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    Indigenous Astronomy: as told by the Haudenosaunee by Samantha Doxtator

    Thursday, September 26, 2024
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
    Duncan McArthur Hall
    Room: B101 - Auditorium
    Find on Campus Map

    Everyone is welcome to attend - including school groups!

    This presentation will take you on an introspective journey through Haudenosaunee Cosmology. From creation to current innovations, perseverance and the cycles of life and death that correlate with the stars. You will experience your own connections to grief, healing, compassion, and peace. Many communities have referred to this presentation as Good Medicine, which aligns with Samantha's intentions to help heal Indigenous oppression with astronomical knowledge and original ways of knowing. This information will light a new spark inside of you, and you will want to see it again and again. 

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