Preparing a Teaching Dossier

person writing on a note on a table of contents sheetFacilitator: Karalyn McRae, Centre for Teaching and Learning

Date and Time: Wednesday, October 16, 2024; 9:00 - 10:30am
Location: Zoom

A teaching dossier is a curated portfolio that showcases your teaching values, experiences, and accomplishments. Although you may start building your dossier early in your career, it is a dynamic document that will evolve as you gain more teaching experiences and learn more about your growth as an educator. It is becoming increasingly more common for teaching dossiers to be required as part of applications for academic positions, as well as a key component in academic awards and for renewal, tenure, or promotion. This session will introduce the structure and main components of a teaching dossier. We will discuss ways that you can develop your dossier by crafting a story of who you are as an educator, from your values to what you do in the classroom! Activities and discussions will focus on the process of writing a teaching philosophy statement as well as on a variety of ways to seek and interpret feedback on the effectiveness of your teaching.