Incapacity Planning and End-of-Life Decision-Making: A Primer
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Incapacity Planning and End-of-Life Decision-Making: A Primer
Join Leanne Kaufman, Law’96, President and CEO of RBC Royal Trust, and Alexandra Manthorpe, Law’10, a lawyer with the Wills & Estates Group at Cunningham Swan for this primer moderated by Professor David Freedman. While much of the Canadian population is now expected to live to very advanced ages, statistics tell us that dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment increase substantially after age 85. Our panellists will address how Ontario law deals with Powers of Attorney (POAs) and “substitute decision-makers” and will talk about who gets to make decisions for a person when that person lacks the requisite mental capacity to make his or her own personal care or property decisions. They will also discuss some matters affecting POAs and “substitute decision-makers” that are commonly litigated.
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