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    School of Nursing Academic Series (ONLINE): Researching Diabetes in Liberia: Lessons Learned

    Monday, September 18, 2023
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

    Please join us for the online Queen’s School of Nursing Academic Series entitled 'Researching Diabetes in Liberia: Lessons Learned as an Experienced Clinician / Novice Researcher', presented by Paulina Bleah, MN, NP-PHC, PhD student. This event is free, and open to all.

    Paulina Bleah is a 4th year PhD nursing student at Queen’s University School of Nursing. Her research is focused on understanding what it is like to live with diabetes in Liberia, West Africa. Paulina is interested in exploring how social, economic, political, and historical factors/structures influences the experience of living with diabetes in Liberia.  Beyond her PhD work, Paulina is a nurse practitioner at University Health Network, where she provides care for older adults living in the community. She has been involved in global outreach for over a decade, primarily in Liberia, West Africa. She is a strong advocate for policies and programs that support equity-deserving persons in society.

    Register in advance for this meeting: https://queensu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtcuGvrjsiG9QIoXGzigCNMTwCXjqzsGl9 

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    *Please note that the presentation will be recorded. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the Research Office at nursing.research@queensu.ca.


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