Organization Description
The City of Kingston is looking for support in the development of a Community Food Sustainability Plan for the Kingston region. The goal of this plan will be to help foster equitable and sustainable food systems for residents in need.
Currently, the City stands ready to partner on food security solutions and, for the first time, has added this to the Council’s list of strategic priorities. Thousands are visiting food banks and taking part in affordable food and meal programs. Across Ontario, the use of foodbanks is up about 30%. Food now costs a family of four close to $1,000 a month, a particular hardship for those with limited incomes. There are about a dozen local organizations working hard on a variety of responses — from initiatives related to food distribution, redistribution, farm-to-table and produce markets to education, cooking skills, wrap-around services, social enterprises, employment in the food sector, affordable food programs, meals for schools, older adults and others isolated at home, not to mention managing the stigma associated with poverty and vulnerability.

Project Details
As a starting point in addressing this complex issue, the City is looking to create a strategic community food sustainability plan. In order to inform such a plan, we would like to better understand the challenges and opportunities surrounding food within the Kingston community, e.g.:
- The importance and relevance of food sustainability to a community
- Food Sustainability plans created in other regions, including key takeaways and/or best practice
- The Kingston landscape relating to relevant programs and services currently available
- The City's strategic priorities related to the food ecosystem
Project Goals
How might we better understand the challenges and opportunities surrounding food within Kingston, ensuring that any recommendations are aligned and measurable against the City’s strategic priorities related to the food ecosystem?
We are looking for recommendations, a sample prototype relating to at least one recommendation and an implementation plan that identifies what actions are proposed, how they will be measured in a meaningful way and the relevant timeframes.
Project Type: Project submitted by organization
Deliverables: Presentation Report Other
Estimated number of hours: 10 hours
Frequency of project discussion meetings: 3x (eg beginning, middle and end of term). Happy to meet remotely or in person
Contact Details
Want to learn more about this project or organization? Contact the Experiential Learning & Programming Team with your name and the title of the project of interest.