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    Living Traditions: a Social Sewing Circle with Oleepika Nashalik and Talia Metuq at Agnes

    Saturday, October 28, 2023
    1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
    Agnes Etherington Art Centre
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    Join artists Oleepika Nashalik and Talia Metuq at this social sewing circle that celebrates the beauty and use of traditional materials such as beads, hides and fur.

    Oleepika and Talia share some of their handmade work and discuss designs and techniques passed on by their ancestors. Participants have the chance to complete a small project working with sealskin. You are also encouraged to bring your own sewing projects and materials that you would like to swap with others.

    Participants have an opportunity to explore the world of Inuit mythology with the game Inuit Uppirijatuqangit, developed and written by Talia Metuq (art by Ian MacLean, produced by Pinnguaq). This game invites users to learn the traditional oral stories told by the Elders while creating a mode of preservation of Inuit culture.

    Oleepika and Talia welcome mothers, daughters, grandmothers, Elders, aunties, friends, and anyone interested in learning from each other in the time honoured tradition of the sewing circle.

    This program is made possible by the Guardian Capital Indigenous Art Fund.

    Agnes Etherington Art Centre
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