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    Queen’s Employee Holiday Gathering

    Thursday, December 14, 2023
    11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
    Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC)
    Room: Main Gym
    Find on Campus Map

    The annual holiday gathering will be held on Thursday, December 14 at the Athletics and Recreation Centre main gym from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Hospitality Services will be providing the meal and a gingerbread building giveaway will take place. To enter the raffle for the gingerbread building, please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the AMS Food Bank.

    Once more, as we have done in the past, the Office of the Principal would like to show its appreciation for Queen’s employees with a free hot beverage at one of the university’s participating food outlets* on December 14. 

    Please note parking restrictions on surface lots will not be enforced during business hours on December 14.

    *Participating food outlets

    The Lazy Scholar, Victoria Hall

    Location 21, David C. Smith House

    MC2, Mackintosh Corry

    Library Café, Stauffer Library

    Goodes Café, Goodes Hall

    Wally’s, Botterell Hall

    Student Street Express, Duncan McArthur Hall

    Jean Royce Dining Hall/Barista, Jean Royce Hall

    Diana Madalina Gore
    • If this event listing appears to have errors or inaccuracies, please notify the event's Contact (see above).