Creation Station (for all families at Agnes!)
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
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Special Edition Creation Station (for all families)
with Abby Nowakowski and Darre de LaFemme
28 January, 2–4 pm
Hear a Drag Artist read a story. Tell your own story. And make your own family storybook. Featuring Knifey Spooney treats!
In partnership with Kingston Frontenac Public Library.
The Historical Costume Ball Drag Show Fashion Pageant Spectacular launches a weeklong series of activities, in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning, Queen’s University. All programs are free and open to the public.
Creation Station is a free studio program designed to give families and children ages 2+ an exploratory artmaking experience. Creation Station takes place in the bright and airy André Biéler Studio. An art educator circulates as families create together, providing guidance and encouragement. Each monthly workshop offers themed art activities for families to create. All required materials are provided. Please note, all children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the program.
Creation Station is made possible by the Iva Speers Fund for Art Education.
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