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    Ingenuity Labs Presents: Hesham ElSawy, Communications, Computing, and Security for the 6G Era & Beyond

    Monday, January 29, 2024
    1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
    Mitchell Hall
    Room: 395
    Find on Campus Map

    In the 6G era, wireless connectivity is foreseen to be global, ubiquitous, and
    massive. In addition to transforming every object in our life to an intelligent and
    connected device, the proliferating 6G Internet of Everything (IoE) use cases (e.g., digital
    twins, ubiquitous monitoring, precision agriculture, smart cities, wearable devices, etc.)
    will bring massive numbers of heterogenous wireless devices to the already congested
    spectrum. Many of the devices will utilize servers at the network edge or at the cloud to
    carry out machine learning and computationally complex tasks. Most of the devices will
    be deployed by consumers who are unaware of the underlying security risks. Such new
    features call for novel and innovative techniques that jointly account for the
    communications, computing, and security aspects of 6G. In this context, this talk will
    discuss the challenges of the 6G era and will motivate a systematic and rigorous
    mathematical approach to address them. To this end, several research directions will be

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