Human Resource Management

EMPR 230/3.0


This course provides an overview of the key components of an effective organizational human resource management system, running the spectrum from recruitment and selection practices that ensure that an organization is staffed appropriately, to management approaches aimed at bringing out the best in employees once hired.

This course is part of the . The Certificate focuses on core elements of the field of work and employee-management relations, while taking account of social science perspectives from economics, law, management, and history. The Certificate provides a broad foundation in the field of employment relations, including the areas of labour/employment law, labour-management relations, conflict management and negotiations, human resources management, and labour policy. Taken together, these courses and the resulting Certificate form the basis for a recognized university credential that will support students who are seeking entry level jobs in labour relations and human resources management after leaving Queen鈥檚.

Over the course of the semester, we will cover material that reflects cutting-edge, practical information on the development, implementation, and evaluation of critical HR functions.

  • Module 1: Intro & Evidence Based Management
  • Module 2: Job Analysis & Planning
  • Module 3: Recruitment & The Law
  • Module 4: Selection & Testing
  • Module 5: Onboarding
  • Module 6: Performance Management & Appraisal
  • Module 7: Compensation
  • Module 8: Counterproductive Work Behaviors
  • Module 9: Health & Safety
  • Module 10: Organizational Leadership

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be better equipped to:

  1. Describe the process job analysis, with an understanding of its foundational importance for all subsequent human resource management activities; 
  2. Appraise the effectiveness of recruitment strategies; 
  3. Critically evaluate the role of available employment tests in the selection process; 
  4. Discuss and critique approaches to orient and train new employees; 
  5. Identify the components of an effective performance management system; and 
  6. Propose strategies to strengthen employee motivation and morale.


Winter 2025
Course Dates
Delivery Mode


30% - Interrupt HR
30% - Undercover Boss Case Study
40% - Practitioners' Predicaments (2)
4% - (Bonus) Water Cooler Discussions (Synchronous) (Optional)

**Evaluation Subject to Change**

Live Sessions

This course has optional live sessions (e.g. webinars, synchronous activities).

Textbook and Materials

ASO reserves the right to make changes to the required material list as received by the instructor before the course starts. Please refer to the website to obtain the most up-to-date list of required materials for this course before purchasing them.

  • Schwind, H., Uggerslev, K., Wagar, T., & Fassina, N. (2019).  Canadian Human Resource Management (12th ed.).  Toronto: McGraw-Hill.
  • Additional supplemental material and access links will be made available electronically to students via the course site.

Time Commitment

Students can expect to spend approximately 9 hours a week in study, listening and online activity for this course.


鈥淚 really enjoyed the practitioners predicament [assignment]鈥he assignments really helped me understand the strategic, evidence-based role HR plays in contemporary organizations.鈥

鈥淚 typically don't love online courses because of the lack of hands-on learning, but I thoroughly enjoyed the videos in the modules for this course! I also really enjoyed the Undercover Boss case analysis.鈥

鈥淭he Interrupt HR project was my favourite鈥e got to pick our focus, and working with a group was a great experience鈥t forced us to brainstorm and discuss the course materials鈥hich wouldn鈥檛 normally happen as it is an online course.鈥