Managing University Records

A record includes recorded information in any format and any copy of that information. Records can include minutes, correspondence, maps and diagrams, notes, email, voicemail and so on.

University records are those documents, data or recorded information in all media and formats, that are created, received, and maintained as evidence and information in the administration of the activities of the University.  University records are in the custody or under the control of the University as defined by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), and may be the subject of a request for access to information.

Non-university records are those documents, data or recorded information in all media and formats, created or received as a result of personal activities, or those records which have been explicitly excluded from the University鈥檚 custody or control under FIPPA.  Non-university records include such items as research and study notes, teaching materials, records relating to specific research projects, publications and personal communications of individual faculty, staff and students. 

Transitory records have no ongoing operational, informational, evidential or historical value and can be disposed of as soon as you have finished with them.

Managing records well means you should:

1) Classify records and file them according to the Records Classification scheme

2) Store records on campus or in off-site storage as necessary

3) Dispose of records appropriately