Dr. Raffaella Buonsanti presents the Kenneth Russell Lecture
11:30 AM 鈥 12:30 PM
Colloidal nanocrystals to advance catalysis and energy technologies
Raffaella Buonsanti
Laboratory of Nanochemistry for Energy Research, Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Ecole Politechnique Fe虂de虂rale de Lausanne, Sion CH-1950, Switzerland.
Affordable clean energy and climate action are two of the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations to be achieved by 2030. The vast majority of energy technologies relies on nanomaterials. The progress of these technologies is strongly connected to the ability of inorganic chemists to tune the function-dictating features of nanomaterials. (i.e. size, composition, composition, morphology).
In this talk, I will present our recent group efforts towards the synthesis via colloidal chemistry of atomically defined nanocrystals (NCs) which helps addressing current challenges in catalysis and energy conversion.
The first part will focus on our studies on Cu NCs as one example. I will illustrate how these NCs with precisely tunable shapes, sizes and interfaces serve as ideal platforms to advance our current knowledge towards improved selectivity and stability in the electrochemical CO2 and CO reduction reactions. I will then share our results evidencing that these NCs can sustain their catalytic behavior at technologically relevant conditions, therefore might also offer practical solutions.
See link below for full abstract.
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