Time:1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Time:8:30 AM – 4:30 PMStatus:ConfirmedWhere:Mitchell HallCost:$65 for students and $95 for staff/facultyContact:Health Promotion, bewell@queensu.ca
Time:1:30 PM – 3:30 PMStatus:ConfirmedWhere:OnlineContact:Organizational Development and Learning, Human Resources, hrodl@queensu.ca
Time:8:30 AM – 4:30 PMStatus:ConfirmedWhere:Mitchell HallCost:$65 for students and $95 for staff/facultyContact:Health Promotion, bewell@queensu.ca
Time:10:00 AM – 3:00 PMStatus:ConfirmedWhere:ONLINECost:FreeContact:Jewel-Aksel Maeva Lyn Richard, jmlr@queensu.ca, 6132172266
Time:1:00 PM – 2:00 PMStatus:ConfirmedWhere:Victoria Hall
Room: A011Cost:FreeContact:Danielle Dias, danielle.dias@queensu.ca, 613-533-6000 ext 74962 -
Time:2:00 PM – 5:00 PMStatus:ConfirmedWhere:Mitchell Hall
Room: Rose Event CommonsCost:$0.00Contact:Virginia Sytsma, Innovation.centre@queensu.ca -
Time:7:00 PM – 8:30 PMStatus:ConfirmedWhere:Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centre, 1500 Hewlett-Packard Ln, Perth Road Village, ON K0H 2L0Cost:free ($75 if renting a cabin)Contact:Emily Verhoek, emily.verhoek@queensu.ca, 613-464-9559
Time:2:00 PM – 4:00 PMTitle:Demo-lution PartyStatus:ConfirmedWhere:Rideau Building
Room: Outside!Cost:FREEContact:Elizabeth Cooper, elizabeth.cooper@queensu.ca, 343.363.3974