Origins and Practices of Liberal Arts

LIBS 100/3.0


The Liberal Arts comprise three foundational disciplines: humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Such divisions have shaped everything from the organization of universities to the ways in which we organize and understand knowledge in our daily lives. The course will provide a background for each of the three liberal disciplines in ways that explain their historical origins and development over time, including their modern applications.

Please note: This course is typically offered in the fall term

Learning Outcomes

After completing LIBS 100, students will be able to:

  1. summarize the historical development of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences to identify the distinctions among the three disciplines;
  2. explain each discipline’s approach to scholarly study to be able to evaluate each disciplinary approach;
  3. articulate how each discipline relates to their own interest in studying the liberal arts;
  4. implement the process of gathering, assessing, interpreting information to write critically about a given topic; and
  5. demonstrate the ability to consider peers’ perspectives, to articulate a clear message, and to communicate effectively.


Fall 2024
Course Dates
Delivery Mode


20% - Discussions
30% - Critical Responses
50% - Summative Assignment

**Evaluation Subject to Change**

Textbook and Materials

ASO reserves the right to make changes to the required material list as received by the instructor before the course starts. Please refer to the Campus Bookstore website at  to obtain the most up-to-date list of required materials for this course before purchasing them.

There is no required textbook, however each unit comprises a set of required readings.

**Subject to change**

Time Commitment

Students can expect to spend approximately 10 hours a week (120 hours) in study and online activity for LIBS 100