Diverse Employee Wellness Lunch
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
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Enjoy food, live music, games, prizes and networking amongst Queen's diverse employee community at this special 2-hour lunch time event and information fair (Part of Thrive Week 2023).
Come out and connect with peers as well as several on campus groups actively engaged in fostering diverse employee well-being ex. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).
Explore the information fair and learn more about some of the resources and opportunities available to support inclusive thriving within Queen's employee community.
Event is Open to All Queen's Employees - With A Special Invitation to:
- ERG members.
- Those interested in joining/participating in an ERG (mailing list, events etc.)
- Those interested in learning more about ERG's and other inclusive supports for employees.
*For any and all accessibility requests please contact hrights@queensu.ca
**Event brought to you by: Queen's ERG Community
***Food and Light Refreshments will be provided including Vegan/Vegetarian/halal options (though feel free to bring your own lunch/meal if desired)
**** Made possible with support from the Inclusive Community Fund & The Arts and Science EDII Fund
- If this event listing appears to have errors or inaccuracies, please notify the event's Contact (see above).