449 24 m 279.449 0 l 0 384.3305 m 24 384.3305 l 534.898 384.3305 m 558.898 384.3305 l 279.449 756.661 m 285.449 756.661 l 285.449 753.3473 282.7627 750.661 279.449 750.661 c 276.1353 750.661 273.449 753.3473 273.449 756.661 c 273.449 759.9747 276.1353 762.661 279.449 762.661 c 282.7627 762.661 285.449 759.9747 285.449 756.661 c 279.449 12 m 285.449 12 l 285.449 8.6863 282.7627 6 279.449 6 c 276.1353 6 273.449 8.6863 273.449 12 c 273.449 15.3137 276.1353 18 279.449 18 c 282.7627 18 285.449 15.3137 285.449 12 c 12 384.3305 m 18 384.3305 l 18 381.0168 15.3137 378.3305 12 378.3305 c 8.6863 378.3305 6 381.0168 6 384.3305 c 6 387.6443 8.6863 390.3305 12 390.3305 c 15.3137 390.3305 18 387.6443 18 384.3305 c 546.898 384.3305 m 552.898 384.3305 l 552.898 381.0168 550.2117 378.3305 546.898 378.3305 c 543.5843 378.3305 540.898 381.0168 540.898 384.3305 c 540.898 387.6443 543.5843 390.3305 546.898 390.3305 c 550.2117 390.3305 552.898 387.6443 552.898 384.3305 c S Q endstream endobj 20 0 obj << /Nums[0<>] >> endobj 21 0 obj << /Differences[32/space 44/comma/hyphen/period 48/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/colon 65/A/B/C/D/E 71/G/H/I/J 76/L/M/N/O/P/Q/R/S/T/U/V 97/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i 108/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v 120/x/y/z 131/Eacute 142/eacute/egrave 153/ocircumflex 158/ucircumflex 161/degree 208/endash 213/quoteright] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding >> endobj 22 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 7570 /Length1 7570 >> stream RXKUMI+Times-ItalicC =m   q}002.001Copyright 1994-1997 Stream Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved. 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