Branded Merchandise

成人大片 faculties, schools, departments, units, programs, and licensed retailers are authorized to create merchandise for the purpose of uniform, promotion, gift, or sale.

It is important to create merchandise that aligns with the Queen鈥檚 brand and follows the Trademark Guidelines, while promoting each faculty, school, department, and program. This is best achieved by creating merchandise that features an official Queen鈥檚 University logo or lockup and that incorporates the brand colours. Those designing or ordering merchandise are encouraged to review the Branded Merchandise Guide below for detailed guidance on the creation of approved, on-brand merchandise.

All designs must be approved by the University Relations Brand Team聽via the online Trademark Use Approval Form聽prior to production.

Only licensed suppliers of the university are permitted to produce merchandise bearing a Queen鈥檚 trademark.

Queen's Visual Identity Guide

Branded Merchandise Guide

The Trademarks and Licensing Branded Merchandise Guide outlines the guidelines for the creation of a branded merchandise collection for Queen's Univerisity and its faculties, schools, departments, units, and programs. It is recommended to view the online PDF to reference the most up-to-date version.

View the Branded Merchandise Guide (PDF 3.6 MB)