Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "EPID 301"

EPID 301  Principles of Epidemiology  Units: 3.00  
Basic methods involved in researching the distribution and determinants of health/disease in populations. Core principles of epidemiology are examined, as are the various epidemiological approaches to study design. The latter include descriptive (cross-sectional and ecological), observational (case-control and cohort), and experimental (randomized controlled trials) approaches.
Learning Hours: 117 (13.5L, 13.5T, 6 Group Learning, 12 Online Activity, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite BIOL 243 or CHEE 209 or COMM 162 or ECON 250 or GPHY 247 or KNPE 251 or NURS 323 or POLS 285 (formerly POLS 385/3.0) or PSYC 202 or SOCY 211 or STAM 200 or STAT 263 or STAT 267 or STAT 269 or STAT 367. Exclusion HSCI 270 (formerly BMED 270/3.0); HLTH 323.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Define and explain the main terms used in epidemiology (concepts, measures).
  2. Recognize and distinguish the main study designs (cross-sectional and correlational, case control, cohort, randomized controlled trial and systematic reviews) used to identify causes of disease and to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical and public health interventions.
  3. Calculate and interpret the main measures used in descriptive and analytic studies (rates, estimates of association).
  4. Identify and evaluate the main sources of error related to interpreting the epidemiological findings (chance, bias, confounding).
  5. Recognize and explain the practical applications of epidemiology (outbreaks, surveillance, prevention, screening).