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    Dare to Dream 2024

    Friday, April 12, 2024
    8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

    Dare to Dream 2024

    Receive up to $15k in funding

    The Dare to Dream Program through Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Social Impact (CEISI) at Smith School of Business is designed to encourage and enable entrepreneurs in launching their new ventures. The program is specifically focused on providing critical resources to help Smith graduates turn their new venture business plans into reality. Each award provides up to a total of $15,000 over a three month period.

    Many students create new ventures while in their program, yet upon graduation, they are faced with a tough dilemma: take a full-time job in order to pay for rent and/or student loans and sacrifice the opportunity to bring their business to fruition versus pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams while bootstrapping to make ends meet.

    The Dare to Dream Program was created to make it possible for graduates to pursue the latter, by not only covering expenses, but also providing other critical resources such as space and access to the invaluable Queen’s network of contacts.


    Founders/Co-Founders must be in their final year of study for a degree or diploma program at Smith School of Business or have graduated from a Smith program in the Fall of the previous year.

    Simon VanAsseldonk
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