When it dawned on me last week that I was responsible for the beginning-of-term edition of ALTogether Now, I panicked. I turned to my morning huddle colleagues for help. Any ideas? I begged. They looked down, avoiding eye contact, fearful I would finger one of them to write a “guest column.” Cameras went off. Silence. Except for Bethany.

Born and raised in Whoville, Bethany is the beacon of positivity within Marketing, Communications and Donor Relations. A lighthouse in our collective fog. She is, in fact, relentlessly upbeat. She cannot be deflated, no matter how hard I try. 

“Come on,” she said. “Just write something cheery, something welcome back.”

I have been called many things in my career, but I am willing to bet that cheery is not one of them. I do, however, love a challenge. But, before I take up Bethany on her dare, let me tell you about her most annoying habit.

Bethany starts and ends her workday with a cheerful note – to me of all people. She wishes me a wonderful day and then a wonderful evening and reminds me that the weather is lovely and the flowers are blooming, yada, yada, yada. When she joined the team just over a year ago, I told ALT that this was likely going to kill me. They laughed as if they thought I was exaggerating. But something odd has happened over the course of the last year. It’s like Stockholm Syndrome. Those notes have become a part of my day. If Bethany is late, I worry that something might be wrong. Sometimes, I make the effort to beat her to it by writing a note to her first or sending a happy meme. I have even found myself being unnecessarily nice to other people.

This is all to say that Bethany’s cheer challenge has underscored to me that change is always possible, even when we least expect it, and among those we think are the least capable of it – and that’s a good thing to think about as we set out to conquer a new term.

My cheery news – which also highlights the ability to change – is about my son, who started law school last week. That, on its own, would be enough to cheer up any parent. In this case, it’s a miracle. After drifting through high school as a human/video console cyborg, my son gave university a shot. And failed. He hung around for a while, went to the west coast for a while, got lost for a while. He tried university again. And failed. He was the poster child for academic failure. That stole his self-confidence and his self-esteem. I was adjusting to the notion that this was the future. His mother, however, was having none of it. She convinced him to try community college and, when he refused to go on the first day, she put him in an Uber, took him to school and literally pushed him through the classroom door.

And – here’s the miracle – something caught and took hold. Some worm turned. Even as I write this, I can hear Bethany’s family singing down there in Whoville. My son finished each term at Algonquin on the dean’s list. He went on to the University of Ottawa, where he did the same. Last June, as he crossed the stage to receive his degree, the dean stopped him to announce that he had won the University Medal in Silver for outstanding academic achievement. (Some punk beat him by half a percentage point for Gold.) Everyone applauded. I cheered. 

On that cheerful note, I challenge you to put aside any preconceived notions of what can and cannot change this term. Bethany will tell you, cheerfully, that anything is possible.

So, to Bethany and all the rest of you: Good morning. Welcome back. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Announcement for Encompass users

We are upgrading to a new email editor on Sept. 28. Encompass (our broadcast email tool) has made several changes to the existing tool and we are taking the email platform offline for two business days to implement those updates. We will be sharing more information with Encompass users over the next few days to help them prepare for this transition. This update will require about an hour of mandatory training, and we ask that staff complete this before the update.

The system will be unavailable Sept. 28–29, so please plan your email communications accordingly. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Lana Unsworth

Global Engagement Strategy  

The Global Engagement Strategy, launched in the spring of 2023, is much more comprehensive than international student exchanges and international travel. To help advancement professionals across the campus familiarize themselves with the Queen’s vision for global engagement, advancement professionals are invited to an optional presentation by Sandra den Otter, Vice-Provost, Global Engagement during our all-staff gathering at 4 pm on Dec. 6. The meeting invitation has been circulated and we hope many will join us  for this important discussion.

Reporting on Indigenization - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Accessibility (I-EDIAA)

Each year, Advancement provides a year-end report to the Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Inclusion), Dr. Teri Shearer, highlighting our work in I-EDIAA on campus related to the recommendations from the Principal’s Implementation Committee on Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion (PICRDI) and the Yakwanastahentéha Aankenjigemi Extending the Rafters: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force Final Report
Both the report and the report can be found on the ADV Common in the Year-end reports folder. 

Ask the ALT

This is a friendly reminder that the next Advancement Leadership Team (ALT) Q&A session will be at 1 pm ET on Friday, Sept. 22.

For those who are new to Queen’s Advancement, the rules for these open Q&A sessions are as follows: attendance is optional, anyone can ask any member of the ALT any question on any topic, and there will be no pre-set agendas so the Q&A session will last as long as attendees have questions. (The optional Zoom meeting already in your calendar is booked for up to 45 minutes). 

We understand that some people may not be comfortable asking questions in front of a group. If you would prefer to , we are happy to provide that option. Bianca Bruni will manage these anonymous questions. Submitters will not be identified to Bianca through the survey, and she will ask the questions on your behalf at the ALT Q&A. 

The option to personally pose your question(s) at the meeting still exists. 

Please consider questions you would like the ALT to answer and either submit them via the anonymous survey by 4 pm Tuesday, Sept. 19, or come prepared to ask them on Friday, Sept. 22. Members of the ALT look forward to the discussion, and we will do our best to answer your questions.

Continuing COVID Safety: Keeping Safety a Priority 

In a world where COVID-19 is still a reality and we've seen a recent uptick in cases, the need for our attention and vigilance continues. Our commitment to safety remains unwavering, and we want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the protocols we have in place to ensure a secure and healthy workplace:
1. Self-Screening and Vaccination: If you're experiencing symptoms or have tested positive, we encourage you to take the time you need and stay home. Additionally, if you haven't received your COVID-19 vaccine yet or it needs to be updated, we strongly encourage you to do so. 
2. Mask-Wearing: While mask mandates have seen changes, we respect everyone's comfort level when it comes to mask usage. Wearing a mask in the office remains an option for those who prefer it. Let's continue to show understanding and support for one another's choices.
3. Cleaning and Disinfecting: Our collective efforts in maintaining a clean environment are crucial. Please remember to clean your own workstation before you leave each day. Shared equipment like photocopiers and other high-touch surfaces should be disinfected after use. 
4. Workplace Hygiene: The timeless practice of thorough handwashing continues to be a cornerstone of our defence against germs. Regular handwashing with soap and water, or the use of hand sanitizer when needed, goes a long way in safeguarding everyone's health.
5. Physical Distancing: While we're excited to reconnect with our colleagues, it's wise to maintain a comfortable physical distance whenever feasible. By doing so, we contribute to minimizing the potential spread of the virus.
Stay safe and take care.

Employee spotlight 

The Employee Spotlight celebrates the arrival of our new and existing staff by profiling responses they share through a fun and informal survey that will help us get to know them better. Be sure to review these profiles and use these fun facts and tidbits to find commonalities, embrace differences, and spark a conversation. 

In July, we welcomed one new member to Advancement, Social Media & Communications Specialist Lindsay Pinter. and what you may find her doing outside of work.

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