Purposeful Assessment to Support Intended Learning Workshop

held in March 2011 with Sue Fostaty Young

Typically students interpret teachers’ assessment choices as indices of what kinds of learning are valued and therefore rewarded (Brookfield, 1995), so assessment has significant impact over what and how our students choose to learn (Boud, 1990). One implication of these findings is that through purposeful assessment, we have an opportunity to intentionally influence students’ approaches to learning.  This session will introduce and demonstrate a framework for teaching, learning and assessment (the ICE model) that has enabled me, and others, to become increasingly intentional in our teaching and purposeful in our assessment choices while at the same time supporting  our students’ ability to plan and assess their own learning.

*This session is intended as an introduction for those not already familiar with ICE.



Cognitive/transformative learning:

Merriam, S.B. (2004). The role of cognitive development on Mezirow's transformational learning theory. Adult Education Quarterly, 55(1), 60-68.
DOI: 10.1177/0741713604268891

Novice to Expert:

Daley, B.J. (1999). Novice to expert: An exploration of how professionals learn. Adult Education  Quarterly, 49(4).

 lets others remix, tweak, and build upon our work non-commercially, as long as they credit us and indicate if changes were made. Use this citation format: Purposeful Assessment to Support Intended Learning Workshop. Centre for Teaching and Learning, Queen’s University