Communication et culture II

FREN 107 (formerly FREN P17)/3.0


This online French course is designed for students with a basic knowledge of French to supplement their language skills by enabling them to engage in everyday interactions. For students with up to three years of high school Core French or equivalent with no immersion background. Students will need to sign a solemn declaration to this effect at the start of the course.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand speech related to everyday activities, school, and work when words are articulated slowly and clearly.
  2. Apply strategies to determine meaning of short simple texts on familiar matters.
  3. Write short and simple narratives on familiar topics using the present, simple past, and imperfect tenses.
  4. Describe places, people’s living and working conditions, daily routines, and educational paths in a simple manner in rehearsed and spontaneous contexts.
  5. Identify and describe everyday lives, regional dishes and cuisines, and cultural and regional differences across the French-speaking world.

FREN 107/3.0 requires students to submit assignments online on Queen's onQ site. The course onQ page becomes accessible to registered students on the first day of term.

Course Topics

  • Review of FREN 106
  • La routine de la journée
  • À quelle heure?
  • ²Ï³Ü’e²õ³Ù-³¦±ð q³Ü’o²Ô m±ð³Ù?
  • ²Ï³Ü’e²õ³Ù-³¦±ð q³Ü±ð v´Ç³Ü²õ p°ù±ð²Ô±ð³ú?
  • À table!
  • Faisons les courses
  • La vie en ville
  • ´³±ð s³Ü¾±²õ c³ó±ð³ú m´Ç¾±
  • La vie à la campagne